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分类: 系统运维

2008-06-06 19:28:10





2. AJAX For N00bs :看着名字就知道,这个网站是帮助初步学习AJAX的用户进行了解和学习的网站。

3. :是一个列举很多在设计AJAX网页时,出现错误的网站,这里建议你怎么才能不出现那些常犯的错误

4. :一个收集很多AJAX开发的脚本文件的网站。

5. :如果你不能制作出自己满意的AJAX图标,那么这个网站可以很好的满足你的需求.

6. :一个企业级AJAX的开发平台包含了众多可用性工具。

7. :这里提供了很多的javascript代码 ,服务器设置,AJAX框架的知识。

8. :可以提高AJAX开发者水平的一个网站。

9. Google API可以帮助你在网页上加载AJAX网页时方便的利用Google提供的服务。

10. :是Google的一个模板产品,可以帮助你在写AJAX代码时减轻一些必要的代码事故出现。

11. :一个建立在Frontpage开发工具上的一个javascript代码集合

12. :一个提供AJAX生动gifs图像的一个网站,这些都是免费用。

13. :一个非常大的AJAX脚本收藏基地,并且这些代码都可配置。

14. :一个包含大量的AJAX代码库的javascript网站,可以使你建站非常方便

15. :一个 javascript开发的开源ajax框架和大量的GUI界面。

16. - A cross-platform, corporate web applications driven framework.

17. - A framework for calling PHP, Perl or Python from your pages without refreshing the browser.

18. - Works with Prototype, works heavily on AJAX in interfaces.

19. - A large collection of tutorials and code snippets to help you learn AJAX.

20. - A Java tool to help you build AJAX apps with a GUI Desktop feel to them

21. Yahoo User Interface Library - Yahoo’s attempt at helping you build AJAX driven apps.



22. An Architect’s View - A blog dedicated to nothing but ColdFusion, offering tips, tricks, and solutions

23. - A community for ColdFusion professionals and developers; it has forums and application hosting.

24. - A quick way to search for tags and functions, with regards to various versions of ColdFusion

25. - A ColdFusion plugin to be used with the Eclipse platform.

26. - A site to answer all your questions about ColdFusion, run by Ben Forta, considered to be one of the biggest supporters of the program.

27. - A site with numerous ColdFusion sites indexed to ease your finding the answers you need.

28. - An open source project to create a collection of user-defined function libraries; anyone may use and modify the libraries as they see fit.

29. - A site all about adding object oriented programming to your ColdFusion projects.

30. - Gives you a quick way to look up ColdFusion tags and functions.

31. - A clearing house for you to buy and sell custom ColdFusion tags to solve all sorts of problems, or just cut the time of your own development.

32. - A unit testing framework for ColdFusion that is open source and part of SourceForge.

33. - A framework for ColdFusion based on Ruby On Rails

34. - A site to help you solve your problems with ColdFusion.

35. - A collection of numerous resources for ColdFusion including links to sites, blogs, conferences and more.

36. - A weekly podcast of everything related to ColdFusion.

37. - A framework for ColdFusion and PHP.

38. - A site built to promote your ColdFusion built site and further the recognition of the program over all.

39. - A large ColdFusion community with articles, mailing lists, resources an more.

40. - An object-oriented, open source framework for ColdFusion.

41. - Makes it easier to use object oriented programming and automates repetitive tasks.

42. - Tutorials for beginners and advanced ColdFusion developers.

43. - A collection of 265 free or open source projects for ColdFusion.

44. - An open source project similar to SourceForge, and servicing all of Adobe’s projects, including ColdFusion.



45. - Numerous guides and tutorials on advanced CSS tricks.

46. - Tool to help you clean up your CSS and optimize it.

47. - A CSS code formatter and optimizer, but stresses it is not a validator.

48. CSS Tweak - Just as the name implies, upload your CSS and you can tweak it on the go.

49. - A tool for practicing your CSS skills or writing an actual layout.

50. - Will create a page with up to three columns and header & footer.

51. - A utility to compress your CSS saving you drive space, bandwidth and loading times.

52. - An in-browser CSS editor that can also do HTML.

53. - A tool for compressing your CSS code and allowing the file to load faster.

54. - A simple CSS pagemaker wizard with easy fill-in-the-blank questions

55. - Enter URLs to let the site check for redundant calls and repetitive code

56. - Create rollover images using nothing but CSS.

57. - Enter the URL of your CSS file, the site checks it, cleans it up, and gives you new CSS you can paste back in to your site.

58. - A Sourceforge project of a CSS optimizer and parser.

59. Em Calculator - A Javascript based tool for making scalable CSS design based on Em units to work easier with text size.

60. - A tool for helping you generate simple page layouts with several column variations.

61. - Lets you create cross-browser, list based navigation bars with ease by defining all the parameters and the site generates it for you.

62. - Generate HTML and CSS images and code with rounded corners and gradients.

63. - All you need is a JavaScript enabled browser and you can create your new CSS page in-browser

64. - An easy to use site that generates a colored box in CSS code with rounded corners with the specs you request.

65. - A CSS and XHTML generator to help you wrap text around an image.

66. - An in-browser HTML/CSS coder with a real-time preview of how the page will look.


Action Script & Flash:

67. Action Script Library - A collection of code snippets for use with ActionScript.

68. - A collection of over 700 scripts for you to use, a large selection of tutorials and more.

69. - A free 2D physics engine for Actionscript 3 from MIT

70. - An ActionScript 2.0 open source component framework for writing to the Flash player

71. - An attempt to bring Ajax and Flash together.

72. - An ActionScript library (Flash player 6 and above) with a focus on keeping file sizes down.

73. - The AS2 library open source framework to work with Actionscript 2.

74. - An Actionscript 2 testing framework that lets you run repeatable tests on your classes.

75. - A blog written by two developers about merging ColdFusion and Flash and how they can work together.

76. - An experimenting in using Flash to make a clickless interface.

77. - A large collection of examples of Flash movies that you can view, rate and comment on. You can also submit your own for review.

78. - Tips, tricks, and tutorials for Flash and ActionScript.

79. - A collection of articles, tutorials and extensions for Flash.

80. - Code snippets, reviews, links, over 1,000 tutorials.

81. - A designer-oriented site with open source scripts and links to lots of resources.

82. - Free Flash and Logo templates, forums, and more, registration required.

83. - A site with very in-depth video tutorials on various aspects of Flash

84. - A collection of small Flash movies with accompanying source code to learn from.

85. Tutorials - An extensive collection of tutorials on just about every conceivable aspect of Flash.

86. - A site for people to post and share code snippets for ActionScript and MXML

87. - A home for open source Flash projects that any registered member can contribute to.

88. - A collection of tutorials for Flash for beginner to advanced developers.

89. - A compact animation kit for Flash, more for everyday use than making full animations.

90. - Tutorials to learn how to create tile based games using Flash.

91. - A huge collection of tutorials on many aspects of the Flash program.



92. - Lists 252 usable characters in HTML and shows you their coding via mouse rollover.

93. - Click on a tag, get an explanation of what it does, how to write the code and how it would appear on a page.

94. - A chart for just about every character in HTML and the codes to use them, along with a description of each.

95. - Offers lots of tutorials, but this page specifically gives you a basic description of the majority of the tags.

96. - A great site for general HTML tips, but this page specifically teaches you the special characters such as .

97. - An HTML editor with a built-in tutorial for beginners, and some features for advanced users.



98. - An open source project building a web editor that currently runs on Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux.

99. - An open source editor that will edit HTML, CSS, create AJAX apps, do Ruby On Rails, and more.

100. - An open source HTML editor that runs on systems such as Linux, FreeBSD, Mac OS X and more.

101. Coffee Cup HTML Editor - A drag and drop HTML editor with built-in FTP support.

102. - A free editor for HTML, XHTML, XML, CSS; it includes Tidy HTML to make sure your code stays clean.

103. - A free HTML editor with both code and WYSIWYG modes, drag-and-drop, and more.



104. - Enter your site address and get a visual representation of how long each item took to load.

105. - Provides numerous tools to check every aspect of your site, including code validators.

106. - Includes tools to capitalize sentences, convert text to HTML, convert line breaks and more.

107. - Offers lots of tips on various aspects of site building, but this cheatsheet specifically talks about your htaccess file which can control who, or what, accesses your files.


Basic Knowledge:

108. - A basic guide to everything you need to know about HTML.

109. - Numerous HTML tutorials including how to do background images, form fields, add passwords and more.

110. - 15 lessons in HTML for free, also comes in multiple languages.

111. - Features HTML tools for beginners to advanced web masters.

112. - Tutorials for all aspects of HTML coding, and active forums for troubleshooting help.

113. - Has beginner, intermediate, and advanced tutorials for HTML and CSS.

114. - Tutorials on just about every aspect of HTML you can think of, with lots of visual examples.

115. - 21 free lessons to get you started with learning HTML.

116. - Has lessons for all sorts of HTML tricks such as making tables and frames.

117. - Contains all sorts of HTML tutorials, lessons on web-safe colors and more


Testing your Web:

118. - Will automatically check your HTML once a week on your site and mail you the results telling you what doesn’t work.

119. - Offers a lot of tools for testing your site in different browsers, including an HTML validator.

120. - Validates and cleans up your code.

121. - Enter your webpage’s address, upload a file, or use direct input to validate your HTML.


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