(When subfile size equals page size, the system does not automatically support the
use of the Roll Up and Roll Down keys. If you want the user to roll through the
subfile using these keys, you must specify the ROLLUP or ROLLDOWN keyword in
the subfile control record, and your program must handle the roll up or roll down
而第一种情况会出现这种现象:When the subfile size is not equal to page size, you can use the SFLROLVAL keyword to allow the user to enter a value to specify how many records should be rolled up or down when the appropriate key is pressed. If the SFLROLVAL keyword is not used, the subfile is rolled by the SFLPAG value except for subfiles using SFLFOLD or SFLDROP. If the SFLFOLD or SFLDROP keyword is used, more records are displayed than the SFLPAG value when records are displayed in the truncated format. For truncated records, the display rolls by the number of
records displayed in the truncated format. When the SFLROLVAL keyword is used
and the Roll Up key is pressed, the uppermost record number in the displayed
subfile is added to the roll value to determine the new uppermost record number. If
this value is greater than the last record in the subfile, the last full page of records is displayed. If the Roll Up key is pressed when the last subfile page is displayed and the roll value is not less than the page size value, an error message is issued. If the roll value is less than the page size value, the roll function is performed.
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