分类: 数据库开发技术
2010-08-21 14:02:03
概念:Common Table Expression,简称CTE,中文可以叫做,通用表表达式. 用处:处理以前版本中SQL不好现实,不好理解,复杂的查询问题.比如:分页,递归查询... 基本用法: 示例一(基本用法): 示例二(分页): 示例三(关联CTE): 示例五(递归查询): 注意:OPTION(MAXRECURSION 4)用来设置递归时查找的层数,默认是100,如果超过默认或指定的,则会报错.通常我们用一个层数列来过滤指定的层.WITH <name of your CTE>(<column names>)
<actual query>
SELECT * FROM <name of your CTE>
with MyCTE(ID, Name)
select EmployeeID as ID, FirstName + ' ' + LastName as Name
from HumanResources.vEmployee
select * from MyCTE
with MyCTE(ID, Name, RowID)
select EmployeeID as ID, FirstName + ' ' + LastName as Name,
Row_Number() over (order by EmployeeID) as RowID
from HumanResources.vEmployee
select * from MyCTE where RowID between 1 and 10
with OrderCountCTE(SalesPersonID, OrderCount)
select SalesPersonID, count(1)
from Sales.SalesOrderHeader
where SalesPersonID is not null
group by SalesPersonID
select sp.SalesPersonID, sp.SalesYTD, cte.OrderCount
from OrderCountCTE cte inner join Sales.SalesPerson sp
on cte.SalesPersonID = sp.SalesPersonID order by 3
示例四(使用CTE的删除):CREATE TABLE Products (
Product_ID int NOT NULL,
Product_Name varchar (25),
Price money NULL,
INSERT INTO Products (Product_ID, Product_Name, Price) VALUES (1, 'Widgets', 25)
INSERT INTO Products (Product_ID, Product_Name, Price) VALUES (2, 'Gadgets', 50)
INSERT INTO Products (Product_ID, Product_Name, Price) VALUES (3, 'Thingies', 75)
INSERT INTO Products (Product_ID, Product_Name, Price) VALUES (4, 'Whoozits', 90)
INSERT INTO Products (Product_ID, Product_Name, Price) VALUES (5, 'Whatzits', 5)
INSERT INTO Products (Product_ID, Product_Name, Price) VALUES (6, 'Gizmos', 15)
INSERT INTO Products (Product_ID, Product_Name, Price) VALUES (7, 'Widgets', 24)
INSERT INTO Products (Product_ID, Product_Name, Price) VALUES (8, 'Gizmos', 36)
INSERT INTO Products (Product_ID, Product_Name, Price) VALUES (9, 'Gizmos', 36)
--==================Delete duplicate products=============================
with DuplicateProdCTE
(select Min(Product_ID) as Product_ID, Product_Name
from Products
group by Product_Name
having count(1) >1
delete Products from Products p join DuplicateProdCTE cte
on cte.Product_Name = p.Product_Name and p.Product_ID > cte.Product_ID
CREATE TABLE Employee_Tree (Employee_NM nvarchar(50), Employee_ID int PRIMARY KEY, ReportsTo int)
--insert some data, build a reporting tree
INSERT INTO Employee_Tree VALUES('Richard', 1, NULL)
INSERT INTO Employee_Tree VALUES('Stephen', 2, 1)
INSERT INTO Employee_Tree VALUES('Clemens', 3, 2)
INSERT INTO Employee_Tree VALUES('Malek', 4, 2)
INSERT INTO Employee_Tree VALUES('Goksin', 5, 4)
INSERT INTO Employee_Tree VALUES('Kimberly', 6, 1)
INSERT INTO Employee_Tree VALUES('Ramesh', 7, 5)
with MyCTE
( select Employee_ID, Employee_NM, -1 as ReportsTo, 0 as SubLevel
from Employee_Tree where ReportsTo is null --root node
union all
select e.Employee_ID, e.Employee_NM, e.ReportsTo, SubLevel +1
from Employee_Tree e, MyCTE where e.ReportsTo = MyCTE.Employee_ID
) --select * from MyCTE
select MyCTE.Employee_NM as emp , MyCTE.SubLevel, e.Employee_NM as boss
from MyCTE left join Employee_Tree e on MyCTE.ReportsTo = e.Employee_ID
where SubLevel < 4