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分类: Python/Ruby

2022-08-09 17:07:34

import random

import pandas as pd

import time

# 这里定义一个全局变量,用来表示最大的货架数——即批次种类限制

N = 200

# 然后是写一个函数,实现只存储同一订单对应的货品种类

def big_and_small(choose0, order):



    :param choose0:

    :param order:



    big1 = []

    small0 = []

    choose0 = dict(choose0)

    # 选取的订单字典,键是订单号,值是种类数

    choose_order = {}

    for i1 in choose0:

        if choose0[i1] == 0:

            choose_order[i1] = len(order[i1])

    # 将未被选的订单字典排序

    choose_order = sorted(choose_order.items(), key=lambda x: x[1])

    new_len = len(choose_order)

    # 计算大小分界的索引

    mid_index = new_len * 2 // 3

    index0 = 0

    for i1 in choose_order:

        if index0 < mid_index:




        index0 += 1

    return big1, small0

# 写一个函数判断是否在当前批次

def is_in(batch, order):



    :param batch: 当前批订单, 内容是包含的货品

    :param order: 当前订单,也是货品

    :return: 新增货品种类数


    # 将批次和订单都列表化

    batch = list(batch)

    order = list(order)

    ans = 0

    # 循环累加不在当前批次的货品种类数

    for o0 in order:

        if o0 not in batch:

            ans += 1

    return ans

# 写一个选取函数

def choose_batch(orders1, batch01, batch02, keys0):




    :param orders1: 订单

    :param batch01: 批次列表1,存储批次对应的订单

    :param batch02: 批次列表2,存储批次对应的货品种类

    :param keys0: 选取订单的列表, 内容是订单号

    :return: 返回选取加入后的批次12


    # 写一个洗牌算法

    # 先获取选取订单的长度

    # keys_len = len(keys0)

    # # 逆序遍历选取列表

    # # 通过交换随机下标来实现将选取的订单的顺序洗牌

    # for k in range(keys_len - 1, -1, -1):

    #     # 获取随机下标

    #     rindex 跟单网 random.randint(0, k)

    #     # 交换位置

    #     temp = keys0[rindex]

    #     keys0[rindex] = keys0[k]

    #     keys0[k] = temp

    batch1 = dict(batch01)

    batch2 = dict(batch02)

    # 获取到当前最大批次数对应的下标

    i0 = len(batch1) - 1

    # 如果此时没有,这需要置为0

    if i0 < 0:

        i0 = 0

    for key0 in keys0:

        # 初始时需要创建批次

        if i0 not in batch1:

            batch1[i0] = []

            batch2[i0] = []

        add_type = -1

        index0 = -1

        flag = False

        for j in range(i0 + 1):

            if key0 in batch1[j]:

                flag = True


            at = is_in(batch2[j], orders[key0])

            # 完全重合直接退出循环

            if at == 0:

                index0 = j


            if (add_type < 0 or add_type >= at) and len(batch2[j]) + at <= N:

                add_type = at

                index0 = j

        if flag:


        if index0 >= 0:


            for good in orders1[key0]:

                if good not in batch2[index0]:



            i0 += 1

            batch1[i0] = []


            batch2[i0] = orders1[key0]

    return batch1, batch2

# 然后接下来写一个从小订单中选取

def choose_small(orders1, batch1, batch2, small1):

    orders1 = dict(orders1)

    keys = list(small1)

    batch1 = dict(batch1)

    batch2 = dict(batch2)

    batch1, batch2 = choose_batch(orders1, batch1, batch2, keys)

    return batch1, batch2

# 这个是在大的数组中重新选取

def choose_big(big1, orders1, batch, batch2):

    orders1 = dict(orders1)

    keys = list(big1)

    # 批次数组有两种,一种是存储订单,一种是存储货品

    batch1 = dict(batch)

    batch2 = dict(batch2)

    batch1, batch2 = choose_batch(orders1, batch1, batch2, keys)

    return batch1, batch2

# 然后写一个迭代函数

def gen_ite(order, btch_1, btch_2):





    :param order: 订单字典,订单号对应相应的货品种类

    :param btch_1:

    :param btch_2:

    :return: 最终多次迭代后的结果


    btch_1 = dict(btch_1)

    btch_2 = dict(btch_2)

    for i0 in range(1):

        # 先对批次的订单数排序 —— 降序排序

        btch = sorted(btch_1.items(), key=lambda x: len(x[1]), reverse=True)

        btch_len = len(btch)

        index0 = btch_len // 5

        # 生成两个新的字典,和btch12类似

        bt1 = {}

        bt2 = {}

        # 先将精英保留

        # 选择字典

        choose_0 = {}

        for j in order.keys():

            choose_0[j] = 0

        for k in range(index0):

            for o0 in btch_1[k][1]:

                choose_0[o0] = 1

            bt1[k] = btch_1[btch[k][0]]

            bt2[k] = btch_2[btch[k][0]]

        keys = []

        for m in order.keys():

            if choose[m] == 0:


        # # 接下来划分大小订单

        # big1, small1 = big_and_small(choose, orders)

        # print('big: %d small: %d' % (len(big1), len(small1)))

        # # 之后根据划分的大小订单在得到新的分批

        # bt1, bt2 = choose_big(big1, orders, bt1, bt2)

        # print(len(bt1), len(bt2))

        # # bt1, bt2 = choose_small(orders, bt1, bt2, small1)

        # # print(len(bt1), len(bt2))

        bt1, bt2 = choose_batch(order, bt1, bt2, keys)

        # 然后比较新旧分批的批数来更新批次

        if len(bt1) < len(btch_1):

            btch_1 = bt1

            btch_2 = bt2

            print('%d, 批次数为%d' % (i0 + 1, len(btch_1)))

        le = 0

        for bi in btch_1:

            le += len(btch_1[bi])


    return btch_1, btch_2

# 写一个计算距离的函数

def compute_dis(order, batch10, goods):


    :param order: 其实就是订单集合,通过订单可以知道需要的货品

    :param batch10: 批次下的订单列表

    :param goods: 当前批次下的货物关于货物列表的索引

    :return: 返回距离和


    order = dict(order)

    batch10 = list(batch10)

    goods = dict(goods)

    dis = 0

    for bat in batch10:

        index_max = -1

        index_min = -1

        for good in order[bat]:

            if index_min == -1 and index_max == -1:

                index_max = index_min = goods[good]


                index_max = max(index_max, goods[good])

                index_min = min(index_min, goods[good])

        dis += index_max - index_min

    return dis

# 写一个第二问的解决函数

def solution2(order, batch2, batch1):

    batch1 = dict(batch1)

    batch2 = dict(batch2)

    order = dict(order)

    pre_total = 0

    ans = []

    p = 0

    total = 0

    start0 = time.time()

    for batch in batch2.items():

        # 现在是对每一个批次

        # 先建立货物种类到下标映射, 和下标到货物的映射

        good_to_index = {}

        index_to_good = batch[1]

        for index1 in range(len(index_to_good)):

            good = index_to_good[index1]

            good_to_index[good] = index1

        dis = compute_dis(order, batch1[batch[0]], good_to_index)

        print('当前第%d批原始距离为 %d' % (p + 1, dis))

        pre_total += dis

        for i0 in range(200000):

            j = random.randint(0, len(index_to_good) - 1)

            k = random.randint(0, len(index_to_good) - 1)

            if j == k:


            # 获取货物信息

            good1, good2 = index_to_good[j], index_to_good[k]

            # 先交换

            temp = good_to_index[good1]

            good_to_index[good1] = good_to_index[good2]

            good_to_index[good2] = temp

            if dis > compute_dis(order, batch1[batch[0]], good_to_index):

                index_to_good[j], index_to_good[k] = good2, good1

                dis = compute_dis(order, batch1[batch[0]], good_to_index)


                good_to_index[good1], good_to_index[good2] = good_to_index[good2], good_to_index[good1]

        print('迭代后 第%d批原始距离为 %d' % (p + 1, dis))

        total += dis


        p += 1

    print('原始距离', pre_total)

    print('最终距离', total)

    end0 = time.time()

    print('时间消耗', end0 - start0)

    return ans

# 找到订单的起始点

def find_min_and_max_index(order_good, good_index):

    order_good = list(order_good)

    good_index = dict(good_index)

    min_index = max_index = -1

    for good_name in order_good:

        if min_index == -1 and max_index == -1:

            min_index = max_index = good_index[good_name]


        min_index = min(min_index, good_index[good_name])

        max_index = max(max_index, good_index[good_name])

    return min_index, min_index

def right_find(order, batch1, good_index, pos):

    order = dict(order)

    batch1 = list(batch1)

    good_index = dict(good_index)

    ans = ''

    j = int(pos)

    tar = j

    for name in batch1:

        i1, i2 = find_min_and_max_index(order[name], good_index)

        if i1 >= pos and (j > i1 or j == pos):

            j = i1

            ans = name

            tar = i2

    return ans, tar

def left_find(order, batch1, good_index, pos):

    order = dict(order)

    batch1 = list(batch1)

    good_index = dict(good_index)

    ans = ''

    j = pos

    tar = j

    for name in batch1:

        i1, i2 = find_min_and_max_index(order[name], good_index)

        if i1 <= pos and (j < i1 or j == pos):

            j = i2

            ans = name

            tar = i1

    return ans, tar

def find_people(distance):




    :param distance: 距离数组

    :return: 返回工人的下标


    # 答案初始化为下标0

    ans = 0

    distance = list(distance)

    for i1 in range(1, len(distance)):

        if distance[i1] < distance[ans]:

            ans = i1

    return ans

def solution3(order, batch1, batch2, n):



    :param order: 订单对应的货品,字典对象

    :param batch1: 分批好的订单,批号对应的订单

    :param batch2: 分批好的订单对应的货品种类,批号对应的种类

    :param n: 工人的数量

    :return: 返回第三问需要的结果


    # 先将这些字典对象示例化,实现可变参数在函数内和外的分离

    batch1 = dict(batch1)

    order = dict(order)

    batch2 = dict(batch2)

    # 答案,用列表存储,每一个其实也是列表,分别对应答案需要的答案

    ans = []

    peo_dis1 = []            # 用来计算每一批员工的总路程

    total_dis0 = []          # 总距离

    for i1 in range(n):


    # 我们遍历批次

    for i1 in batch1.keys():

        # 实例化批次对应的订单和货品种类,这里其实还是将其变为数组的形式

        bat_or = list(batch1[i1])

        bat_go = list(batch2[i1])

        # 货品在该批次中对应的位置, 即货架的位置

        good_index = {}

        # 遍历一遍订单和货品种类,这里的顺序其实就是第二问求解的摆放顺序

        for ind in range(len(bat_go)):

            # 先获取当前的货物

            good = bat_go[ind]

            # 利用字典的映射关系,设置货物对应的摆放位置的关系

            good_index[good] = ind

        people = []         # 工人列表,用来存储工人的位置

        task = []           # 任务列表,用来存储工人当前批干的第几个订单

        peo_dis0 = []       # 当前批的距离

        # 先将这两个列表都初始化为0

        for p in range(n):




        # 当批次中的订单还有的时候,需要进行分配

        while len(bat_or) > 0:

            # 我们可以先进行正向的寻找, 先找当前最小的下标,同级优先按工人编号寻找

            p = find_people(peo_dis0)

            # 获取当前工人的位置

            pos = people[p]

            # 然后在以当前工人位置为起点,向右寻找最近的订单,并返回订单号和订单完成时工人的位置

            name, next_pos = right_find(order, bat_or, good_index, pos)

            # 如果找不到订单,说明右边没有订单了,需要逆向寻找

            if name == '':

                # 向当前位置最左边找离最近的订单

                name, next_pos = left_find(order, bat_or, good_index, pos)

            task[p] += 1        # 当前工人的任务数 + 1

            temp = [name, i1 + 1, p + 1, task[p]]        # 当前行的答案

            ans.append(temp)        # 将这一行的答案添加到最终答案中

            bat_or.remove(name)     # 将这个订单从列表中移除


            # 计算移动距离

            dis = abs(pos - next_pos)

            # 加和

            peo_dis0[p] += dis

            people[p] = next_pos


        for ik in range(n):

            total_dis0[ik] += peo_dis0[ik]

    # 返回答案

    return ans, peo_dis1, total_dis0

if __name__ == "__main__":

    start = time.time()

    # 先写一个文件路径

    filepath = '附件1:订单信息.csv'

    # 先读取文件

    # 使用 pandas 内置的读取方式

    df = pd.read_csv(filepath)  # 将文件读取为一个dataframe格式

    con = pd.DataFrame(df, columns=['OrderNo', 'ItemNo'])

    orders = {}

    for line in con.index:

        if not con.iloc[line]['OrderNo'] in orders:

            orders[con.iloc[line]['OrderNo']] = []


    s = set(orders.keys())


    # 选取字典,表示对应订单是否被选取

    choose = {}

    # 初始化为未被选取

    for key in orders.keys():

        choose[key] = 0

    big, small = big_and_small(choose, orders)

    print(len(big), len(small))

    b1, b2 = choose_big(big, orders, {}, {})

    b1, b2 = choose_small(orders, b1, b2, small)

    end = time.time()

    print(end - start)

    print(len(b1), len(b2))

    btch1, btch2 = dict(b1), dict(b2)

    file = open('result1.csv', 'w+')

    result1 = 'OrderNo,GroupNo\n'

    for b in btch1.keys():

        for o in btch1[b]:

            result1 += o + ',' + str(b + 1) + '\n'

    print(result1, file=file)


    ans2 = solution2(orders, batch1=btch1, batch2=btch2)

    result2 = 'ItemNo,GroupNo,ShelfNo\n'

    for index in btch2.keys():

        btch2[index] = ans2[index]

        for _i in range(len(ans2[index])):

            result2 += ans2[index][_i] + ',' + str(index + 1) + ',' + str(_i + 1) + '\n'

    file = open('result2.csv', 'w+')

    print(result2, file=file)


    ans3, peo_dis, total_dis = solution3(orders, batch2=btch2, batch1=btch1, n=5)

    result3 = 'OrderNo,GroupNo,WorkerNo,TaskNo\n'

    for a in ans3:

        for index in range(len(a)):

            result3 += str(a[index])

            if index + 1 < len(a):

                result3 += ','


                result3 += '\n'

    file = open('result3.csv', 'w+')

    print(result3, file=file)


    result4 = ''

    for b in peo_dis:

        for index in range(len(b)):

            result4 += str(b[index])

            if index + 1 < len(b):

                result4 += ','


                result4 += '\n'

    file = open('员工路程,单批.csv', 'w+')

    print(result4, file=file)


    file = open('员工路径总和.csv', 'w+')

    result4 = ''

    for i in range(len(total_dis)):

        result4 += str(total_dis[i])

        if i + 1 < len(total_dis):

            result4 += ','


            result4 += '\n'

    print(result4, file=file)


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