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分类: Python/Ruby

2022-08-24 11:55:22

from tkinter import messagebox as msgbox

import tkinter as tk

import webbrowser

import random

class Lifes:

    def __init__(self, rows=36, cols=36):

        self.row = rows+2

        self.col = cols+2

        self.items = [[0]*self.col for _ in range(self.row)]

        self.histroy = []

        self.histroySize = 30

        self.running = False

        self.runningSpeed = 100

    def rndinit(self, rate=0.1):

        self.histroy = []

        for i in range(self.row):

            for j in range(self.col):

                rnd = random.random()

                if rnd > 1-rate:


    def reproduce(self):

        new = [[0]*self.col for _ in range(self.row)]


        if len(self.histroy) > self.histroySize:


        for i in range(self.row):

            for j in range(self.col):

                if i*j==0 or i==self.row-1 or j==self.col-1:




                    for m in range(i-1,i+2):

                        for n in range(j-1,j+2):

                            if m==i and n==j:


                            lifes += self.items[m][n]

                    if self.items[i][j]:

                        if lifes==2 or lifes==3:





                        if lifes==3:


        for idx,narray in enumerate(new):

            self.items[idx] = narray

    def is_stable(self):

        if len(self.histroy)

            return False

        arr = []

        for i in self.histroy:

            if i not in arr:


        if len(arr)<10:

            return True

    def add_histroy(self, Items=None):

        arr = []

        if Items==None:


        for item in Items:

            b = 0

            for i,n in enumerate(item[::-1]):

                b += n*2**i



def drawCanvas():

    global tv,rect

    tv = tk.Canvas(win, width=win.winfo_width(), height=win.winfo_height())

    tv.pack(side = "top")

    for i in range(36):

        coord = 40, 40, 760, i*20 + 40


        coord = 40, 40, i*20 + 40, 760


    coord = 38, 38, 760, 760


    coord = 39, 39, 760, 760


    coord = 38, 38, 762, 762


    R,XY = 8,[50+i*20 for i in range(36)]

    rect = [[0]*36 for _ in range(36)]

    for i,x in enumerate(XY):

        for j,y in enumerate(XY):

            rect[i][j] = tv.create_rectangle(x-R,y-R,x+R,y+R,tags=('imgButton1'))



def drawLifes():

    R,XY = 8,[50+i*20 for i in range(36)]

    if Life.running:

        for i,x in enumerate(XY):

            for j,y in enumerate(XY):

                if Life.items[i+1][j+1]:






        if Life.is_stable():

            Life.running = False

            if sum(sum(Life.items,[])):




    win.after(Life.runningSpeed, drawLifes)

def StartLife():

    if sum(sum(Life.items,[])):

        Life.histroy = []

        Life.running = True



def BreakLife():

    Life.running = not Life.running

    if Life.running:



def RandomLife():


    Life.running = True

def ClearLife():

    Life.running = False

    Life.histroy = []

    Life.items = [[0]*38 for _ in range(38)]

    for x in range(36):

        for y in range(36):


def btnCommand(i):

    if   i==0: return StartLife

    elif i==1: return BreakLife

    elif i==2: return RandomLife

    elif i==3: return ClearLife

def on_Enter(event):

    tCanvas.itemconfig(tVisit, fill='magenta')

def on_Leave(event):

    tCanvas.itemconfig(tVisit, fill='blue')

def on_Release(event):

    url = '', new=0, autoraise=True)

def on_Click(event):

    x,y = (event.x-40)//20,(event.y-40)//20

    if not Life.running:

        if Life.items[x+1][y+1]:




        Life.items[x+1][y+1] = not Life.items[x+1][y+1]

def on_Close():

    if msgbox.askokcancel("Quit","Do you want to quit?"):

        Life.running = False



def Introduce():

    txt = '''【生命游戏】\n\n生存定律:





    return txt

def Copyright():

    return 'Lifes Game Ver1.0\nWritten by HannYang, 2022/08/01.'

if __name__ == '__main__':

    win = tk.Tk()

    X,Y = win.maxsize()

    W,H = 1024,800

    winPos = f'{W}x{H}+{(X-W)//2}+{(Y-H)//2}'


    win.resizable(False, False)

    win.title('生命游戏 Ver1.0')



    Life = Lifes()


    tLabel = tk.Label(win, width=30, height=20, background='lightgray'), y=38)



    tButton = [None]*4

    bX,bY,dY = 835, 458, 50

    txt = ['开始','暂停','随机','清空']

    for i in range(4):

        tButton[i] = tk.Button(win, text=txt[i], command=btnCommand(i))

        tButton[i].place(x=bX, y=bY+dY*i, width=120, height=40)     

    tCanvas = tk.Canvas(win, width=200, height=45),y=716)

    tVisit = tCanvas.create_text((88, 22), text=u"点此访问Hann's CSDN主页!")

    tCanvas.itemconfig(tVisit, fill='blue', tags=('btnText'))




    win.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", on_Close)


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