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2007-08-01 21:02:20

   前段时间写的那个主要是根据位数来定位信息,不具有通用性,而且容易出错,现在这个根据逗号定位,通用性,准确性都有很大提高( :-),卖瓜了)。主要是参考一个外国人的代码,vc版本的,我把它移植到arm开发板上。
#include "serial.h"
//some define
#define UInt32     unsigned int
#define Int16      short
#define UInt16     unsigned short
#define UInt8      unsigned char
#define Boolean    int
#define false      0
#define true       1
#define DEBUG
#ifdef DEBUG
#define TRACE(str, args...) printf(str, ## args)
#define TRACE(str, args...)

#define GPS_RECV_CMD_MAX_BUF 128 //the buffer size
#define RMC_MAX_BUF 16 //the buffer size of rmc field
#if ! defined( CARRIAGE_RETURN )
#if ! defined( LINE_FEED )
#define LINE_FEED       0x0A
//the rmc info struct
typedef struct RMCINFO{
 int    bIsGPRMC;                
 UInt8  hour, bjhour, min, sec, secFrac;
 double latitude;               
 UInt8  latNS;                 
 double longitude;             
 UInt8  lgtEW;               
 UInt8  date, day, month, year;
 double course;
 double speed;
char buffer[GPS_RECV_CMD_MAX_BUF] = "GPRMC,161229.487,A,3723.2475,N,12158.3416,W,0.13,309.62,120598,,*10";

double FieldDouble( int field_number );
int main(void)
 int fd;
 int i;
 RMCINFO rmcinfo;
 char Latitude[RMC_MAX_BUF];
 char Longitude[RMC_MAX_BUF];
 char Degree[4];
 char Minute[8];
 char Time[RMC_MAX_BUF];
 char Hour[4];
 char Minu[4];
 char Second[4];
 char Date[RMC_MAX_BUF];
 char Day[4];
 char Month[4];
 char Year[4];
 int no = 0;

 //open the COM
  perror("open_port error");
 //set the COM
  perror("set_opt error");
  TRACE("start to receive\n");

  //receive the info
  for(i = 0; i  {

  //proc the RMC info
  if( (Is_RMC(buffer)) && (IsValid(2)) )

    ** First we check the checksum...
   Boolean check = IsChecksumBad( 12 );
   if ( check == true )
    printf( "Invalid Checksum" );
   TRACE("Valid checksum\n");
   rmcinfo.bIsGPRMC = 1;
   memset(Time, 0, RMC_MAX_BUF);
   Field(1, Time);
   TRACE("Time= %s\n",Time);
   for(i = 0;i < 4;i++)

   for(i = 0;i < 4;i++)
   for(i = 0;i < 4;i++)
   rmcinfo.hour = atoi(Hour);
   rmcinfo.min = atoi(Minu);
   rmcinfo.sec = atoi(Second);
   rmcinfo.secFrac = 0;
   rmcinfo.bjhour = rmcinfo.hour + 8;
   if(rmcinfo.bjhour >= 24)
    rmcinfo.bjhour -=  24;

   memset(Latitude, 0, RMC_MAX_BUF);
   Field(3, Latitude);
   TRACE("Latitude= %s\n",Latitude);
   for(i = 0;i < 4;i++)
   no = 2;
   rmcinfo.latitude=(atof(Minute)) / 60.0 + atoi(Degree);

   Field(4, &rmcinfo.latNS );

   memset(Longitude, 0, RMC_MAX_BUF);
   Field(5, Longitude);
   TRACE("Longitude= %s\n",Longitude);
   rmcinfo.longitude=(atof(Minute)) / 60.0 + atoi(Degree);
   Field(6, &rmcinfo.lgtEW);

   //     speed:44
   rmcinfo.speed  = FieldDouble(7);

   //      course
   rmcinfo.course = FieldDouble(8);

   memset(Date, 0, RMC_MAX_BUF);
   Field(9, Date);
   TRACE("Date = %s\n",Date);

   for(i = 0;i < 4;i++)

   for(i = 0;i < 4;i++)
   for(i = 0;i < 4;i++)
   Year[1]=Date[5]; = atoi(Day);
   rmcinfo.month = atoi(Month);
   rmcinfo.year = atoi(Year);
   printf("UTC Time:%d h %d m %d s\n",rmcinfo.hour,rmcinfo.min,rmcinfo.sec);
   printf("BJ Time:%d h %d m %d s\n",rmcinfo.bjhour,rmcinfo.min,rmcinfo.sec);
   printf("Date:%d y %d m %d d\n",rmcinfo.year,rmcinfo.month,;
   printf("Latitude:%c wei %f \n",rmcinfo.latNS,rmcinfo.latitude);
   printf("Longitude:%c jing %f \n",rmcinfo.lgtEW,rmcinfo.longitude);
   printf("Speed:%f \n",rmcinfo.speed);
   printf("Course:%f \n",rmcinfo.course);
  }//end  Is_RMC
  else continue;
 }//end while 1
 return 0;
}//end main

 ** RMC - Recommended Minimum Navigation Information
 **                                                            12
 **        1         2 3       4 5        6 7   8   9    10  11|
 **        |         | |       | |        | |   |   |    |   | |
 ** $--RMC,,A,llll.ll,a,yyyyy.yy,a,x.x,x.x,xxxx,x.x,a*hh
 ** Field Number:
 **  1) UTC Time
 **  2) Status, V = Navigation receiver warning
 **  3) Latitude
 **  4) N or S
 **  5) Longitude
 **  6) E or W
 **  7) Speed over ground, knots
 **  8) Track made good, degrees true
 **  9) Date, ddmmyy
 ** 10) Magnetic Variation, degrees
 ** 11) E or W
 ** 12) Checksum

int Is_startGP(int fp)
 int status=0;
 char cc;
 if(cc == '$')status=1;
 return status;
int Is_RMC(char p[GPS_RECV_CMD_MAX_BUF])
 int status=0;
 if(p[2] == 'R' && p[3] == 'M' && p[4] == 'C')
 return status;

int Field( int desired_field_number, char rmc_field[] )
 char return_string[RMC_MAX_BUF];
 int i;
 int index                = 0;
 int current_field_number = 0;
 int string_length        = 0;
 memset(return_string, 0, RMC_MAX_BUF);
 memset(rmc_field, 0, RMC_MAX_BUF);
 string_length = GPS_RECV_CMD_MAX_BUF;
 while( current_field_number < desired_field_number && index < string_length )
  if ( buffer[ index ] == ',' || buffer[ index ] == '*' )
 if ( current_field_number == desired_field_number )
  i = 0;
  while( index < string_length    &&
    buffer[ index ] != ',' &&
    buffer[ index ] != '*' &&
    buffer[ index ] != 0x00 )
   return_string[i] = buffer[ index ];
 for(index = 0; index < i; index++)
  rmc_field[index] = return_string[index];
 TRACE("rmc_field: %s \n",rmc_field);
 return 0;

char ComputeChecksum( void )
 char checksum_value = 0;
 int string_length = GPS_RECV_CMD_MAX_BUF;
 int index = 0;
 while( index < string_length    &&
   buffer[ index ] != '*' &&
   buffer[ index ] != CARRIAGE_RETURN &&
   buffer[ index ] != LINE_FEED )
  checksum_value ^= buffer[ index ];
 TRACE("checksum_value = %x\n",checksum_value);
 return( checksum_value );
int  HexValue( const char *hex_string )
 int  return_value = 0;
 sscanf( hex_string, "%x", (int *) &return_value );
 TRACE("hex_string = %s\n",hex_string);
 TRACE("return_value = %x\n",return_value);
 return( return_value );

Boolean IsChecksumBad( int checksum_field_number )
  ** Checksums are optional, return TRUE if an existing checksum is known to be bad
 char  checksum_in_sentence[RMC_MAX_BUF] ;
 memset(checksum_in_sentence, 0, RMC_MAX_BUF);
 Field( checksum_field_number, checksum_in_sentence);
 TRACE("checksum_in_sentence = %s\n",checksum_in_sentence);
 if ( checksum_in_sentence == "" )
  return( true );
 if ( ComputeChecksum() != HexValue( checksum_in_sentence ) )
  return( true );
 return( false );
Boolean IsValid( int field_number )
 char field_data[RMC_MAX_BUF];
 memset(field_data, 0, RMC_MAX_BUF);
 Field( field_number, field_data );
 TRACE("field_data = %s\n",field_data);
 if ( *field_data == 'A' )
  return( true );
  return( false );

double FieldDouble( int field_number )
 double tmp;
 char field_data[RMC_MAX_BUF];
 memset(field_data, 0, RMC_MAX_BUF);
 Field( field_number, field_data );
 TRACE("field_data = %s\n",field_data);
 tmp =atof(field_data);
 TRACE("tmp = %f\n",tmp);
 return tmp;



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chinaunix网友2009-11-09 09:53:55


onlyjifeng2009-11-09 00:52:58


chinaunix网友2009-07-31 12:20:20


chinaunix网友2009-07-30 21:39:52

看你代码,搞惯了windows 上的开发。