Read the source code using vim
hi all, I am a vim user.After 3 year's work under linux, I get some
experiences about how to read source code using vim.Here I am very
glad to share for it.
1. ctags plugin
ctags R *
generate the tags file,edit the tags file using shell,make it easily
be read
Ctrl+] Ctrl+t
jump to and back the function defined
2.foldermethod setting
nmap zf zf}a
“fold all
nmap fa :set foldermethod=syntax :set foldermethod=manual
set the foldermethod option in .vimrc,make it can folder the whole
3.taglist plugin
nmap tl :Tlist
using screen,you can easily to get through the terminal you open
Ctrl+a+S split the current terminal in two
Ctrl+a+Q close other terminals,and remain the current terminal
Ctrl+a+Tab alternate between the terminals
5.MiniBufExplorer plugin
let mapleader=”,”
let g:mapleader=”,”
nmap b :MiniBufExplorer
6.grep, quickfix window
nnoremap :Grep
search char under the current directory
cscope * Rbq
:cs add thewholepathofcscope.out thewholepathofcurrent
8.:tags :redir!>filename
:redir!>filename remember the vim quickfix window's output
:tags under vim can get the trace you get through,and then you can
get the relationship a function is
9.drawit plugin
use drawit plugin you can draw the data structures of the file,it
make you easily to understand the code.
Or the uml graph
find the file under $path
11.write document for the code
sorry about my poor english,just as too poor to use it
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