Error message CPF4131 appeared during OPEN for file myfile.
Message . . . . : Level check on file &2 in library &3 with member &4.
Cause . . . . . : The file requested to be opened is file &1. The file
actually opened is file &2 in library &3. For the file actually opened, the
record format level identifiers supplied by the program does not match the
file actually opened.
Recovery . . . : Do one of the following, then try the request again:
-- Compile the program again.
-- Specify the *NO value for the LVLCHK parameter as an override using the
appropriate OVRDBF, OVRDSPF, OVRICFF, or OVRPRTF command.
原因:myfile被用户从新编译过,所以myfile中的record format level id编译前的不一样,而此时程序还没有重新编译,故程序使用的是旧的lvl id因此程序就抱错了。其解决的办法有两种如下:
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