while(!done() && (run_frame_count_str==0 || getViewerFrameStamp()->getFrameNumber()
double minFrameTime = _runMaxFrameRate>0.0 ? 1.0/_runMaxFrameRate : 0.0;
osg::Timer_t startFrameTick = osg::Timer::instance()->tick();
if (_runFrameScheme==ON_DEMAND)
if (checkNeedToDoFrame())
// we don't need to render a frame but we don't want to spin the run loop so make sure the minimum
// loop time is 1/100th of second, if not otherwise set, so enabling the frame microSleep below to
// avoid consume excessive CPU resources.
if (minFrameTime==0.0) minFrameTime=0.01;
// work out if we need to force a sleep to hold back the frame rate
osg::Timer_t endFrameTick = osg::Timer::instance()->tick();
double frameTime = osg::Timer::instance()->delta_s(startFrameTick, endFrameTick);
if (frameTime < minFrameTime) OpenThreads::Thread::microSleep(static_cast(1000000.0*(minFrameTime-frameTime)));
return 0;