HelixServer安装[root@localhost data]# ls
DistributedLicensing.lic HelixServer ISP-Hosting.lic setup.tar.gz
[root@localhost data]# tar -zxvf setup.tar.gz #解压HelixServer Unlimited 11
[root@localhost data]# ls
DistributedLicensing.lic helix-server-retail-11.01-rhel4-setup.bin setup.tar.gz
HelixServer ISP-Hosting.lic
[root@localhost data]# chmod 700 helix-server-retail-11.01-rhel4-setup.bin # 添加执行权限
[root@localhost data]# ./helix-server-retail-11.01-rhel4-setup.bin #安装HelixServer Unlimited 11
Extracting files for Helix installation........................
Welcome to the Helix Server 11.0 ( Setup for UNIX
Setup will help you get Helix Server running on your computer.
Press [Enter] to continue...
If a Helix Server license key file has been sent to you,
please enter its directory path below. If you have not
received a Helix Server license key file, then this server
WILL NOT OPERATE until a license key file is placed in
the servers License directory. Please obtain a free
Basic Helix Server license or purchase a commercial license
from our website at . If you need
further assistance, please visit our on-line support area
at .
License Key File: []: #添加许可证文件 此步先确认,等HelixServer安装完毕之后再添加文件。
Installation and use of Helix Server requires
acceptance of the following terms and conditions:
Press [Enter] to display the license text... #列出许可协议
Software License for Helix(tm) Basic
Server from RealNetworks(r)
RealNetworks License Agreement ("License
Agreement") is a legal agreement between
you (either an individual or an entity)
and RealNetworks, Inc. and its suppliers
and licensors (collectively "RN") for
RNs Helix Basic Server, which includes
computer software and associated media
and printed materials, whether provided
in physical form or received on-line in
electronic form ("Software"). You may
install only ONE copy of the Software.
By choosing "Accept," installing,
copying or otherwise using the Software,
you agree to be bound by the terms of
this License Agreement. If you do not
agree to the terms of this License
Choose "Accept" to accept the terms of this
license agreement and continue with Helix Server setup.
If you do not accept these terms, enter "No"
and installation of Helix Server will be cancelled.
I accept the above license: [Accept]: #回车,接受许可协议
Enter the complete path to the directory where you want
Helix Server to be installed. You must specify the full
pathname of the directory and have write privileges to
the chosen directory.
Directory: [/data]: /data/HelixServer #输入安装目录
Please enter a username and password that you will use
to access the web-based Helix Server Administrator and monitor.
Username []: admin #输入web登录管理员名称
Password []: # 输入web登录管理员密码
Confirm Password []: #再次输入登录管理员密码
Please enter a port on which Helix Server will listen for
RTSP connections. These connections have URLs that begin
with "rtsp://"
Port [554]: #设置RTSP连接端口,保持默认。
Please enter a port on which Helix Server will listen for
HTTP connections. These connections have URLs that begin
with "http://"
Port [80]: 8088 #设置HTTP连接端口,为避免和apache冲突,建议更改。
Please enter a port on which Helix Server will listen for
MMS connections. These connections have URLs that begin
with "mms://"
Port [1755]: #设置MMS连接端口,保持默认。
Helix Server will listen for Administrator requests on the
port shown. This port has been initialized to a random value
for security. Please verify now that this pre-assigned port
will not interfere with ports already in use on your system;
you can change it if necessary.
Port [27465]: 10000 #设置HelixServer远程管理端口,建议更改以便记忆。
You have selected the following Helix Server configuration:
Admin User/Password: admin/****
Encoder User/Password: admin/****
Monitor Password: ****
RTSP Port: 554
HTTP Port: 8088
MMS Port: 1755
Admin Port: 10000
Destination: /data/HelixServer
Enter [F]inish to begin copying files, or [P]revious to go
back to the previous prompts: [F]: #如果前面配置没有问题,按"Enter"键复制文件,若想修改前面配置参数,按"P"键返回修改。
Copying Helix Server files....
Helix Server installation is complete.
If at any time you should require technical
assistance, please visit our on-line support area
at .
Cleaning up installation files...
[root@localhost data]#
[root@localhost data]# cp *.lic /data/HelixServer/License/ #复制许可证文件
HelixServer 汉化包
[root@localhost HelixAdministrator_CHS]# cp -rf * /data/HelixServer/HelixAdministrator/ #复制汉化包文件到HelixAdministrator目录中
[root@localhost data]# cd HelixServer/
[root@localhost HelixServer]# ls
adm_b_db cdi_b_db default.cfg enc_w_db Lib master.cfg Secure
Bin Commerce enc_b_db HelixAdministrator License Plugins slta.cfg
Cache Content enc_r_db helixserver.my Logs rmserver.cfg
HelixServer 服务启用和停用
[root@localhost HelixServer]# ./Bin/rmserver rmserver.cfg & #后台启动HelixServer
[1] 6868
[root@localhost HelixServer]# Helix Server (c) 1995-2005 RealNetworks, Inc. All rights reserved.
Version: Helix Server 11.0 ( (Build 74277/5688)
Platform: linux-rhel4-i686
Using Config File: rmserver.cfg
Linux kernel version 2.6.9-78.EL detected [glibc 2.3.4/NPTL 2.3.4]
Starting PID 6869 TID 3086890688/6869, procnum 0 (controller)
Creating Server Space...
Server has allocated 256 megabytes of memory
Starting TID 3084909440/6871, procnum 1 (timer)
Calibrating timers...
Interval timer enabled (10ms resolution).
Starting TID 3082812288/6872, procnum 2 (core)
Starting Helix Server 11.0 Core...
1 CPU Detected...
Testing File Descriptors...
Setting per-process descriptor capacity to 672(1003), 21...
Testing Mutex...(421.50 ops/usec)
Testing AtomicOps...(61.73 ops/usec)
I: Loading Plugins from /data/HelixServer/Plugins...
I: slicensepln.so 0xb50ec0 RealNetworks Licensing Plugin
I: svrbascauth.so 0x3b9cc0 RealNetworks Basic Authenticator
I: rn5auth.so 0x11dc40 RealNetworks RN5 Authenticator
I: rn5auth.so 0x11dc40 RealNetworks Digest Authenticator
I: rncache.so 0x43c880 RealNetworks Cache Plugin
I: redbcplin.so 0x6f10a0 RealNetworks Broadcast Redundancy Plugin
I: encoplin.so 0x13f8f0 RealNetworks Encoder Broadcast Plugin
I: swfformat.so 0x1ffc30 RealNetworks Macromedia Flash 4 File Format Plugin
I: snmpplin.so 0x23fe00 RealNetworks Snmp Plugin (Version
I: miiplin.so 0x2e00e0 RealNetworks Media Import Plugin
I: xmlcfg.so 0x9fa780 RealNetworks XML Configuration Plugin
I: audplin.so 0xce14c0 RealNetworks G.7xx Renderer Plugin
I: audplin.so 0xce14c0 Helix PCM Audio Renderer Plugin
I: audplin.so 0xce14c0 RealNetworks AU File Format Plugin
I: audplin.so 0xce14c0 Helix WAVE File Format Plugin
I: audplin.so 0xce14c0 Helix AIFF File Format Plugin
I: audplin.so 0xce14c0 RealNetworks DVI4 Renderer Plugin
I: meiffpln.so 0x35f3b0 RealNetworks Media Export File Format Plugin
I: smonplin.so 0x91d820 RealNetworks System Monitor
I: ramplin.so 0x36df70 RealNetworks Ramgen File System
I: ppvmsql.so 0x4fea10 RealNetworks Mini SQL PPV Database Plugin
I: wmmcastpln.so 0x3933b0 RealNetworks Windows Media Multicast Plugin
I: allow.so 0x3a6d00 RealNetworks Basic Allowance Plugin
I: mp3fformat.so 0x3c8ea0 RealNetworks MP3 File Format Plugin
I: adminfs.so 0x872920 RealNetworks Admin File System
I: avifformat.so 0xad7050 RealNetworks AVI File Format Plugin
I: imgfformat.so 0x45f150 Helix JPEG File Format Plugin
I: imgfformat.so 0x45f150 Helix GIF File Format Plugin
I: imgfformat.so 0x45f150 Helix PNG File Format Plugin
I: imgfformat.so 0x45f150 Helix RealPix Format Plugin
I: imgfformat.so 0x45f150 Helix RealPix JPEG File Format Codec Plugin
I: imgfformat.so 0x45f150 Helix RealPix GIF File Format Codec Plugin
I: imgfformat.so 0x45f150 Helix RealPix PNG File Format Codec Plugin
I: imgfformat.so 0x45f150 Helix WBMP File Format Plugin
I: wmsrcpln.so 0x3e4000 RealNetworks Windows Media Live Broadcast Source Plugin
I: smlfformat.so 0xaf3330 RealNetworks SMIL File Format Plugin
I: asxplin.so 0x375f60 RealNetworks Asxgen File System
I: cdistpln.so 0x6cbec0 RealNetworks Content Distribution Plugin
I: isphoster.so 0xd430c0 RealNetworks ISP hosting plugin
I: shelfsys.so 0xc28e60 RealNetworks Shell File System
I: mp4fformat.so 0x535d30 RealNetworks Mpeg4 File Format Plugin
I: encfs.so 0x405e10 RealNetworks Encoder Administration File System Plugin
I: ppvbasic.so 0x95cfd0 RealNetworks FlatFile Database Plugin
I: asfwmpln.so 0xc4ecd0 RealNetworks Active Stream Format Version 1 Plugin
I: dbmgr.so 0x40d670 RealNetworks Database Manager
I: ppvallow.so 0x422980 RealNetworks Pay Per View Allowance Plugin
I: pplyplin.so 0xb78160 RealNetworks Scalable Multicast Plugin
I: authmgr.so 0x9c2bf0 Helix Authentication Manager
I: meiplin.so 0x58a400 RealNetworks Media Export Interface Plugin
I: asncfsys.so 0x5a8490 RealNetworks Network Optimized File System
I: qtbcplin.so 0x5bdde0 RealNetworks QuickTime Live Broadcast Plugin
I: smplfsys.so 0x69fcb0 RealNetworks Local File System
I: plusplin.so 0xd95070 RealNetworks PlusURL File Format Plugin
I: hxsdp.so 0xde0180 RealNetworks SDP Stream Description Plugin
I: sdpgenfsys.so 0xe5cac0 RealNetworks Dynamic SDP Generation Plugin
I: bdstplin.so 0x70cc50 RealNetworks Broadcast Distribution Plugin
I: tmplgpln.so 0xd4d3b0 RealNetworks Custom Logging Plugin
I: rmfformat.so 0x7449c0 RealNetworks RealMedia File Format Plugin
I: brcvplin.so 0x7d8910 RealNetworks Broadcast Reception Plugin
I: cdadplin.so 0xdc6000 RealNetworks Content Distribution Advise Plugin
I: tagfsys.so 0xe71730 RealNetworks XMLTagFileSystem
I: rtfformat.so 0x83ffe0 Helix RealText File Format Plugin
I: archplin.so 0xa25500 RealNetworks Live Archiver Plugin
I: httpfsys.so 0x8bed90 RealNetworks HTTP File System with CHTTP Support
I: httpfsys.so 0x8bed90 RealNetworks RFC 2397 Data Scheme File System
I: vsrcplin.so 0x96ed10 RealNetworks View Source Tag Replacement Plugin
I: vsrcplin.so 0x96ed10 RealNetworks View Source Allowance Plugin
I: vsrcplin.so 0x96ed10 RealNetworks View Source File System
Starting TID 3080715136/6873, procnum 3 (rmplug)
Loading Helix Server License Files...
Starting TID 3078617984/6874, procnum 4 (rmplug)
Starting TID 3076520832/6875, procnum 5 (rmplug)
Starting TID 3074423680/6876, procnum 6 (rmplug)
Starting TID 3072326528/6877, procnum 7 (rmplug)
Starting TID 3070229376/6878, procnum 8 (rmplug)
Starting TID 3068132224/6879, procnum 9 (rmplug)
Starting TID 3066035072/6880, procnum 10 (rmplug)
Starting TID 3063937920/6881, procnum 11 (rmplug)
Starting TID 3061840768/6882, procnum 12 (rmplug)
Starting TID 3059743616/6883, procnum 13 (rmplug)
Starting TID 3057646464/6884, procnum 14 (rmplug)
Starting TID 3055549312/6885, procnum 15 (rmplug)
Starting TID 3053452160/6886, procnum 16 (rmplug)
Starting TID 3051355008/6887, procnum 17 (rmplug)
Starting TID 3049257856/6888, procnum 18 (rmplug)
Starting TID 3047160704/6889, procnum 19 (rmplug)
Starting TID 3045063552/6890, procnum 20 (memreap)
Starting TID 3042966400/6891, procnum 21 (streamer)
[root@localhost HelixServer]# ps -ef|grep rmserver #查看当前rmserver进程
root 6868 6309 0 10:37 pts/1 00:00:00 ./Bin/rmserver rmserver.cfg
root 6869 6868 6 10:37 ? 00:00:00 ./Bin/rmserver rmserver.cfg
root 6870 6868 0 10:37 ? 00:00:00 ./Bin/rmserver rmserver.cfg
root 6893 6309 0 10:37 pts/1 00:00:00 grep rmserver
[root@localhost HelixServer]# cat ./Logs/rmserver.pid #查看 HelixServer进程号
[root@localhost HelixServer]# kill 6984 #停止HelixServer服务
访问HelixServer管理界面在Web浏览器中输入 域名或IP:端口号/admin/index.html,如将弹出"用户验证"对话框,在该对话框中输入HelixServer管理员名称和密 码。
IP地址绑定:当HelixServer被安装在一个拥有多个IP地址的系统上,需要指定监 听的IP。
加载点配置:加载点出现在Helix Server的每一个连接中.它是一个到文件实际存放位置的访问指向.下面的页面中将显示所有加载点以及它们所对应的实际存放路径.
服务器连接控制:当服务器的带宽有限时,可以根据需要限制服务器的同时连接数量,以保留一定带宽,确保用户的连接速度。如果连接数量过大,后面 用户发起的连接将会失败,并会收到服务器返回错误信信息。