Journal entry types - Help
The journal entry type. This code is set by the system to indicate the specific type of journal entry. There are many different types of journal entries that can occur for each journal code.
For journal code A the possible journal entry types are:
o DP - Direct print information
o JB - Job accounting segment
o SP - Spooled print information
For journal code B the possible journal entry types are:
o AA - Change audit attribute
o AJ - Start of apply
o AT - End of apply
o BD - IFS object deleted
o B0 - Begin create
o B1 - Create summary
o B2 - Link to existing object
o B3 - Rename, move object
o B4 - Remove link (parent directory)
o B5 - Remove link (link)
o B6 - Bytes cleared, after-image
o CS - IFS object closed
o ET - End journaling for object
o FA - IFS object attribute changed
o FC - IFS object forced
o FF - Storage for object freed
o FR - IFS object restored
o FS - IFS object saved
o FW - Start of save-while-active
o JA - Change journaled object attribute
o JT - Start journaling for object
o OA - Change object authority
o OF - IFS Object opened
o OG - Change primary group
o OI - Object in use at abnormal end
o OO - Change object owner
o RN - Rename file identifier
o TR - IFS object truncated
o WA - Write, after-image
For journal code C the possible journal entry types are:
o BA - Commit block in use at abnormal end
o BC - Commitment control environment begun
o CM - Set of record changes committed
o CN - End Rollback
o DB - Internal entry
o EC - Commitment control environment ended
o LW - Logical unit of work ended
o PC - Prepare commit block
o RB - Set of record changes rolled back
o R1 - Rollback started
o SB - Start save point
o SC - Commit cycle started
o SQ - Release save point
o SU - Rollback save point
For journal code D the possible journal entry types are:
o AC - Add RI constraint
o CG - Change file
o CT - Create database file
o DC - Remove RI constraint
o DD - End of apply or remove
o DF - Delete file
o DG - Start of apply or remove
o DH - File saved
o DJ - Change journaled object attribute
o DT - Delete file
o DW - start of save
o DZ - File restored
o EF - End journaling for file
o FM - File moved
o FN - File renamed
o GC - Change constraint
o GO - Change owner
o GT - Grant authority
o ID - File in use at abnormal end
o JF - Start journaling for file
o MA - Member added
o RV - Revoke authority
o TC - Add trigger
o TD - Remove trigger
o TG - Change trigger
o TQ - Refresh table
For journal code E the possible journal entry types are:
o EA - Update data area, after-image
o EB - Update data area, before-image
o ED - Data area deleted
o EG - Start journal for data area
o EH - End journal for data area
o EI - Data area in use at abnormal end
o EK - Change journaled object attribute
o EL - Data area restored
o EM - Data area moved
o EN - Data area renamed
o EQ - Data area changes applied
o ES - Data area saved
o EU - RMVJRNCHG command started
o EW - Start of save-while-active for data area
o EX - Data area changes removed
o EY - APYJRNCHG command started
For journal code F the possible journal entry types are:
o AY - Journaled changes applied to physical file member
o CB - Physical file member changed
o CE - Change end of data for physical file
o CH - Change file
o CL - Physical file member closed
o CR - Physical file member cleared
o C1 - End rollback
o DE - Physical file member deleted record count
o DM - Delete member
o EJ - Journaling for physical file member ended
o EP - Journaling for access path ended
o FD - Physical file member forced to auxiliary storage
o FI - Internal journal entry format information
o IU - Physical file member in use at abnormal termination
o IZ - Physical file member initialized
o JC - Change journaled object attribute
o JM - Journaling for physical file member started
o JP - Journaling for access path started
o MC - Create member
o MD - Member removed from physical file
o MF - Storage for physical file member freed
o MM - Physical file containing member moved
o MN - Physical file containing member renamed
o MO - Allow use with partial transaction
o MR - Physical file member restored
o MS - Physical file member saved
o OP - Physical file member opened
o PD - Access path deleted
o PM - Access path moved
o PN - Access path renamed
o RC - Journaled changes removed from physical file member
o RG - Physical file member reorganized
o RM - Member reorganized
o SA - Point at which APYJRNCHG command started execution
o SR - Point at which RMVJRNCHG command started execution
o SS - Start of save-while-active of physical file member
For journal code I the possible journal entry types are:
o DA - Directory in use at abnormal end
o DK - Internal entry
o IB - Access path protection
o IC - Access path protection
o IE - Directory recovery
o IF - Access path protection
o IG - Access path protection
o IH - Access path protection
o II - Access path in use at abnormal end
o IV - Access path protection
o IW - Access path protection
o IX - Access path protection
o IY - Access path protection
o UE - Unknown entry type this release
For journal code J the possible journal entry types are:
o CI - Journal caching started
o CX - Journal caching stopped
o EZ - End journaling for journal receiver
o IA - System IPL after abnormal system end
o IN - System IPL after normal system end
o JI - Journal receiver in use at abnormal end
o JR - Start journaling for journal receiver
o KR - Keep journal receivers for recovery
o LA - Activate journal
o LI - Inactivate journal
o NK - Do not keep journal receivers for recovery
o NR - Identifier for next journal receivers
o PR - Identifier for previous journal receivers
o RD - Journal receiver deleted
o RF - Storage for journal receiver freed
o RR - Journal receiver restored
o RS - Journal receiver saved
o SL - Severed IASP link
o UA - User ASP vary on abnormal
o UN - User ASP vary on normal
o XP - Internal entry
For journal code L the possible journal entry types are:
o LK - License key not valid
o LL - Usage limit changed
o LU - Usage limit exceeded
For journal code M the possible journal entry types are:
o MP - Modification of QoS policies
o SN - Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) information
o TF - IP filter rules actions
o TN - IP NAT rules actions
o TS - VPN information
For journal code O the possible journal entry types are:
o AI - Update, after-image
o BI - Update, before-image
o XA - Allocate object
o XB - Bundled entries
o XD - Deallocate object
o XI - Index operation
o XS - Synchronization
o XT - Transaction state change
For journal code P the possible journal entry types are:
o TP - Shared pool change
For journal code Q the possible journal entry types are:
o QB - Start data queue journaling
o QC - Data queue cleared, no key
o QD - Data queue deleted
o QE - End data queue journaling
o QI - Queue in use at abnormal end
o QJ - Data queue cleared, has key
o QK - Send data queue entry, has key
o QL - Receive data queue entry, has key
o QM - Data queue moved
o QN - Data queue renamed
o QR - Receive data queue entry, no key
o QS - Send data queue entry, no key
o QX - Start of save-while-active for data queue
o QY - Data queue saved
o QZ - Data queue restored
o VE - Internal entry
o VQ - Internal entry
For journal code R the possible journal entry types are:
o BR - Before-image of record updated for rollback
o DL - Record deleted from physical file member
o DR - Record deleted for rollback
o IL - Increment record limit
o PT - Record added to physical file member
o PX - Record added directly to physical file member
o UB - Before-image of record updated in physical file member
o UP - After-image of record updated in physical file member
o UR - After-image of record updated for rollback
For journal code S the possible journal entry types are:
o AL - SNA alert focal point information
o CF - Mail configuration information for SNA distribution services (SNADS) and mail server framework
o DX - X.400 debug entry
o ER - Mail error information for SNADS and mail server framework
o LG - Mail logging information for SNADS and mail server framework
o MX - X.400 MTA configuration
o NX - X.400 delivery notification
o RT - Mail routing information for SNADS and mail server framework
o RX - X.400 Route configuration
o SY - Mail system information for SNADS and mail server framework
o UX - X.400 User or probe MPDU
o XE - DSNX error information
o XL - DSNX logging information
o XX - Error detected by X.400
For journal code T the possible journal entry types are:
o AD - Object auditing attribute change
o AF - Authority failure
o AP - Program adopt
o AU - Attribute changed
o CA - Change of authority
o CD - Command string
o CO - Object created
o CP - User profile changed, created, or restored
o CQ - Change request description object change
o CU - Cluster operation
o CV - Connection verification
o CY - Cryptographic configuration
o DI - Directory services
o DO - Object deleted
o DS - DST password reset request
o EV - Environment variable
o GR - General purpose audit record
o GS - Give descriptor
o IP - Interprocess communication
o IR - IP rules actions
o IS - Internet security management
o JD - CHGJOBD of user value
o JS - Job data
o KF - Key ring file
o LD - Link/unlink/lookup directory entry
o ML - Office services mail audit record
o NA - Change to network attribute
o ND - Directory search violation
o NE - End point violation
o OM - Object management change
o OR - Object restore
o OW - Object ownership change
o O1 - Single optical object access
o O2 - Dual optical object access
o O3 - Optical volume access
o PA - CHGPGM to adopt owner
o PG - Object primary group change
o PO - Printed output
o PS - Process user profile exchange
o PW - Password or user ID not valid
o RA - Restore object and authority change
o RJ - JOBD with user restored
o RO - Restore object and owner change
o RP - Adopting program restored
o RQ - Change request description object restored
o RU - Restore of authority
o RZ - Primary group change on restore
o SD - Change system directory
o SE - Change to subsystem routing
o SF - Spooled output file
o SG - Asynchronous signals
o SK - Secure sockets connections
o SM - System management
o SO - Server security change
o ST - Service tools
o SV - Change to system value
o VA - Access control list change
o VC - Connection start and end
o VF - Server files closed
o VL - Account limit exceeded
o VN - Network logon and logoff
o VO - Actions on validation lists
o VP - Network password error
o VR - Network resource access
o VS - Server session start or end
o VU - Network profile change
o VV - Service status change
o X0 - Network authentication
o X1 - Reserved audit entry
o X2 - Reserved audit entry
o X3 - Reserved audit entry
o X4 - Reserved audit entry
o X5 - Reserved audit entry
o X6 - Reserved audit entry
o X7 - Reserved audit entry
o X8 - Reserved audit entry
o X9 - Reserved audit entry
o YC - DLO change access
o YR - DLO read access
o ZC - Audit object change
o ZM - Object method access
o ZR - Audit read access
For journal code U the possible journal entry types are:
o ** - User generated entry (SNDJRNE command or QJOSJRNE API)
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