Component Name Value Suggested Text
E32 KErrNotFound -1 Unable to find the specified object
E32 KErrGeneral -2 General (unspecified) error
E32 KErrCancel -3 The operation was cancelled
E32 KErrNoMemory -4 Not enough memory. Close some applications and try again
E32 KErrNotSupported -5 The operation requested is not supported
E32 KErrArgument -6 Bad request
E32 KErrTotalLossOfPrecision -7 Total loss of precision
E32 KErrBadHandle -8 Bad object
E32 KErrOverflow -9 Overflow
E32 KErrUnderflow -10 Underflow
E32 KErrAlreadyExists -11 Already exists
E32 KErrPathNotFound -12 Unable to find the specified folder
E32 KErrDied -13 Closed
E32 KErrInUse -14 The specified object is currently in use by another program
E32 KErrServerTerminated -15 Server has closed
E32 KErrServerBusy -16 Server busy
E32 KErrCompletion -17 Completion error
E32 KErrNotReady -18 Not ready
E32 KErrUnknown -19 Unknown error
E32 KErrCorrupt -20 Corrupt
E32 KErrAccessDenied -21 Access denied
E32 KErrLocked -22 Locked
E32 KErrWrite -23 Failed to write
E32 KErrDisMounted -24 Wrong disk present
E32 KErrEof -25 Unexpected end of file
E32 KErrDiskFull -26 Disk full
E32 KErrBadDriver -27 Bad device driver
E32 KErrBadName -28 Bad name
E32 KErrCommsLineFail -29 Comms line failed
E32 KErrCommsFrame -30 Comms frame error
E32 KErrCommsOverrun -31 Comms overrun error
E32 KErrCommsParity -32 Comms parity error
E32 KErrTimedOut -33 Timed out
E32 KErrCouldNotConnect -34 Failed to connect
E32 KErrCouldNotDisconnect -35 Failed to disconnect
E32 KErrDisconnected -36 Disconnected
E32 KErrBadLibraryEntryPoint -37 Bad library entry point
E32 KErrBadDescriptor -38 Bad descriptor
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