For AIX 5.1, the file set must be at or higher For AIX 5.2, the file set must be at or higher
1 、2 )机器硬件微码的要求: 特别注意: Machine type 7039-651 的机器硬件微码必须升级到3J030521 以上. If the system firmware level is less than 3J930521 you can damage the fibre channel adapter if you attempt to upload the fibre channel adapter firmware.
用下面的命令可以查看机器现有的微码:: scfg -pl sysplanar0 | grep Model | awk ' {print $2}' If machine type is "IBM,7039-651", check the system firmware level by entering the following command: lsmcode -rt system NOTE: firmware level RJ030206 is a lower level than 3J030521. To compare firmware levels, compare the trailing 6 characters. For firmware levels RJ030206 and 3J030521, you compare the trailing 6 characters: 030206 is less than 030521