logwath是linux操作系统用于监控日志并生成报告的实用工具,在READHAT Linux已经预装,下面简单介绍如何使用:
log]# logwatch --help
Usage: /usr/sbin/logwatch [--detail
] [--logfile ]
[--print] [--mailto ] [--archives] [--range ] [--debug ]
[--save ] [--help] [--version] [--service ]
[--splithosts] [--multiemail]
: Report Detail Level - High, Med, Low or any #.
--logfile : *Name of a logfile definition to report on.
--service : *Name of a service definition to report on.
--print: Display report to stdout.
--mailto : Mail report to .
--archives: Use archived log files too.
--save : Save to .
--range : Date range: Yesterday, Today or All.
--debug : Debug Level - High, Med, Low or any #.
--splithosts: Create a report for each host in syslog.
--multiemail: Send each host report in a separate email. Ignored if
not using --splithosts.
--version: Displays current version.
--help: This message.
* = Switch can be specified multiple times...
logwatch --print 显示过去一天内log分析报告, 报告形式以serviec单位分组,如:
logwatch --print
################### LogWatch 5.2.2 (06/23/04) ####################
Processing Initiated: Tue Jul 15 16:11:40 2008
Date Range Processed: yesterday
Detail Level of Output: 0
Logfiles for Host: ****
--------------------- Kernel Begin ------------------------
WARNING: Kernel Errors Present
hda: irq timeout: error=0x00...: 391 Time(s)
---------------------- Kernel End -------------------------
--------------------- pam_unix Begin ------------------------
Sessions Opened:
mayj(uid=0) -> oracle: 5 Time(s)
---------------------- pam_unix End -------------------------
--------------------- sendmail Begin ------------------------
Bytes Transferred: 44922
Messages Sent: 6
Total recipients: 14
---------------------- sendmail End -------------------------
--------------------- SSHD Begin ------------------------
Users logging in through sshd:
mayj: 10 times
---------------------- SSHD End -------------------------
------------------ Disk Space --------------------
/dev/cciss/c0d0p1 244M 15M 216M 7% /boot
###################### LogWatch End #########################
logwatch --print --detail high (--detail 后面可以指定low,middle,high)
logwatch --print --range Today (--range后面可以指定Yesterday, Today or All)
如只分析Kernel相关部分: logwatch --print --service Kernel (可以跟多个--service参数)
logwatch --version
Logwatch 5.2.2 (released 06/23/04)
BLOG: http://blog.chinaunix.net/u/12521/
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