2021-02-03 15:00:39
原文地址:GlusterFS与Ceph性能测试报告 作者:mingfei10
由于宿主机、存贮服务器、网络与存贮模式基本相同,因此此测试报告给出的数据有参考价值。另外,在测试中,并没有使用Ceph本身推荐的brtf文件系统,仍采用xfs,但从Inktank的测试中表明,若使用brtf, Ceph集群的读写速度会至少增加1倍;相应地,GlusterFS也是以xfs 作为存贮服务器外挂磁盘的文件系统。
Ceph社区-关于Ceph 使用brtf、xfs、ext3文件系统的读写性能比较:
我们采用虚拟机的安装方式,在同一套环境中分别部署了GlusterFS与Ceph的虚拟机,结构图如下,每个宿主机Intel主板(双路8核),64G内存,用2块2T SATA2硬盘(虚拟机都创建在第一块硬盘上),4块1G网卡(创建4个网桥,每台虚拟机4张网卡分别挂到不同的桥上), GlusterFS与Ceph的网络环境完全相同;宿主机操作系统为Centos 6.4 64位。
[root@storage2 ~]# ethtool eth3 Settings for eth3: Supported ports: [ TP ] Supported link modes: 10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full 100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full 1000baseT/Full Supported pause frame use: Symmetric Supports auto-negotiation: Yes Advertised link modes: 10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full 100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full 1000baseT/Full Advertised pause frame use: Symmetric Advertised auto-negotiation: Yes Speed: 1000Mb/s Duplex: Full Port: Twisted Pair PHYAD: 1 Transceiver: internal Auto-negotiation: on MDI-X: Unknown Supports Wake-on: pumbg Wake-on: d Current message level: 0x00000007 (7) drv probe link Link detected: yes
Ceph 的所有数据在存贮系统中均以切块保存(object), 每个文件对应系统的某个存贮池,在创建存贮池时,可以指定该池文件需要保存的数量,比如我们创建一个Test池,此池所有的文件保存三份:
ceph osd pool create test 128
ceph osd pool set test size 3
GlusterFS 创建条带化(striped)存贮卷与数据存放三份的实现模式与Ceph略有不同。Redhat的官方文档为:
# gluster volume create sr22 stripe 2 replica 2 transport tcp server1:/exp2 server2:/exp4 server3:/exp2 server4:/exp4
存贮的模式是,文件的第1,3块存贮于server1中,2,4块存贮于server2中,因为数据需要保留2份,因此还要有2台服务器用于与server1, server2完成镜像,如server3, server4.
GlusterFS集群中如果新增服务器,则需要手工进行平衡(Rebalance),如果不做均衡, 那么新的数据仍会存贮于原有的服务器中。
GlusterFS采用文件存贮模式与Ceph采用文件切块模式有着本质上的不同,如果这样测试不对等,得出的数据也没有十足的意义,因此本次测试中我们采用了文件切块模式,即GlusterFS采用 Striped 3 Replica 3的存贮模式创建卷,而Ceph也创建Replica为3 的存贮池; GlusterFS的文件会分散存贮于9台服务器中,Ceph 的存贮池也由128个PG构成,也会分散于9个台服务器中。因此,从整体上看,这样的对比测试得出的数据还有些参考价值。
root@cephmona:~# ceph osd tree# id weight type name up/down reweight-1 1.8 root default-14 1.8 datacenter dc1-13 1.8 room room1-12 1.8 row row1-11 0 rack rack1-15 0 rack rack2-16 0 rack rack3-17 0.5999 rack rack4-2 0.2 host cephosd110 0.09999 osd.0 up 1
1 0.09999 osd.1 up 1 -3 0.2 host cephosd12 2 0.09999 osd.2 up 1 3 0.09999 osd.3 up 1 -4 0.2 host cephosd13 4 0.09999 osd.4 up 1 5 0.09999 osd.5 up 1 -18 0.5999 rack rack5 -5 0.2 host cephosd21 6 0.09999 osd.6 up 1 7 0.09999 osd.7 up 1 -6 0.2 host cephosd22 8 0.09999 osd.8 up 1 9 0.09999 osd.9 up 1 -7 0.2 host cephosd23 10 0.09999 osd.10 up 1 11 0.09999 osd.11 up 1 -19 0.5999 rack rack6 -8 0.2 host cephosd31 12 0.09999 osd.12 up 1 13 0.09999 osd.13 up 1 -9 0.2 host cephosd32 14 0.09999 osd.14 up 1 15 0.09999 osd.15 up 1 -10 0.2 host cephosd33 16 0.09999 osd.16 up 1 17 0.09999 osd.17 up 1 |
root@cephmona:~# ceph osd pool get test sizesize: 3root@cephmona:~# ceph osd pool get test pg_numpg_num: 128root@cephmona:~# |
[root@brick11 ~]# gluster peer status
Number of Peers: 8Hostname: brick12Uuid: 3668b021-7109-4670-a781-53b0b978a280State: Peer in Cluster (Connected)Hostname: brick31Uuid: 6a2ff7b9-bca0-4d81-ad45-48c71b1e02ebState: Peer in Cluster (Connected)Hostname: brick13
Uuid: b91dc2d3-ced0-4c9e-a7ed-1803cb2578e0 State: Peer in Cluster (Connected)
Hostname: brick23 Uuid: 81c187a8-a6e7-4c7e-a385-cd62425aaec1 State: Peer in Cluster (Connected)
Hostname: brick21 Uuid: 86f4a8fb-f13f-4262-8ba5-31614f80df50 State: Peer in Cluster (Connected)
Hostname: brick32 Uuid: bdca294f-8c04-4e2f-a8fc-05458035ce82 State: Peer in Cluster (Connected)
Hostname: brick33 Uuid: 0cb4779a-4b57-4c95-b606-5fb9f6c5189a State: Peer in Cluster (Connected)
Hostname: brick22 Uuid: d045173f-cb31-47d1-a5e9-0f768f0767ab State: Peer in Cluster (Connected) |
gluster volume create sr33 stripe 3 replica 3 transport tcp brick11:/mnt/sr/sr11 brick21:/mnt/sr/sr21 brick31:/mnt/sr/sr31 brick12:/mnt/sr/sr12 brick22:/mnt/sr/sr22 brick32:/mnt/sr/sr32 brick13:/mnt/sr/sr13 brick23:/mnt/sr/sr23 brick33:/mnt/sr/sr33再创建一个以文件为基础的保存于三台机器中的卷:gluster volume create vr33 replica 3 transport tcp brick11:/mnt/vr/vr11 brick21:/mnt/vr/vr21 brick31:/mnt/vr/vr31 brick12:/mnt/vr/vr12 brick22:/mnt/vr/vr22 brick32:/mnt/vr/vr32 brick13:/mnt/vr/vr13 brick23:/mnt/vr/vr23 brick33:/mnt/vr/vr33[root@brick11 ~]# gluster volume start sr33volume start: sr33: success[root@brick11 ~]# gluster volume start vr33volume start: vr33: success[root@brick11 ~]# |
[root@gluserclient /]# mount -t glusterfs brick11:/sr33 /mnt/sr33[root@gluserclient /]# mount -t glusterfs brick11:/vr33 /mnt/vr33 |
测试工具采用iozone 3.4;
测试时,ceph 与 Gluster均停止所有其他外部访问,并且依次进行测试。先测试GlusterFS集群,再测试Ceph集群。
分别用4,16,64K三种块大小进行128M-1G文件大小(以128M大小递增)的写、读及随机读写,生成表格数据 ,命令如下:
[root@gluserclient ~]# iozone -Rb ./test-write-read.xls -n 128m -g 1G -i 0 -i 1 -i 2 -r 4K -r 16K -r 64K -f /mnt/gluster/iozonetest |tee ./test-write-read.log &
注:由于考虑到Ceph系统的默认安装文件读取块大小是64K,因此最大只测到64K, 而GlusterFS的默认安装为128K, 若测128K,Ceph存贮服务器需要读2次,担心数据经不起检验,因此,没有测128K的情况。
为了更好地查看文件系统的性能,我们需要消除操作系统本身缓存的影响,因此,我们需要进一步在iozone中加入 –I 选项,以便查看真实的GlusterFS及Ceph提供的文件服务的读写速率。
-I :对所有文件操作使用DIRECT I/O。通知文件系统所有操作跳过缓存直接在磁盘上操作
iozone -Rb ./test-write-read.xls -n 128m -g 1G -i 0 -i 1 -i 2 -r 4K -r 16K -r 64K -I -f /mnt/sr33/iozonetest |tee ./test-write-read.log &
我们标记存在缓存时为Cached,起用iozone direct io时,标记为Non-Cached
[root@gluserclient ~]# iozone -Rb ./test-write-read.xls -n 128m -g 1G -i 0 -i 1 -i 2 -r 4K -r 16K -r 64K -f /mnt/sr33/iozonetest |tee ./test-write-read.log &
[root@gluserclient ~]# cat test-write-read.log
Iozone: Performance Test of File I/OVersion $Revision: 3.408 $Compiled for 64 bit mode.Build: linuxContributors:William Norcott, Don Capps, Isom Crawford, Kirby CollinsAl Slater, Scott Rhine, Mike Wisner, Ken GossSteve Landherr, Brad Smith, Mark Kelly, Dr. Alain CYR,Randy Dunlap, Mark Montague, Dan Million, Gavin Brebner,Jean-Marc Zucconi, Jeff Blomberg, Benny Halevy, Dave Boone,Erik Habbinga, Kris Strecker, Walter Wong, Joshua Root,
Fabrice Bacchella, Zhenghua Xue, Qin Li, Darren Sawyer. Ben England.
Run began: Tue Mar 11 18:17:54 2014
Excel chart generation enabled Using minimum file size of 131072 kilobytes. Using maximum file size of 1048576 kilobytes. Record Size 4 KB Record Size 16 KB Record Size 64 KB Command line used: iozone -Rb ./test-write-read.xls -n 128m -g 1G -i 0 -i 1 -i 2 -r 4K -r 16K -r 64K -f /mnt/sr33/iozonetest Output is in Kbytes/sec Time Resolution = 0.000001 seconds. Processor cache size set to 1024 Kbytes. Processor cache line size set to 32 bytes. File stride size set to 17 * record size. random random bkwd record stride KB reclen write rewrite read reread read write read rewrite read fwrite frewrite fread freread 131072 4 16996 15086 114616 114704 7715 8095 131072 16 36216 36251 114708 114705 21225 25301 131072 64 38471 38477 114635 114684 44325 38433 262144 4 20557 20710 114615 114728 6499 8727 262144 16 37576 35912 114708 114718 19611 25132 262144 64 38328 38330 114704 114705 43109 38321 524288 4 19979 17783 114173 114725 6135 8531 524288 16 35918 36322 114391 114750 18559 29505 524288 64 36743 38260 114735 114722 41879 38253 1048576 4 20240 18153 114528 114624 5891 8576 1048576 16 36457 37048 114548 114663 17795 32901 1048576 64 37802 38226 114747 114754 41421 38224
iozone test complete. Excel output is below:
“Writer report” “4″ “16″ “64″ “131072″ 16996 36216 38471 “262144″ 20557 37576 38328 “524288″ 19979 35918 36743 “1048576″ 20240 36457 37802
“Re-writer report” “4″ “16″ “64″ “131072″ 15086 36251 38477 “262144″ 20710 35912 38330 “524288″ 17783 36322 38260 “1048576″ 18153 37048 38226
“Reader report” “4″ “16″ “64″ “131072″ 114616 114708 114635 “262144″ 114615 114708 114704 “524288″ 114173 114391 114735 “1048576″ 114528 114548 114747
“Re-Reader report” “4″ “16″ “64″ “131072″ 114704 114705 114684 “262144″ 114728 114718 114705 “524288″ 114725 114750 114722 “1048576″ 114624 114663 114754
“Random read report” “4″ “16″ “64″ “131072″ 7715 21225 44325 “262144″ 6499 19611 43109 “524288″ 6135 18559 41879 “1048576″ 5891 17795 41421
“Random write report” “4″ “16″ “64″ “131072″ 8095 25301 38433 “262144″ 8727 25132 38321 “524288″ 8531 29505 38253 “1048576″ 8576 32901 38224 |
[root@gluserclient ~]# iozone -Rb ./test-write-read.xls -n 128m -g 1G -i 0 -i 1 -i 2 -r 4K -r 16K -r 64K -I -f /mnt/sr33/iozonetest |tee ./test-write-read.log &
[root@gluserclient ~]# cat test-write-read.logIozone: Performance Test of File I/OVersion $Revision: 3.408 $Compiled for 64 bit mode.Build: linuxContributors:William Norcott, Don Capps, Isom Crawford, Kirby CollinsAl Slater, Scott Rhine, Mike Wisner, Ken GossSteve Landherr, Brad Smith, Mark Kelly, Dr. Alain CYR,Randy Dunlap, Mark Montague, Dan Million, Gavin Brebner,Jean-Marc Zucconi, Jeff Blomberg, Benny Halevy, Dave Boone,
Erik Habbinga, Kris Strecker, Walter Wong, Joshua Root, Fabrice Bacchella, Zhenghua Xue, Qin Li, Darren Sawyer. Ben England.
Run began: Wed Mar 12 11:10:09 2014
Excel chart generation enabled Using minimum file size of 131072 kilobytes. Using maximum file size of 1048576 kilobytes. Record Size 4 KB Record Size 16 KB Record Size 64 KB O_DIRECT feature enabled Command line used: iozone -Rb ./test-write-read.xls -n 128m -g 1G -i 0 -i 1 -i 2 -r 4K -r 16K -r 64K -I -f /mnt/sr33/iozonetest Output is in Kbytes/sec Time Resolution = 0.000001 seconds. Processor cache size set to 1024 Kbytes. Processor cache line size set to 32 bytes. File stride size set to 17 * record size. random random bkwd record stride KB reclen write rewrite read reread read write read rewrite read fwrite frewrite fread freread 131072 4 11943 21903 3626 3629 2359 7714 131072 16 29236 35147 13449 13622 8972 32530 131072 64 33728 35434 38100 37949 29738 33872 262144 4 13807 19169 3585 3620 2106 8240 262144 16 34259 23590 13491 13673 8088 23896 262144 64 38237 26697 38124 37996 28778 30723 524288 4 9998 17658 3558 3580 1997 7625 524288 16 18342 22729 13397 13476 7738 25647 524288 64 33110 33544 37926 37743 27817 30123 1048576 4 11813 12283 3605 3596 1952 2411 1048576 16 16156 19633 13407 13431 7575 24366 1048576 64 26658 27618 37915 38069 27430 19191
iozone test complete. Excel output is below:
“Writer report” “4″ “16″ “64″ “131072″ 11943 29236 33728 “262144″ 13807 34259 38237 “524288″ 9998 18342 33110 “1048576″ 11813 16156 26658
“Re-writer report” “4″ “16″ “64″ “131072″ 21903 35147 35434 “262144″ 19169 23590 26697 “524288″ 17658 22729 33544 “1048576″ 12283 19633 27618
“Reader report” “4″ “16″ “64″ “131072″ 3626 13449 38100 “262144″ 3585 13491 38124 “524288″ 3558 13397 37926 “1048576″ 3605 13407 37915
“Re-Reader report” “4″ “16″ “64″ “131072″ 3629 13622 37949 “262144″ 3620 13673 37996 “524288″ 3580 13476 37743 “1048576″ 3596 13431 38069
“Random read report” “4″ “16″ “64″ “131072″ 2359 8972 29738 “262144″ 2106 8088 28778 “524288″ 1997 7738 27817 “1048576″ 1952 7575 27430
“Random write report” “4″ “16″ “64″ “131072″ 7714 32530 33872 “262144″ 8240 23896 30723 “524288″ 7625 25647 30123 “1048576″ 2411 24366 19191 |
[root@gluserclient ~]# iozone -Rb ./test-write-read.xls -n 128m -g 1G -i 0 -i 1 -i 2 -r 4K -r 16K -r 64K -f /mnt/vr33/iozonetest |tee ./test-write-read.log &
[root@gluserclient ~]# cat test-write-read.log
[root@gluserclient ~]# cat test-write-read.logIozone: Performance Test of File I/OVersion $Revision: 3.408 $Compiled for 64 bit mode.Build: linuxContributors:William Norcott, Don Capps, Isom Crawford, Kirby CollinsAl Slater, Scott Rhine, Mike Wisner, Ken GossSteve Landherr, Brad Smith, Mark Kelly, Dr. Alain CYR,Randy Dunlap, Mark Montague, Dan Million, Gavin Brebner,Jean-Marc Zucconi, Jeff Blomberg, Benny Halevy, Dave Boone,
Erik Habbinga, Kris Strecker, Walter Wong, Joshua Root, Fabrice Bacchella, Zhenghua Xue, Qin Li, Darren Sawyer. Ben England.
Run began: Tue Mar 11 18:51:14 2014
Excel chart generation enabled Using minimum file size of 131072 kilobytes. Using maximum file size of 1048576 kilobytes. Record Size 4 KB Record Size 16 KB Record Size 64 KB Command line used: iozone -Rb ./test-write-read.xls -n 128m -g 1G -i 0 -i 1 -i 2 -r 4K -r 16K -r 64K -f /mnt/vr33/iozonetest Output is in Kbytes/sec Time Resolution = 0.000001 seconds. Processor cache size set to 1024 Kbytes. Processor cache line size set to 32 bytes. File stride size set to 17 * record size. random random bkwd record stride KB reclen write rewrite read reread read write read rewrite read fwrite frewrite fread freread 131072 4 19587 19242 114136 114688 8044 6852 131072 16 38285 37644 114311 114639 21755 25480 131072 64 38539 38543 114390 114737 45785 38444 262144 4 19503 17628 114524 114715 6768 8957 262144 16 37870 37885 114335 114392 19636 27465 262144 64 38397 38405 114607 114720 43916 38322 524288 4 20596 21649 114645 114562 6364 8756 524288 16 38107 37970 114225 114733 18481 31535 524288 64 38334 38331 114690 114697 42984 38260 1048576 4 19803 20612 114537 114742 6105 7529 1048576 16 37983 38052 114569 114715 17819 27388 1048576 64 38297 38297 114742 114703 42440 38215
iozone test complete. Excel output is below:
“Writer report” “4″ “16″ “64″ “131072″ 19587 38285 38539 “262144″ 19503 37870 38397 “524288″ 20596 38107 38334 “1048576″ 19803 37983 38297
“Re-writer report” “4″ “16″ “64″ “131072″ 19242 37644 38543 “262144″ 17628 37885 38405 “524288″ 21649 37970 38331 “1048576″ 20612 38052 38297
“Reader report” “4″ “16″ “64″ “131072″ 114136 114311 114390 “262144″ 114524 114335 114607 “524288″ 114645 114225 114690 “1048576″ 114537 114569 114742
“Re-Reader report” “4″ “16″ “64″ “131072″ 114688 114639 114737 “262144″ 114715 114392 114720 “524288″ 114562 114733 114697 “1048576″ 114742 114715 114703
“Random read report” “4″ “16″ “64″ “131072″ 8044 21755 45785 “262144″ 6768 19636 43916 “524288″ 6364 18481 42984 “1048576″ 6105 17819 42440
“Random write report” “4″ “16″ “64″ “131072″ 6852 25480 38444 “262144″ 8957 27465 38322 “524288″ 8756 31535 38260 “1048576″ 7529 27388 38215 |
GlusterFS 测试的数据,读写的数据单位为 Kbyte/sec-Striped3+replica3-Cached | |||||||
文件大小 | 读写块 | 顺序写 | 顺序重写 | 顺序读 | 顺序重读 | 随机读 | 随机写 |
KB | KB | Write | rewrite | read | reread | random read | random write |
131072 | 4 | 16996 | 15086 | 114616 | 114704 | 7715 | 8095 |
131072 | 16 | 36216 | 36251 | 114708 | 114705 | 21225 | 25301 |
131072 | 64 | 38471 | 38477 | 114635 | 114684 | 44325 | 38433 |
262144 | 4 | 20557 | 20710 | 114615 | 114728 | 6499 | 8727 |
262144 | 16 | 37576 | 35912 | 114708 | 114718 | 19611 | 25132 |
262144 | 64 | 38328 | 38330 | 114704 | 114705 | 43109 | 38321 |
524288 | 4 | 19979 | 17783 | 114173 | 114725 | 6135 | 8531 |
524288 | 16 | 35918 | 36322 | 114391 | 114750 | 18559 | 29505 |
524288 | 64 | 36743 | 38260 | 114735 | 114722 | 41879 | 38253 |
1048576 | 4 | 20240 | 18153 | 114528 | 114624 | 5891 | 8576 |
1048576 | 16 | 36457 | 37048 | 114548 | 114663 | 17795 | 32901 |
1048576 | 64 | 37802 | 38226 | 114747 | 114754 | 41421 | 38224 |
GlusterFS 测试的数据,读写的数据单位为 Kbyte/sec-Striped3+replica3-Non-Cached | |||||||
文件大小 | 读写块 | 顺序写 | 顺序重写 | 顺序读 | 顺序重读 | 随机读 | 随机写 |
File | block | s-srite | s-rewrite | s-read | s-reread | r-read | r-write |
131072 | 4 | 11943 | 21903 | 3626 | 3629 | 2359 | 7714 |
131072 | 16 | 29236 | 35147 | 13449 | 13622 | 8972 | 32530 |
131072 | 64 | 33728 | 35434 | 38100 | 37949 | 29738 | 33872 |
262144 | 4 | 13807 | 19169 | 3585 | 3620 | 2106 | 8240 |
262144 | 16 | 34259 | 23590 | 13491 | 13673 | 8088 | 23896 |
262144 | 64 | 38237 | 26697 | 38124 | 37996 | 28778 | 30723 |
524288 | 4 | 9998 | 17658 | 3558 | 3580 | 1997 | 7625 |
524288 | 16 | 18342 | 22729 | 13397 | 13476 | 7738 | 25647 |
524288 | 64 | 33110 | 33544 | 37926 | 37743 | 27817 | 30123 |
1048576 | 4 | 11813 | 12283 | 3605 | 3596 | 1952 | 2411 |
1048576 | 16 | 16156 | 19633 | 13407 | 13431 | 7575 | 24366 |
1048576 | 64 | 26658 | 27618 | 37915 | 38069 | 27430 | 19191 |
GlusterFS 测试的数据,读写的数据单位为 Kbyte/sec-Volume+replica3-Cached | |||||||
文件大小 | 读写块 | 顺序写 | 顺序重写 | 顺序读 | 顺序重读 | 随机读 | 随机写 |
KB | KB | Write | rewrite | read | reread | random read | random write |
131072 | 4 | 19587 | 19242 | 114136 | 114688 | 8044 | 6852 |
131072 | 16 | 38285 | 37644 | 114311 | 114639 | 21755 | 25480 |
131072 | 64 | 38539 | 38543 | 114390 | 114737 | 45785 | 38444 |
262144 | 4 | 19503 | 17628 | 114524 | 114715 | 6768 | 8957 |
262144 | 16 | 37870 | 37885 | 114335 | 114392 | 19636 | 27465 |
262144 | 64 | 38397 | 38405 | 114607 | 114720 | 43916 | 38322 |
524288 | 4 | 20596 | 21649 | 114645 | 114562 | 6364 | 8756 |
524288 | 16 | 38107 | 37970 | 114225 | 114733 | 18481 | 31535 |
524288 | 64 | 38334 | 38331 | 114690 | 114697 | 42984 | 38260 |
1048576 | 4 | 19803 | 20612 | 114537 | 114742 | 6105 | 7529 |
1048576 | 16 | 37983 | 38052 | 114569 | 114715 | 17819 | 27388 |
1048576 | 64 | 38297 | 38297 | 114742 | 114703 | 42440 | 38215 |
V3版本中,我们加入了iozone 的I参数,以获得更真实的数据。
root@cephfsclient:/home/romi# cat test-write-read.log
Iozone: Performance Test of File I/OVersion $Revision: 3.397 $Compiled for 64 bit mode.Build: linux-AMD64Contributors:William Norcott, Don Capps, Isom Crawford, Kirby CollinsAl Slater, Scott Rhine, Mike Wisner, Ken GossSteve Landherr, Brad Smith, Mark Kelly, Dr. Alain CYR,Randy Dunlap, Mark Montague, Dan Million, Gavin Brebner,Jean-Marc Zucconi, Jeff Blomberg, Benny Halevy, Dave Boone,Erik Habbinga, Kris Strecker, Walter Wong, Joshua Root,
Fabrice Bacchella, Zhenghua Xue, Qin Li, Darren Sawyer. Ben England.
Run began: Mon Mar 10 17:14:18 2014
Excel chart generation enabled Using minimum file size of 131072 kilobytes. Using maximum file size of 1048576 kilobytes. Record Size 4 KB Record Size 16 KB Record Size 64 KB Command line used: iozone -Rb ./test-write-read.xls -n 128m -g 1G -i 0 -i 1 -i 2 -r 4K -r 16K -r 64K -f /mnt/mycephfs/iozonetest Output is in Kbytes/sec Time Resolution = 0.000001 seconds. Processor cache size set to 1024 Kbytes. Processor cache line size set to 32 bytes. File stride size set to 17 * record size. random random bkwd record stride KB reclen write rewrite read reread read write read rewrite read fwrite frewrite fread freread 131072 4 224863 1037553 1672750 1710493 1470667 983403 131072 16 75817 1251200 2986572 3008852 2809566 1276759 131072 64 137831 1309569 3824446 3840476 3709182 1362309 262144 4 171053 911592 1668728 1722330 1481718 896292 262144 16 175537 1089063 2944777 2962375 2836689 1130579 262144 64 298722 1069451 111086 3315968 3606483 1219160 524288 4 39343 58135 1685764 1724284 1470307 4253 524288 16 47743 47480 2898601 2960256 2692925 14475 524288 64 61582 45115 3810565 3981380 3828597 38506 1048576 4 33910 34316 103586 1478329 1425439 1332 1048576 16 34250 34825 2764226 3040973 2774605 5571 1048576 64 31299 36823 3444334 3935341 3686432 15204
iozone test complete. Excel output is below:
“Writer report” “4″ “16″ “64″ “131072″ 224863 75817 137831 “262144″ 171053 175537 298722 “524288″ 39343 47743 61582 “1048576″ 33910 34250 31299
“Re-writer report” “4″ “16″ “64″ “131072″ 1037553 1251200 1309569 “262144″ 911592 1089063 1069451 “524288″ 58135 47480 45115 “1048576″ 34316 34825 36823
“Reader report” “4″ “16″ “64″ “131072″ 1672750 2986572 3824446 “262144″ 1668728 2944777 111086 “524288″ 1685764 2898601 3810565 “1048576″ 103586 2764226 3444334
“Re-Reader report” “4″ “16″ “64″ “131072″ 1710493 3008852 3840476 “262144″ 1722330 2962375 3315968 “524288″ 1724284 2960256 3981380 “1048576″ 1478329 3040973 3935341
“Random read report” “4″ “16″ “64″ “131072″ 1470667 2809566 3709182 “262144″ 1481718 2836689 3606483 “524288″ 1470307 2692925 3828597 “1048576″ 1425439 2774605 3686432
“Random write report” “4″ “16″ “64″ “131072″ 983403 1276759 1362309 “262144″ 896292 1130579 1219160 “524288″ 4253 14475 38506 “1048576″ 1332 5571 15204 |
root@cephfsclient:/home/romi# cat test-write-read-v2.log
Iozone: Performance Test of File I/OVersion $Revision: 3.397 $Compiled for 64 bit mode.Build: linux-AMD64Contributors:William Norcott, Don Capps, Isom Crawford, Kirby CollinsAl Slater, Scott Rhine, Mike Wisner, Ken GossSteve Landherr, Brad Smith, Mark Kelly, Dr. Alain CYR,Randy Dunlap, Mark Montague, Dan Million, Gavin Brebner,Jean-Marc Zucconi, Jeff Blomberg, Benny Halevy, Dave Boone,
Erik Habbinga, Kris Strecker, Walter Wong, Joshua Root, Fabrice Bacchella, Zhenghua Xue, Qin Li, Darren Sawyer. Ben England.
Run began: Mon Mar 10 18:07:19 2014
Excel chart generation enabled Using minimum file size of 131072 kilobytes. Using maximum file size of 1048576 kilobytes. Record Size 4 KB Record Size 16 KB Record Size 64 KB Command line used: iozone -Rb ./test-write-read-v2.xls -n 128m -g 1G -i 0 -i 1 -i 2 -r 4K -r 16K -r 64K -f /mnt/mycephfs/iozonetest Output is in Kbytes/sec Time Resolution = 0.000001 seconds. Processor cache size set to 1024 Kbytes. Processor cache line size set to 32 bytes. File stride size set to 17 * record size. random random bkwd record stride KB reclen write rewrite read reread read write read rewrite read fwrite frewrite fread freread 131072 4 83904 1022994 1673412 1709515 1503240 985948 131072 16 38091 1228485 2949811 2971334 2781252 1253748 131072 64 56123 1254781 3679196 3915059 3792575 1377068 262144 4 65393 1004044 1750043 1734421 1521289 974527 262144 16 255204 1195993 3002138 3000115 2794590 1195797 262144 64 225729 1313668 3896368 3979789 3848499 1348068 524288 4 45920 65034 1678758 1714558 1458024 5223 524288 16 50058 48519 3099268 3113715 2875664 20228 524288 64 53816 56103 3844259 3865342 3527921 37278 1048576 4 40288 37899 110866 1534773 1506518 1471 1048576 16 36067 34935 109116 2665095 2713798 6355 1048576 64 35454 37209 3441348 3884836 4147176 18511
iozone test complete. Excel output is below:
“Writer report” “4″ “16″ “64″ “131072″ 83904 38091 56123 “262144″ 65393 255204 225729 “524288″ 45920 50058 53816 “1048576″ 40288 36067 35454
“Re-writer report” “4″ “16″ “64″ “131072″ 1022994 1228485 1254781 “262144″ 1004044 1195993 1313668 “524288″ 65034 48519 56103 “1048576″ 37899 34935 37209
“Reader report” “4″ “16″ “64″ “131072″ 1673412 2949811 3679196 “262144″ 1750043 3002138 3896368 “524288″ 1678758 3099268 3844259 “1048576″ 110866 109116 3441348
“Re-Reader report” “4″ “16″ “64″ “131072″ 1709515 2971334 3915059 “262144″ 1734421 3000115 3979789 “524288″ 1714558 3113715 3865342 “1048576″ 1534773 2665095 3884836
“Random read report” “4″ “16″ “64″ “131072″ 1503240 2781252 3792575 “262144″ 1521289 2794590 3848499 “524288″ 1458024 2875664 3527921 “1048576″ 1506518 2713798 4147176
“Random write report” “4″ “16″ “64″ “131072″ 985948 1253748 1377068 “262144″ 974527 1195797 1348068 “524288″ 5223 20228 37278 “1048576″ 1471 6355 18511 |
root@cephfsclient:/home/romi# iozone -Rb ./test-write-read.xls -n 128m -g 1G -i 0 -i 1 -i 2 -r 4K -r 16K -r 64K -I -f /mnt/mycephfs/iozonetest |tee ./test-write-read.log &
Ceph 测试的数据(第一次),读写的数据单位为 Kbyte/sec-Cached | |||||||
文件大小 | 读写块 | 顺序写 | 顺序重写 | 顺序读 | 顺序重读 | 随机读 | 随机写 |
KB | KB | Write | rewrite | read | reread | random read | random write |
131072 | 4 | 224863 | 1037553 | 1672750 | 1710493 | 1470667 | 983403 |
131072 | 16 | 75817 | 1251200 | 2986572 | 3008852 | 2809566 | 1276759 |
131072 | 64 | 137831 | 1309569 | 3824446 | 3840476 | 3709182 | 1362309 |
262144 | 4 | 171053 | 911592 | 1668728 | 1722330 | 1481718 | 896292 |
262144 | 16 | 175537 | 1089063 | 2944777 | 2962375 | 2836689 | 1130579 |
262144 | 64 | 298722 | 1069451 | 111086 | 3315968 | 3606483 | 1219160 |
524288 | 4 | 39343 | 58135 | 1685764 | 1724284 | 1470307 | 4253 |
524288 | 16 | 47743 | 47480 | 2898601 | 2960256 | 2692925 | 14475 |
524288 | 64 | 61582 | 45115 | 3810565 | 3981380 | 3828597 | 38506 |
1048576 | 4 | 33910 | 34316 | 103586 | 1478329 | 1425439 | 1332 |
1048576 | 16 | 34250 | 34825 | 2764226 | 3040973 | 2774605 | 5571 |
1048576 | 64 | 31299 | 36823 | 3444334 | 3935341 | 3686432 | 15204 |
Ceph 测试的数据(第二次),读写的数据单位为 Kbyte/sec-Cached | |||||||
文件大小 | 读写块 | 顺序写 | 顺序重写 | 顺序读 | 顺序重读 | 随机读 | 随机写 |
KB | KB | Write | rewrite | read | reread | random read | random write |
131072 | 4 | 83904 | 1022994 | 1673412 | 1709515 | 1503240 | 985948 |
131072 | 16 | 38091 | 1228485 | 2949811 | 2971334 | 2781252 | 1253748 |
131072 | 64 | 56123 | 1254781 | 3679196 | 3915059 | 3792575 | 1377068 |
262144 | 4 | 65393 | 1004044 | 1750043 | 1734421 | 1521289 | 974527 |
262144 | 16 | 255204 | 1195993 | 3002138 | 3000115 | 2794590 | 1195797 |
262144 | 64 | 225729 | 1313668 | 3896368 | 3979789 | 3848499 | 1348068 |
524288 | 4 | 45920 | 65034 | 1678758 | 1714558 | 1458024 | 5223 |
524288 | 16 | 50058 | 48519 | 3099268 | 3113715 | 2875664 | 20228 |
524288 | 64 | 53816 | 56103 | 3844259 | 3865342 | 3527921 | 37278 |
1048576 | 4 | 40288 | 37899 | 110866 | 1534773 | 1506518 | 1471 |
1048576 | 16 | 36067 | 34935 | 109116 | 2665095 | 2713798 | 6355 |
1048576 | 64 | 35454 | 37209 | 3441348 | 3884836 | 4147176 | 18511 |
测试命令方法是在客户端执行:time cp file to Gluster/ceph挂载目录 这样的写或反向读
sync && echo 3 >/proc/sys/vm/drop_caches && sleep 2 && echo 0 >/proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
[root@gluserclient ~]# ls -l
-rw-r–r–. 1 root root 4239785984 Mar 12 18:02 windowsxp_sp3.img
[root@gluserclient ~]# time cp windowsxp_sp3.img /mnt/sr33
real 5m31.654s
user 0m0.096s
sys 0m10.629s
root@cephfsclient:/home/romi# time cp windowsxp_sp3.img /mnt/mycephfs/
real 2m27.543s
user 0m0.004s
sys 0m8.924s
[root@gluserclient ~]# ls -l
total 2473936
-rw——-. 1 root root 2531524608 Mar 12 17:33 aipu-windows2003-64.qcow2
[root@gluserclient ~]# time cp aipu-windows2003-64.qcow2 /mnt/sr33
cp: overwrite `/mnt/sr33/aipu-windows2003-64.qcow2′? y
real 2m36.842s
user 0m0.039s
sys 0m6.369s
root@cephfsclient:/home/romi# time cp aipu-windows2003-64.qcow2 /mnt/mycephfs/
real 1m21.645s
user 0m0.008s
sys 0m5.356s
[root@gluserclient ~]# ls -l
total 7546584
-rw——-. 1 root root 954597376 Mar 12 18:27 aipu-centos62-64-mini.qcow2
[root@gluserclient ~]# time cp aipu-centos62-64-mini.qcow2 /mnt/sr33
real 0m34.597s
user 0m0.017s
sys 0m1.918s
root@cephfsclient:/home/romi# time cp aipu-centos62-64-mini.qcow2 /mnt/mycephfs/
real 0m34.378s
user 0m0.004s
sys 0m2.036s
[root@gluserclient ~]# ls -l
-rw——-. 1 root root 213581824 Mar 12 18:37 fedora16-x86_64-openstack-sda.qcow2
[root@gluserclient ~]# time cp fedora16-x86_64-openstack-sda.qcow2 /mnt/sr33
real 0m5.543s
user 0m0.003s
sys 0m0.360s
root@cephfsclient:/home/romi# time cp fedora16-x86_64-openstack-sda.qcow2 /mnt/mycephfs/
real 0m0.892s
user 0m0.000s
sys 0m0.276s
[root@gluserclient sr33]# time cp windowsxp_sp3.img /root
cp: overwrite `/root/windowsxp_sp3.img’? y
real 4m11.290s
user 0m0.077s
sys 0m10.563s
root@cephfsclient:/mnt/mycephfs# time cp windowsxp_sp3.img /home/romi
real 1m9.603s
user 0m0.020s
sys 0m8.600s
[root@gluserclient sr33]# time cp aipu-centos62-64-mini.qcow2 /root
cp: overwrite `/root/aipu-centos62-64-mini.qcow2′? y
real 0m12.479s
user 0m0.015s
sys 0m3.005s
root@cephfsclient:/mnt/mycephfs# time cp aipu-centos62-64-mini.qcow2 /home/romi
real 0m9.623s
user 0m0.000s
sys 0m1.892s
[root@gluserclient sr33]# time cp aipu-centos62-64-mini.qcow2 /root
cp: overwrite `/root/aipu-centos62-64-mini.qcow2′? y
real 0m12.619s
user 0m0.012s
sys 0m2.921s
root@cephfsclient:/mnt/mycephfs# time cp aipu-centos62-64-mini.qcow2 /home/romi
real 0m10.206s
user 0m0.004s
sys 0m1.708s
[root@gluserclient sr33]# time cp fedora16-x86_64-openstack-sda.qcow2 /root
cp: overwrite `/root/fedora16-x86_64-openstack-sda.qcow2′? y
real 0m5.026s
user 0m0.008s
sys 0m0.753s
root@cephfsclient:/mnt/mycephfs# time cp fedora16-x86_64-openstack-sda.qcow2 /home/romi
real 0m2.349s
user 0m0.000s
sys 0m0.484s
测试命令方法是在客户端执行:time cp file to Gluster/ceph挂载目录 这样的写或反向读
模式 | 文件大小(左右) | GlusterFS(分.秒) | Ceph(分.秒) |
写 | 4G | 5’31” | 2’27” |
2.5G | 2’36” | 1’21” | |
1G | 0’34” | 0’34” | |
210M | 0’5” | 0’.0.8” |
模式 | 文件大小(左右) | GlusterFS(分.秒) | Ceph(分.秒) |
读 | 4G | 4’11” | 1’9” |
2.5G | 0’12” | 0’9” | |
1G | 0’12” | 0’10” | |
210M | 0’5” | 0’2” |
我们以40K为基准(找了一个38K左右的log文件作为标准-file38k.txt),生成1000, 5000,10000个文件, 这样我们看看速率如何。
/mnt/mycephfs 是ceph 的挂接点
/mnt/sr33 是gluster的挂接点
root@cephfsclient:/home/romi# cat create40k.sh
for((i=1;i<=1024;i++)); dodd if=/root/file38k.txt of=/root/smbfile/hello.$i bs=4k count=10echo “hello.$i was created”done |
我们准备将这些小文件拷贝到 /mnt/sr33 下面的smbfile目录中:
root@cephfsclient:/home/romi/smbfile# time cp * /mnt/sr33/smbfile
real 0m27.957s
user 0m0.040s
sys 0m0.312s
root@cephfsclient:/home/romi/smbfile# time cp * /mnt/mycephfs/smbfile
real 0m8.158s
user 0m0.056s
sys 0m0.208s
root@cephfsclient:/home/romi/smbfile# time cp * /mnt/sr33/smbfile
real 3m15.632s
user 0m0.204s
sys 0m1.604s
root@cephfsclient:/home/romi/smbfile# time cp * /mnt/mycephfs/smbfile
real 0m40.302s
user 0m0.296s
sys 0m2.000s
root@cephfsclient:/home/romi/smbfile# time cp * /mnt/sr33/smbfile/
real 5m21.581s
user 0m0.504s
sys 0m4.008s
root@cephfsclient:/home/romi/smbfile# time cp * /mnt/mycephfs/smbfile
real 2m8.483s
user 0m0.540s
sys 0m3.744s
root@cephfsclient:/home/romi# time ls /mnt/sr33/smbfile/*
real 0m34.306s
user 0m0.568s
sys 0m0.512s
root@cephfsclient:/home/romi# time ls /mnt/mycephfs/smbfile/*
real 0m0.599s
user 0m0.296s
sys 0m0.072s
root@cephfsclient:/mnt/sr33/smbfile# time cp * /home/romi/smbfile
real 0m39.511s
user 0m0.368s
sys 0m2.036s
root@cephfsclient:/mnt/mycephfs/smbfile# time cp * /home/romi/smbfile
real 0m23.461s
user 0m0.216s
sys 0m2.168s
模式 | 文件数量 | GlusterFS(分.秒) | Ceph(分.秒) |
写 | 1024 | 0’27” | 0’8” |
5000 | 3’15” | 0’40” | |
10000 | 5’21” | 2’8” | |
浏览 | 10000 | 0’34” | 0’0.5” |
读 | 10000 | 0’39” | 0’23” |
GlusterFS 的写性能数据较低,但顺序读的数据表现较为稳定,即跑满了1G网卡带宽;但其余的数据表现不如人意。Ceph的测试数据需要进一步研究,其中有一些读的数据超过了1G byte/sec, 不知iozone为什么会给出这样的数据,也不知道是否与Ceph 的Rados机制有关。但考虑到iozone给出的Ceph的顺序读最低数据也是在100M左右,因此原则上Ceph 也是可以跑满1G的带宽的; 同时,其它各数据表现也比GlusterFS要好一些,虽然这些数据看起来有点超出了1G byte/sec,有点让人不可思议。另外,由于生产环境的部署中对GlusterFS及Ceph均会使用调优方法,因此在使用iozone时,我并没有做一些特别设置。综合Ceph的二次测试与GlusterFS的数据表明, GlusterFS 与Ceph相同的Striped 3+ Replica 3数据存贮模式下,Ceph的两次测试的读写性能数据比GlusterFS要好,但GlusterFS的读写数据很稳定,而Ceph的读写数据有些波幅。小结如下:1. GlusterFS数据读写表现比Ceph稳定2. 当客户端实际应用存在缓存的顺序读写情况下:a) Ceph的写速率超过GlusterFSb) 在256M文件以下的4,16,64K三种情况下Ceph仍是线性表现,在实际应用环境中性能超过GlusterFS。
c) GlusterFS可以提供与网卡吞吐量相当的读速率,且稳定 3. 当客户端实际应用存在缓存的随机读写情况下,两者难以有较大差别,相对地好象GlusterFS要好一些。 网上目前给出的两者对比数据要么是服务器数量达不到集群要求,要么是GlusterFS采用简单的distributed与striped模式(Intel给出的报告服务器数量太少,同时也没有关于GlusterFS的数据存贮模式说明),没有考虑到数据按三份存放这种中央存贮系统最重要的数据保存模式,因此,部分测试报告说明GlusterFS性能比Ceph好这种信息。 此份报告只是仅用以参考,因为Ceph与GlusterFS在各方面差别较大,单纯的比较意义并不是很大。
原本计划利用iozone的I参数再对比一下两者的异同,但无奈iozone 加上I参数后,在ubuntu 的ceph客户端无法正常执行下去,因此无法实现。
但我们利用了实际文件写入及读出的测试,结果表明 ceph还是好一些。有可能与Ceph客户端本身某种机制有关。