《Android Apps Marketing: Secrets to Selling Your Android App》
销售Android应用有巨大的利润空间!但现在有超过70,000的应用程序出现市面上,只是把你的应用程序发布到Android Market还是不够的。 您需要有效地推广您的应用程序。您去不知道有多大的市场?
- 确定您的应用程序的独特价值,目标人群,总体信息。
- 为您的应用程序设置合适的价格和有效地销售他的价值
- 安排你的营销和宣传活动以取得的最大效益
- 在博客中写下你的应用资讯并获得的博客关注的影响力
- 像专业营销者们一样使用促销和交叉营销策略
- 通过Android分析结果,衡量和改善你的营销策略
- 让购买者成为你忠实的客户,他也将购买你的其它应用程序
There are huge profits to be made in selling Android apps! But with more than 70,000 apps now available, posting your app to the Android Market is no longer enough. You need to market your app effectively. Don’t know much about marketing? Don’t worry: This book gives you all the step-by-step help you’ll need. Top app marketing consultant Jeffrey Hughes walks you through building a winning marketing plan, crafting highly competitive apps, choosing your message, building buzz, and connecting with people who’ll actually buy your app. Packed with examples, this book makes Android apps marketing easy! You’ll learn how to
- Identify your app’s unique value, target audience, and total message
- Understand the Android Market’s dynamics
- Cut through clutter and get your app into the top selling categories
- Set the right price for your app and effectively sell its value
- Get reviewers to recommend your apps
- Write effective press releases
- Time your marketing and publicity for maximum effectiveness
- Blog about your app and get the attention of influential bloggers
- Use Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and other social media to generate buzz
- Use promotions and cross-marketing just like professional marketers do
- Measure and improve your results with Android Analytics
- Generate a loyal audience that will buy your next app, too
- Earn steady revenue, build a brand, and make a real business out of app development
About the Author
Jeffrey Hughes brings more than 18 years of industry passion as a marketer, publisher, and keynote speaker in high technology industries, including such companies as McAfee, Blue Coat Systems, Webroot, and Novell. Hughes is the author of 12 books and numerous trade press articles on marketing and technology topics. He is also the author of the popular book iPhone and iPad Apps Marketing: Secrets to Selling Your iPhone and iPad Apps (ISBN: 9780789744272).
Hughes is the developer and lead instructor for Xcelme’s () popular app marketing courses, which have helped scores of developers learn how to market their apps the right way in a highly competitive market.
Hughes is a frequent contributor of articles to popular app sites. He has also been a consultant for a growing number of independent developers and small companies, teaching them how to launch and market their apps as well as offering marketing expertise and consulting services to help their apps gain maximum exposure. Hughes has a B.S. in marketing and a minor in computer science from Brigham Young University. He resides in Scottsdale, Arizona.
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