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2010-03-02 15:22:44

Features of openQRM

Complete separation of "hardware" (physical servers and virtual machines) from "software" (server-images)

With openQRM hardware is just used as "computing resource" which can be replaced easily without the need to adapt or reconfigure the server (-image) at all.  

Support for different virtualization technologies 支持多种虚拟化技术

In 4.1 we just added KVM to our supported virtualization technologies so now VMware, Xen, KVM and Linux-VServer vms can be managed transparently via openQRM. openQRM seamlessly support P2V (physical to virtual), V2P (virtual to physical) AND V2V (virtual to virtual) migration. This mean server appliances can not only move from physical to virtual (and back) easily but also that they can be migrated from virtualization technology A to virtualization technology B without any hassle.

Fully automatic Nagios configuration (single click) to monitor all systems and services 自动nagios监控配置 只需点击一下鼠标

Nagios is known to be a great system and service monitoring tool .... but it's quite difficult to configure it. In openQRM 4.1 we just developed a completely automatic configuration of Nagios via "nmap2nagios-ng" which maps the entire openQRM-network and creates (or updates) the Nagios config for it (all systems, all available services).

Deployed some new servers ? with a single mouse click you will have them in the Nagios monitor.

High-availability : "N to 1" fail-over !

You can have e.g. 10 custom HA-servers which normally would need another 10 custom stand-by systems. With openQRM you can make them all just use 1 (or more) stand-by systems 减少热备机器

-> this can save you 9 servers idling around --> perfect for Green IT !

... and there is more fun with HA !

You can just save ALL your stand-by servers and just bring up a virtual-machine as stand-by. In case of problems HA-appliances will then fail-over from physical to virtual. You can also fail-over from virtualization technology A to technology B (e.g. from KVM to VMware vm's)

Ready-made-server-images via the image-shelf plugin 操作系统的自动供应!

To get started quick and easy openQRM 4.1 now provides ready-made and known-to-work server-images for Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS and openSuse. Therefore we added an image-shelf plugin which allows the systemadministrator to fetch servers easily via the web-interface. Public or custom image-shelf servers can be used, meaning you can either fetch server-images from our public image-shelf server or provide
your own image-shelf server with custom images.

Integrated storage management

We asked ourself "what is linux ?", it is the kernel, an initrd, some modules and a root-filesystem. Those are all "just" files ..... so we should treat them like files by putting and managing them on modern storage-servers. Then can we also benefit from logical volume management (e.g. LVM2, NetApp flexiclone etc.) to ultra fast clone existing server-images via snap-shotting. So in case you want to deploy 10 new server
openQRM will create 10 snapshots of an existing, known-to-work server-image and deploy those clones to the resources. Takes a second ...

Another benefit of this concept is that there is a single place for backup/restore, there were it should be, on the storage-server itself so you can use its cloning/snap-shot features again to create hot-backups from your servers without service interruption.

openQRM 4.1 supports the following storage-server types :

  • NFS
  • Iscsi
  • Aoe/Coraid  
  • NetApp
  • Local-disk (transferring server-images to the local-disk)
  • LVM-Nfs (NFS on top of LVM2 to allow fast-cloning)
  • LVM-Iscsi (Iscsi on top of LVM2 to allow fast-cloning)
  • LVM-Aoe (Aoe on top of LVM2 to allow fast-cloning)

Support for all kinds of different deployment types 部署类型

Deployment in openQRM is completely transparent and plug-able. In detail this means we made the step of "mounting the rootfs" plug-able so you can basically boot-up from any storage-device you want by adding a small plugin for it e.g. one could write a "gmailfs-storage" plugin which takes care to mount a servers root-filessystem via gmailfs, just because it can be done ;)

Another advantage of openQRM is that it then can transform server-images from type A to type B e.g. you can deploy an appliance which will get a pre-defined server-image from an nfs-server and dumps this to itsl ocal-disk, then it will just continue boot-up from its local-disk. You can also grab an image from a local disk and e.g. transfer it to an Iscsi-Lun and so on ....

Since the deployment is so generic in openQRM 4.x we basically support any combination of image transfer and transform. If it is a root-filesystem, we can boot it, .... either on real hardware or within some virtual machine, you decide.

Distribution support

openQRM 4.x comes with a solid support for different linux distribution like Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS and openSuse. A single openQRM server can manage the provisioning of servers from those different linux distributions seamlessly.

... and some more

There are some more cool features in openQRM 4.x e.g. its small, its easy to install, it is very developer friendly, its fast to build, it has an integrated packaging systems to build rpms and/or deb packages, support for multiple database types e.g. Mysql, Oracle, DB2 and Postgres .... and so on. We are working on improving it all the time.
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