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  • 博客访问: 26031
  • 博文数量: 4
  • 博客积分: 10
  • 博客等级: 民兵
  • 技术积分: 60
  • 用 户 组: 普通用户
  • 注册时间: 2011-04-14 19:22

live a easy life.






分类: PHP

2014-03-31 15:05:17

根据第3节中的描述,当易信平台给我们推送的消息类型(MsgType)为文本(text)类型时,我们会自动载入一个handle_text.class.php文件,类名称都为 handleMessage ,调用的都是handle()方法来处理消息,然后将文字或图文消息按规定格式返回给 yixin.class.php 中的调用方法: handleMessage(),然后发送给易信平台。
首先,我们新建一个 handle_text.class.php文件:

  1. <?php
  2. class handleMessage
  3. {
  4.      // to do here.
  5. }
其次,在类 handleMessage 中实现 handle()方法,其接受的参数为易信平台发动的消息(XML)字符串转化的对象:
  1.     /*
  2.      * 处理接收的文本消息;
  3.      * 可以预先定义一些文本keyword,根据不同的keyword返回给用户不同的消息
  4.      * 可以用文本方式或图文方式自动回复给订阅者;
  5.      */
  6.     public function handle($obj)
  7.     {
  8.         $content = trim($obj->Content);
  9.         $content = str_replace("'",'',$content);
  10.         $method = ''; // action
  11.         $aryKey = array(); // 查询关键字数组;array('查','姓名',10);
  12.         $sql = '';
  13.         if($content == '?' || $content == '?')
  14.         {
  15.             // 获取帮助菜单
  16.             $method = 'help';
  17.         }
  18.         elseif($content == '1')
  19.         {
  20.             // 通讯录的使用帮助;
  21.             $method = 'help_txl';
  22.         }
  23.         else
  24.         {
  25.             // 按姓名查找
  26.             if(strpos($content, '找') === 0)
  27.             {
  28.                 $method = 'txl_name';
  29.                 $aryKey = $this->keyToArray($content);
  30.                 if(count($aryKey) == 2)
  31.                 {
  32.                     // 数组元素为2表示没有起始索引,则只返回0-10条记录;
  33.                     $sql = "select * from txl where username like '%{$aryKey[1]}%' limit 10";
  34.                 }
  35.                 if(count($aryKey) == 3)
  36.                 {
  37.                     // 有第三个元素,即查询起始索引,例如10,则表示从第10条开始,检索10条记录;
  38.                     $start = (int)$aryKey[2]; //转换为int
  39.                     $sql = "select * from txl where username like '%{$aryKey[1]}%' limit {$start},10";
  40.                 }
  41.             }
  42.             // 按部门查找
  43.             if(strpos($content, '查') === 0)
  44.             {
  45.                 $method = 'txl_dep';
  46.                 $aryKey = $this->keyToArray($content); // 查询数组;
  47.                 $depid = 1; // 默认省公司
  48.                 if(count($aryKey) > 1)
  49.                 {
  50.                     $strDep = $aryKey[1]; // 部门关键字
  51.                     if(strpos($strDep, '太原') === 0) {$depid = 2;$strDep = str_replace('太原', '', $strDep);}
  52.                     elseif(strpos($strDep, '大同') === 0) {$depid = 3;$strDep = str_replace('大同', '', $strDep);}
  53.                     elseif(strpos($strDep, '朔州') === 0) {$depid = 4;$strDep = str_replace('朔州', '', $strDep);}
  54.                     elseif(strpos($strDep, '忻州') === 0) {$depid = 5;$strDep = str_replace('忻州', '', $strDep);}
  55.                     elseif(strpos($strDep, '吕梁') === 0) {$depid = 6;$strDep = str_replace('吕梁', '', $strDep);}
  56.                     elseif(strpos($strDep, '阳泉') === 0) {$depid = 7;$strDep = str_replace('阳泉', '', $strDep);}
  57.                     elseif(strpos($strDep, '晋中') === 0) {$depid = 8;$strDep = str_replace('晋中', '', $strDep);}
  58.                     elseif(strpos($strDep, '长治') === 0) {$depid = 9;$strDep = str_replace('长治', '', $strDep);}
  59.                     elseif(strpos($strDep, '临汾') === 0) {$depid = 10;$strDep = str_replace('临汾', '', $strDep);}
  60.                     elseif(strpos($strDep, '运城') === 0) {$depid = 11;$strDep = str_replace('运城', '', $strDep);}
  61.                     elseif(strpos($strDep, '晋城') === 0) {$depid = 12;$strDep = str_replace('晋城', '', $strDep);}
  62.                     $sql = "select * from txl where depid = '{$depid}' and depname like '%{$strDep}%'";
  63.                     if(count($aryKey > 2))
  64.                     {
  65.                         $start = (int)$aryKey[2];
  66.                         $sql .= " limit {$start},10";
  67.                     }
  68.                     else $sql .= ' limit 10';
  69.                 }
  70.             }
  71.         }
  72.         // 根据不同的输入返回不同的结果
  73.         switch($method)
  74.         {
  75.             case 'txl_name':
  76.                 // 查询姓名;
  77.                 if($sql)
  78.                 {
  79.                     $rows = $this->queryResult($sql);
  80.                     $re = $this->fmtTxl($rows);
  81.                 }
  82.                 else $re = '请输入要查询的姓名关键字';
  83.                 return $this->echoText($obj, $re); // 返回格式化文本消息;
  84.                 break;
  85.             case 'txl_dep':
  86.                 // 按部门查询;
  87.                 if($sql)
  88.                 {
  89.                     $rows = $this->queryResult($sql);
  90.                     $re = $this->fmtTxl($rows);
  91.                 }
  92.                 else $re = '请输入要查询的部门关键字';
  93.                 return $this->echoText($obj, $re);
  94.                 break;
  95.             case 'help':
  96.                 $re = "通讯录查询使用帮助,请输入1";
  97.                 return $this->echoText($obj, $re);
  98.                 break;
  99.             case 'help_txl':
  100.                 $re = "限于微信接口文字限制,每次查询只返回10条数据。\n";
  101.                 $re = "查询通讯录可以通过下面两种方式:\n";
  102.                 $re .= "输入:\"找 关键字\" 按姓名查询。\n";
  103.                 $re .= "输入:\"查 关键字\" 按部门查询。\n";
  104.                 $re .= "例:\"找 宋\"可以得到名字中有\"宋\"的结果。\n";
  105.                 $re .= "例:\"找 宋 10\" 可以得到名字中有\"宋\",且返回从第10条开始的结果。\n";
  106.                 $re .= "例:\"查 网络发展 10\" 可以查找\"省公司网络发展部\"从第10条开始的结果。\n";
  107.                 $re .= "例:\"查 太原网络发展 10\" 可以查找\"太原公司网络发展部\"从第10条开始的结果。\n";
  108.                 $re .= "注意1:如果不输入起始索引,则默认返回前10条结果。\n";
  109.                 $re .= "注意2:关键字虽可支持模糊查询,但\"网发\"不能查询\"网络发展\"\n";
  110.                 return $this->echoText($obj, $re);
  111.                 break;
  112.             case 'Test':
  113.                 $aryNews = array(
  114.                     array(
  115.                         'title'=>'【标题标题标题标题标题标题】',
  116.                         'description' => '摘要摘要摘要摘要摘要摘要摘要摘要摘要摘要。',
  117.                         'picurl' => '',
  118.                         'url' => ''
  119.                     )
  120.                 );
  121.                 return $this->echoNews($obj, $aryNews);
  122.                 break;        
  123.             default :
  124.                 return $this->echoText($obj, '指令错误,请输入"?"获取帮助信息。');
  125.                 break;
  126.         }
  127.     }
1、回复文本消息 echoText();
  1.     /*
  2.      * 发送文本消息;
  3.      */
  4.     private function echoText($obj,$content)
  5.     {
  6.         // 发送文本模板;
  7.         $textTpl = "
  10.                     %s
  13.                     ";
  14.         $response = sprintf($textTpl, $obj->FromUserName, $obj->ToUserName, time(), $content);
  15.         return $response;
  16.     }
  1.     /*
  2.      * 发送图文消息
  3.      * 注意:图文消息一次不能超过10条;
  4.      */
  5.     private function echoNews($obj,$aryNews)
  6.     {
  7.         if(!empty($aryNews) && (count($aryNews) < 11))
  8.         {
  9.             // 图文消息模板;
  10.             $re = '
  11.                     . $obj->FromUserName .']]>
  12.                     . $obj->ToUserName .']]>
  13.                     '. time() .'
  15.                     '. count($aryNews) .'
  16.                     ';
  17.             for($i=0;$i<count($aryNews);$i++)
  18.             {
  19.                 $re .= '
  20.                             <![CDATA['<span style="color:#0000CC;">.</span> <span style="color:#0000FF;">$</span><span style="color:#008080;">aryNews</span><span style="color:#0000CC;">[</span><span style="color:#0000FF;">$</span><span style="color:#008080;">i</span><span style="color:#0000CC;">]</span><span style="color:#0000CC;">[</span><span style="color:#FF00FF;">'title'</span><span style="color:#0000CC;">]</span> <span style="color:#0000CC;">.</span><span style="color:#FF00FF;">']]>
  21.                             . $aryNews[$i]['description'] .']]>
  22.                             . $aryNews[$i]['picurl'] .']]>
  23.                             . $aryNews[$i]['url'] .']]>
  24.                         ';
  25.             }
  26.             $re .= '';
  27.             return $re;
  28.         }
  29.         else return '';
  30.     }
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