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2008-12-03 12:58:38

配置global copy 就三步:

Determine the available Fibre Channel links

Define paths for Global Copy

Create Global Copy pairs


第一步:Determining the available Fibre Channel links

dscli> lsavailpprcport -l -remotedev IBM.2107-75ABTV1 -remotewwnn 5005076303FFC663 10:20
Date/Time: October 25, 2005 9:59:28 PM JST IBM DSCLI Version: DS: IBM.2107-7520781
Local Port Attached Port Type Switch ID Switch Port
I0143 I0010 FCP NA NA
I0213 I0140 FCP NA NA


FCP port ID with the lsavailpprcport command has four hexadecimal characters in the
format 0xEEAP, where EE is a port enclosure number (00–3F), A is the adapter number
(0–F), and P is the port number (0–F). The FCP port ID number is prefixed with the letter I.

dscli> lsavailpprcport -l -fullid -remotedev IBM.2107-75ABTV1 -remotewwnn 5005076303FFC663 10:20
Date/Time: October 25, 2005 10:00:26 PM JST IBM DSCLI Version: DS: IBM.2107-7520781
Local Port Attached Port Type Switch ID Switch Port
IBM.2107-7520781/I0143 IBM.2107-75ABTV1/I0010 FCP NA NA
IBM.2107-7520781/I0213 IBM.2107-75ABTV1/I0140 FCP NA NA


You need the worldwide node name (WWNN) of your target DS8000 to issue the
lsavailpprcport command. You can get this by using the lssi command; see Example 16-5.
You have to issue this command to the DS HMC connected to DS8000#2, which is the Metro
Mirror target.

dscli> lssi
Date/Time: October 25, 2005 8:38:21 PM JST IBM DSCLI Version:
Name ID Storage Unit Model WWNN State ESSNet
- IBM.2107-75ABTV1 IBM.2107-75ABTV0 9A2 5005076303FFC663 Online Enabled
- IBM.2107-75ABTV2 IBM.2107-75ABTV0 9A2 5005076303FFCE63 Online Enabled


第二步:Creating Metro Mirror paths

Now you can use the mkpprcpath command to create paths between the source and target
LSSs and then verify the result with an lspprcpath command. You have to issue the
mkpprcpath command for each LSS pair;

dscli> mkpprcpath -remotedev IBM.2107-75ABTV1 -remotewwnn 5005076303FFC663 -srclss 10 -tgtlss 20 i0143:i0010 i0213:i0140
Date/Time: October 25, 2005 10:26:56 PM JST IBM DSCLI Version: DS: IBM.2107-7520781 CMUC00149I mkpprcpath: Remote Mirror and Copy path 10:20 successfully established.

dscli> mkpprcpath -remotedev IBM.2107-75ABTV1 -remotewwnn 5005076303FFC663 -srclss 11 -tgtlss 21 i0143:i0010 i0213:i0140
Date/Time: October 25, 2005 10:27:14 PM JST IBM DSCLI Version: DS: IBM.2107-7520781 CMUC00149I mkpprcpath: Remote Mirror and Copy path 11:21 successfully established.

dscli> lspprcpath 10-11
Date/Time: October 25, 2005 10:29:23 PM JST IBM DSCLI Version: DS: IBM.2107-7520781
Src Tgt State SS Port Attached Port Tgt WWNN
10 20 Success FF20 I0143 I0010 5005076303FFC663
10 20 Success FF20 I0213 I0140 5005076303FFC663
11 21 Success FF21 I0143 I0010 5005076303FFC663
11 21 Success FF21 I0213 I0140 5005076303FFC663


dscli> lspprcpath -fullid 10-11
Date/Time: October 25, 2005 10:43:14 PM JST IBM DSCLI Version: DS: IBM.2107-7520781
Src Tgt State SS Port Attached Port Tgt WWNN
IBM.2107-7520781/10 IBM.2107-75ABTV1/20 Success FF20 IBM.2107-7520781/I0143 IBM.2107-75ABTV1/I0010 5005076303FFC663
IBM.2107-7520781/10 IBM.2107-75ABTV1/20 Success FF20 IBM.2107-7520781/I0213 IBM.2107-75ABTV1/I0140 5005076303FFC663
IBM.2107-7520781/11 IBM.2107-75ABTV1/21 Success FF21 IBM.2107-7520781/I0143 IBM.2107-75ABTV1/I0010 5005076303FFC663
IBM.2107-7520781/11 IBM.2107-75ABTV1/21 Success FF21 IBM.2107-7520781/I0213 IBM.2107-75ABTV1/I0140 5005076303FFC663


第三步: Create Global Copy pairs and verify the result

dscli> mkpprc -remotedev IBM.2107-75ABTV1 -type gcp 1000-1001:2000-2001 1100-1101:2100-2101
Date/Time: November 2, 2005 10:53:22 PM JST IBM DSCLI Version: DS: IBM.2107-7520781
CMUC00153I mkpprc: Remote Mirror and Copy volume pair relationship 1000:2000 successfully created.
CMUC00153I mkpprc: Remote Mirror and Copy volume pair relationship 1001:2001 successfully created.
CMUC00153I mkpprc: Remote Mirror and Copy volume pair relationship 1100:2100 successfully created.
CMUC00153I mkpprc: Remote Mirror and Copy volume pair relationship 1101:2101 successfully created.
dscli> lspprc 1000-1001 1100-1101
Date/Time: November 2, 2005 10:57:30 PM JST IBM DSCLI Version: DS: IBM.2107-7520781
ID State Reason Type SourceLSS Timeout (secs) Critical Mode First Pass Status
1000:2000 Copy Pending - Global Copy 10 unknown Disabled False
1001:2001 Copy Pending - Global Copy 10 unknown Disabled False
1100:2100 Copy Pending - Global Copy 11 unknown Disabled False
1101:2101 Copy Pending - Global Copy 11 unknown Disabled False

You can check the status of Global Copy using the lspprc -l command. Out Of Sync Tracks
shows the remaining tracks to be sent to the target volume (the size of the logical track for the
FB volume for the DS8000 is 64 KB). You can use the lspprc -fullid command flag to
display the fully qualified DS8000 storage image ID in the command output.


 lspprc -l and lspprc -fullid for Global Copy pairs

dscli> lspprc -l 1000-1001 1100-1101
Date/Time: November 2, 2005 10:57:37 PM JST IBM DSCLI Version: DS: IBM.2107-7520781
ID State Reason Type Out Of Sync Tracks Tgt Read Src Cascade Tgt Cascade Date Suspended SourceLSS Timeout (secs)
Critical Mode First Pass Status
1000:2000 Copy Pending - Global Copy 38379 Disabled Disabled invalid - 10 unknown
Disabled False
1001:2001 Copy Pending - Global Copy 38083 Disabled Disabled invalid - 10 unknown
Disabled False
1100:2100 Copy Pending - Global Copy 60840 Disabled Disabled invalid - 11 unknown
Disabled False
1101:2101 Copy Pending - Global Copy 60838 Disabled Disabled invalid - 11 unknown
Disabled False
dscli> lspprc -fullid 1000-1001 1100-1101
Date/Time: November 2, 2005 11:06:40 PM JST IBM DSCLI Version: DS: IBM.2107-7520781
ID State Reason Type SourceLSS Timeout (secs) Critical Mode First Pass
IBM.2107-7520781/1000:IBM.2107-75ABTV1/2000 Copy Pending - Global Copy IBM.2107-7520781/10 unknown Disabled True
IBM.2107-7520781/1001:IBM.2107-75ABTV1/2001 Copy Pending - Global Copy IBM.2107-7520781/10 unknown Disabled True
IBM.2107-7520781/1100:IBM.2107-75ABTV1/2100 Copy Pending - Global Copy IBM.2107-7520781/11 unknown Disabled True
IBM.2107-7520781/1101:IBM.2107-75ABTV1/2101 Copy Pending - Global Copy IBM.2107-7520781/11 unknown Disabled True


Remove Global Copy environment using DS CLI

Step 1: Remove Global Copy pairs

rmpprc command removes a volume pair relationship;

You can use the -quiet parameter to turn off the confirmation prompt for this command.

dscli> lspprc 1000-1001 1100-1101
Date/Time: November 2, 2005 11:26:34 PM JST IBM DSCLI Version: DS: IBM.2107-7520781
ID State Reason Type SourceLSS Timeout (secs) Critical Mode First Pass Status
1000:2000 Copy Pending - Global Copy 10 unknown Disabled True
1001:2001 Copy Pending - Global Copy 10 unknown Disabled True
1100:2100 Copy Pending - Global Copy 11 unknown Disabled True
1101:2101 Copy Pending - Global Copy 11 unknown Disabled True
dscli> rmpprc -remotedev IBM.2107-75ABTV1 1000-1001:2000-2001 1100-1101:2100-2101
Date/Time: November 2, 2005 11:26:45 PM JST IBM DSCLI Version: DS: IBM.2107-7520781
CMUC00160W rmpprc: Are you sure you want to delete the Remote Mirror and Copy volume pair relationship
1000-1001:2000-2001:? :y
CMUC00155I rmpprc: Remote Mirror and Copy volume pair 1000:2000 relationship successfully withdrawn.
CMUC00155I rmpprc: Remote Mirror and Copy volume pair 1001:2001 relationship successfully withdrawn.
CMUC00160W rmpprc: Are you sure you want to delete the Remote Mirror and Copy volume pair relationship
1100-1101:2100-2101:? :y
CMUC00155I rmpprc: Remote Mirror and Copy volume pair 1100:2100 relationship successfully withdrawn.
CMUC00155I rmpprc: Remote Mirror and Copy volume pair 1101:2101 relationship successfully withdrawn.

You can add the -at tgt parameter to the rmpprc command to remove only the available
Global Copy target volumes,You have to issue this command to the HMC connected to DS8000#2, which is the Global Copy target.

Results of rmpprc with -at tgt

dscli> lspprc 2002
Date/Time: November 2, 2005 11:39:23 PM JST IBM DSCLI Version: DS: IBM.2107-75ABTV1
ID State Reason Type SourceLSS Timeout (secs) Critical Mode First Pass Status
1002:2002 Target Copy Pending - Global Copy 10 unknown Disabled Invalid
dscli> rmpprc -remotedev IBM.2107-75ABTV1 -quiet -at tgt 1002:2002
Date/Time: November 2, 2005 11:40:33 PM JST IBM DSCLI Version: DS: IBM.2107-75ABTV1
CMUC00155I rmpprc: Remote Mirror and Copy volume pair 1002:2002 relationship successfully withdrawn.
dscli> lspprc 2002
Date/Time: November 2, 2005 11:40:39 PM JST IBM DSCLI Version: DS: IBM.2107-75ABTV1
CMUC00234I lspprc: No Remote Mirror and Copy found.

the Global Copy source volume status after the rmpprc -at tgt command has completed and it also shows the result of a rmpprc -at src command. In this case, there were still available paths. Therefore, the source volume state changed after the rmpprc -at tgt command completed. If there were no available paths, the state of the Global Copy source volumes would have been preserved


Global Copy source volume status after rmpprc with -at tgt and rmpprc with -at src

dscli> lspprc 1002
Date/Time: November 2, 2005 11:39:11 PM JST IBM DSCLI Version: DS: IBM.2107-7520781
ID State Reason Type SourceLSS Timeout (secs) Critical Mode First Pass Status
1002:2002 Copy Pending - Global Copy 10 unknown Disabled False
<< After rmpprc -at tgt command completes >>
dscli> lspprc 1002
Date/Time: November 2, 2005 11:40:52 PM JST IBM DSCLI Version: DS: IBM.2107-7520781
ID State Reason Type SourceLSS Timeout (secs) Critical Mode First Pass Stat
1002:2002 Suspended Simplex Target Global Copy 10 unknown Disabled True
dscli> rmpprc -remotedev IBM.2107-75ABTV1 -quiet -at src 1002:2002
Date/Time: November 2, 2005 11:41:35 PM JST IBM DSCLI Version: DS: IBM.2107-7520781
CMUC00155I rmpprc: Remote Mirror and Copy volume pair 1002:2002 relationship successfully withdrawn.
dscli> lspprc 1002
Date/Time: November 2, 2005 11:41:39 PM JST IBM DSCLI Version: DS: IBM.2107-7520781
CMUC00234I lspprc: No Remote Mirror and Copy found.


Step 2: Remove logical paths

The rmpprcpath command removes the paths. Before removing the paths, you must remove
all volume pairs that are using the paths, or you have to use the -force parameter with the
rmpprcpath command.

dscli> lspprc 1000-1001 1100-1101
Date/Time: November 3, 2005 1:27:34 AM JST IBM DSCLI Version: DS: IBM.2107-7520781
ID State Reason Type SourceLSS Timeout (secs) Critical Mode First Pass Status
1000:2000 Copy Pending - Global Copy 10 unknown Disabled True
1001:2001 Copy Pending - Global Copy 10 unknown Disabled True
1100:2100 Copy Pending - Global Copy 11 unknown Disabled True
1101:2101 Copy Pending - Global Copy 11 unknown Disabled True

dscli> rmpprc -remotedev IBM.2107-75ABTV1 -quiet 1000-1001:2000-2001 1100-1101:2100-2101
Date/Time: November 3, 2005 1:29:51 AM JST IBM DSCLI Version: DS: IBM.2107-7520781
CMUC00155I rmpprc: Remote Mirror and Copy volume pair 1000:2000 relationship successfully withdrawn.
CMUC00155I rmpprc: Remote Mirror and Copy volume pair 1001:2001 relationship successfully withdrawn.
CMUC00155I rmpprc: Remote Mirror and Copy volume pair 1100:2100 relationship successfully withdrawn.
CMUC00155I rmpprc: Remote Mirror and Copy volume pair 1101:2101 relationship successfully withdrawn.
dscli> lspprc 1000-1001 1100-1101
Date/Time: November 3, 2005 1:29:54 AM JST IBM DSCLI Version: DS: IBM.2107-7520781
CMUC00234I lspprc: No Remote Mirror and Copy found.
dscli> rmpprcpath -quiet -remotedev IBM.2107-75ABTV1 10:20 11:21
Date/Time: November 3, 2005 1:31:09 AM JST IBM DSCLI Version: DS: IBM.2107-7520781
CMUC00150I rmpprcpath: Remote Mirror and Copy path 10:20 successfully removed.
CMUC00150I rmpprcpath: Remote Mirror and Copy path 11:21 successfully removed.


Remove paths without removing the Global Copy pairs

dscli> lspprc 1000-1001 1100-1101
Date/Time: November 3, 2005 1:38:19 AM JST IBM DSCLI Version: DS: IBM.2107-7520781
ID State Reason Type SourceLSS Timeout (secs) Critical Mode First Pass Status
1000:2000 Copy Pending - Global Copy 10 unknown Disabled True
1001:2001 Copy Pending - Global Copy 10 unknown Disabled True
1100:2100 Copy Pending - Global Copy 11 unknown Disabled True
1101:2101 Copy Pending - Global Copy 11 unknown Disabled True
dscli> rmpprcpath -quiet -remotedev IBM.2107-75ABTV1 10:20 11:21
Date/Time: November 3, 2005 1:38:29 AM JST IBM DSCLI Version: DS: IBM.2107-7520781
CMUN03070E rmpprcpath: 10:20: Copy Services operation failure: pairs remain
CMUN03070E rmpprcpath: 11:21: Copy Services operation failure: pairs remain


If you want to remove the paths still having the Global Copy pairs, you can use the -force

Remove paths still having Global Copy pairs - use -force parameter

dscli> lspprc 1000-1001 1100-1101
Date/Time: November 3, 2005 1:14:27 AM JST IBM DSCLI Version: DS: IBM.2107-7520781
ID State Reason Type SourceLSS Timeout (secs) Critical Mode First Pass Status
1000:2000 Copy Pending - Global Copy 10 unknown Disabled True
1001:2001 Copy Pending - Global Copy 10 unknown Disabled True
1100:2100 Copy Pending - Global Copy 11 unknown Disabled True
1101:2101 Copy Pending - Global Copy 11 unknown Disabled True
dscli> rmpprcpath -quiet -remotedev IBM.2107-75ABTV1 -force 10:20 11:21
Date/Time: November 3, 2005 1:17:46 AM JST IBM DSCLI Version: DS: IBM.2107-7520781
CMUC00150I rmpprcpath: Remote Mirror and Copy path 10:20 successfully removed.
CMUC00150I rmpprcpath: Remote Mirror and Copy path 11:21 successfully removed.
dscli> lspprc 1000-1001 1100-1101
Date/Time: November 3, 2005 1:17:52 AM JST IBM DSCLI Version: DS: IBM.2107-7520781
ID State Reason Type SourceLSS Timeout (secs) Critical Mode First Pass Status
1000:2000 Copy Pending - Global Copy 10 unknown Disabled True
1001:2001 Copy Pending - Global Copy 10 unknown Disabled True
1100:2100 Copy Pending - Global Copy 11 unknown Disabled True
1101:2101 Copy Pending - Global Copy 11 unknown Disabled True
<< After I/O goes to the source volume(1000 and 1001) >>
dscli> lspprc 1000-1001 1100-1101
Date/Time: November 3, 2005 1:26:16 AM JST IBM DSCLI Version: DS: IBM.2107-7520781
ID State Reason Type SourceLSS Timeout (secs) Critical Mode First Pass
1000:2000 Suspended Internal Conditions Target Global Copy 10 unknown Disabled True
1001:2001 Suspended Internal Conditions Target Global Copy 10 unknown Disabled True
1100:2100 Copy Pending - Global Copy 11 unknown Disabled True
1101:2101 Copy Pending - Global Copy 11 unknown Disabled True

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