内容介绍:Flex 4 in Action is an easy-to-follow, hands-on Flex 4 tutorial. Revised and updated from the previous edition on Flex 3, this book is chock-full of examples, goes beyond feature coverage, and helps readers put Flex to work in real day-to-day tasks. This book helps Flex developers make their Flex applications stand out from the crowd. How comprehensive is Flex 4 in Action?
Interesting themes, styles, and skins? It´s in there.
Working with databases? You got it.
Interactive forms and validation? You bet.
Charting techniques to help you visualize data? Bam!
Many Flex books are overwhelming to new users-focusing on the complexities of the language and super-specialized subjects in the Flex ecosystem. Flex 4 in Action filters out the noise and dives into the core topics users need every day. Using numerous easy-to-understand examples, Flex 4 in Action provides a strong foundation that readers can build on as the complexity of their projects increases.
分类:计算机 编程
Flex是Macromedia发布的presentation server(展现服务),它是java web container或者.net server的一个应用,根据.mxml文件(纯粹的xml描述文件和actionscript)产生相应得.swf文件,传送到客户端,由客户端的flash player或者shockwave player解释执行,给用户以丰富的客户体验。
大名鼎鼎的Macromedia Flash是强大的矢量动画编辑工具,在作动画起家之后,Flash一直在谋求rich internet application(ria富客户端)的霸主地位,最有影响的是,已经推出了面向对象的编成脚本actionscript2.0,并且建立起类似于java swing的类库和相应component(组件)。Flex是通过java或者.net等非Flash途径,解释.mxml文件组织components,并生成相应得.swf文件。Flex的component和flash的component很相似,但是有所改进增强。
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