问题描述:在下载了一些CHM格式的电子书后,竟然打不开,不能阅读。系统提示:Cannot open the file:mk:@MSITStore:。。。\*.chm。而有的可以阅读。手提式电脑系统为windows xp英文版。但是这些不能阅读的书,放在台式WIN2K中文版上却可以正常阅读。
解决方法: 1、别人的经验:这个问题网上有许多人提问,也有解答,但都有微软解答的影子。有人用regsvr32方法,即注册C:\WINNT\system32下的hhctrl.ocx,hhsetup.dll,itss.dll。(我试了,没有用。而且我还用安装盘里的文件取代了原文件,再进行regsvr32,还是不行)。也有人认为,这是因为英文系统的区域设置的问题,打开控制面板,双击区域与语言,把区域选项内的都设置为中国(简体中文)和中国,就可以了。(我的系统本来就是这样设置着的)
2、自己的办法:在浏览了无数文章后,我进行反编译,在英文XP还是不行。于是想到了CHM编译的过程:会不会问题出编译前的以中文名命名上。我把CHM电子书籍的中文名字改为拼音字母,不但可以 反编译,而且也可以打开阅读了。就这么简单,化了我差不多一整天时间捣鼓自己的系统,真气我也!!!就这么简单!!-------
[move]把chm中文名改为英文名或拼音!!![/move] 3 、附录:国外网友介绍的方法。见:
I have recently had the dubious pleasure to see the above mentioned message anytime I tried to open any .CHM files on my system. My system is running Windows XP Home SP2. (Yeah, I know, I'd better use Professional, but this one was pre-installed when I bought the system, and I couldn't afford to upgrade.)
The problem appeared when I was about to read an E-book in .CHM format. I tried to solve it by looking in the Help file system, but it wouldn't open... About this time I understood that it was not just a matter of a corrupt file, any .CHM I tried refused to open, no matter if it was residing on the local file system or on the Local Network. I tried to open some common applications and their help files, all with the same result.
Now I knew that the problem was in the system and not related to just a few files, so I turned my attention to the Microsoft Technet, Knowledge Base and Support Center Web sites. I found an article () that had an apt description of the problem. Too bad though, it was only applying to Windows 98 systems... The rest of the articles discussed the unintentional implications of service pack installations (896358, 840315), and only applying to opening .CHM files with MSIE...
I found the solution in a very cryptic instruction in a Forum.
Open a CMD window, type the following on the command line:
regsvr32 %systemroot%\system32\hhctrl.ocx
regsvr32 %systemroot%\system32\itss.dll
You will receive a success message after each of these commands.
I do not know when it first appeared, nor do I know what caused it (and I don't really care, I'm just very pleased with having found a solution that works for me).
I have not had this problem on any other systems, so I do not know if it applies to anything but XP.
Post edited on 03/13/06
When you click Start and then click Help, you may receive the following error message:
Cannot Open the File: mk:@MSITStore:C:\Windows\Help\Windows.chm
Note You may receive an error message when you try to open any Help file that has a .chm file extension.
This problem may occur if the Hhctrl.ocx file is the wrong version.
To resolve this problem, extract and register a new copy of the Hhctrl.ocx file.1. Determine the version of Hhctrl.ocx. To do this, follow these steps:a. Click Start, point to Settings, and then click Folder Options.
b. Click the View tab, click Show all files, click to clear the Hide file extensions for known file types check box, and then click OK.
c. Click Start, point to Find, and then click Files or Folders.
d. In the Named box, type hhctrl.ocx. In the Look in list, click My Computer, and then click Find Now.
e. In the list of items that are found, right-click the Hhctrl.ocx file that is stored in the C:\Windows\System folder, and then click Properties.
f. Click the Version tab, and then note the number that is displayed next to File version.
The version of Hhctrl.ocx that is included with Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 or Internet Explorer 5.01 is file version 4.73.8412.
2. Extract a new copy of the Hhctrl.ocx file for the version of Internet Explorer that you have to the Windows\System directory. (To determine the version of Internet Explorer that you have, start Internet Explorer, and then click About Internet Explorer on the Help menu.)
If Internet Explorer 5 is installed, extract a new copy of Hhctrl.ocx from your Windows 98 CD-ROM.
If a different version of Internet Explorer is installed, extract a new copy of Hhctrl.ocx from the Hhupd.cab file on the Internet Explorer CD, or install the latest update for Windows HTML Help. For more information about how to install the latest update for Windows HTML Help, see the "More Information" section.
For additional information about extracting files in Windows 98, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
129605 () How to extract original compressed Windows files
3. Register the Hhctrl.ocx file. To do this, follow these steps:1. Quit all programs that are running.
2. Click Start, and then click Run.
3. In the Open box, type regsvr c:\windows\system\hhctrl.ocx, and then click OK. The following message appears:
DllRegisterServer in c:\windows\system\hhctrl.ocx succeeded.
4. Click OK, and then restart the computer.
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