function ncexample
% ncexample.m -- "NetCDF Toolbox for Matlab-5" example.
% ncexample (no argument) is a short example that lists
% itself, builds a simple NetCDF file, then displays
% its variables.
% Copyright (C) 1997 Dr. Charles R. Denham, ZYDECO.
% All Rights Reserved.
% Disclosure without explicit written consent from the
% copyright owner does not constitute publication.
% Version of 12-Jun-1997 16:23:04.
% ---------------------- DEFINE THE FILE ------------------ %
ncquiet % No NetCDF warnings.
nc = netcdf('', 'clobber'); % Create NetCDF file.
nc.description = 'NetCDF Example'; % Global attributes. = 'Dr. Charles R. Denham'; = 'June 9, 1997';
nc('latitude') = 10; % Define dimensions.
nc('longitude') = 10;
nc{'latitude'} = 'latitude'; % Define variables.
nc{'longitude'} = 'longitude';
nc{'depth'} = {'latitude', 'longitude'};
nc{'latitude'}.units = 'degrees'; % Attributes.
nc{'longitude'}.units = 'degrees';
nc{'depth'}.units = 'meters';
% ---------------------- STORE THE DATA --------------------- %
latitude = [0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90]; % Matlab data.
longitude = [0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180];
depth = rand(length(latitude), length(longitude));
nc{'latitude'}(:) = latitude; % Put all the data.
nc{'longitude'}(:) = longitude;
nc{'depth'}(:) = depth;
nc = close(nc); % Close the file.
% ------------------------ RECALL THE DATA ----------------------- %
nc = netcdf('', 'nowrite'); % Open NetCDF file.
description = nc.description(:) % Global attribute.
variables = var(nc); % Get variable data.
for i = 1:length(variables)
disp([name(variables{i}) ' =']), disp(' ')
nc = close(nc); % Close the file.
% ----------------------------- DONE ----------------------------- %
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