A FirstWorld War postcard has finally been delivered - a staggering 94years after it was sent. Soldier Alfred Arthur, 19, sent the cardto his sister Ellen, known as Nell, in January 1916 at the heightof the Great War. Tragically the hero was killed in the brutalfighting which killed millions from all sides in the blood-soakedtrenches on the Western Front in France.
Thepostcard is dated 1916 and bears a cartoon picture of anewly-recruited soldier on the front. Thoughtful Alfred has writtento his beloved sister: "Dear Nell, Just a postcard to let you knowI have not forgotten you. On the other side you will see our ordersfor next week. I will need your pity. Drop me a line, your brotherAlfred." His sister Nell died, still heartbroken by his brutalwartime death, in 1964.
Not onlywas the postcard 94 years late, but it was also delivered to adifferent door number from the one it was addressed to. But RoyalMail said it is very unlikely the card was with them all that timeas they regularly clean out their sorting office and post boxes.The postcard's history for the last 94 years remains a totalmystery.
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