1)Min Fast Powersave/Max Fast Powersave
2)Min PS-POLL/Max PS-POLL(Ps-poll /pspoll ack)
When in fast max/Poll max,STA only wake in listen interval, send NULL/Poll frame,when in fast min/ps poll min mode,wake in DTIM Interval/Listen interval,so in MAX mode,can lose MC frame,
When in fast min/PS-poll min,should wake in DTIM period TBTT timeinterval to receive BC frame(beacon),When in fast max/PS-poll max,should wake in Listeninterval TBTT timeinterval to receive BC frame(beacon),to hold active between STA and AP,should send NULL frame or Ps poll frame to inform AP that STA is active,keep alive。
1)DTIM period = 2,beacon = 100ms,keep_alive = 200 or X, so STA send NULL or ps poll frame to AP in (2*100ms * 200) interval
2)Listen interval = 3, beacone = 100ms,keep_alive=200 or X, so STA send NULL or ps poll frame to AP (3*100ms*200) interval
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