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2008-04-24 22:09:16

/*    war.c

    Simulation of the children's card game War

    Read in cards with format value, suit, e.g. 4h
    ranked by orders 23456789TJQKA and cdhs

    by: Steven Skiena
    begun: January 18, 2002

Copyright 2003 by Steven S. Skiena; all rights reserved.

Permission is granted for use in non-commerical applications
provided this copyright notice remains intact and unchanged.

This program appears in my book:

"Programming Challenges: The Programming Contest Training Manual"
by Steven Skiena and Miguel Revilla, Springer-Verlag, New York 2003.

See our website for additional information.

This book can be ordered from at


#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "bool.h"
#include "queue.h"

#define NGAMES    50
#define MAXSTEPS 100000

#define NCARDS    52    /* number of cards */
#define NSUITS    4    /* number of suits */

char values[] = "23456789TJQKA";
char suits[] = "cdhs";

/*     Rank the card with given value and suit.    */

int rank_card(char value, char suit)
    int i,j;    /* counters */

    for (i=0; i<(NCARDS/NSUITS); i++)
        if (values[i]==value)
            for (j=0; j<NSUITS; j++)
                if (suits[j]==suit)
                    return( i*NSUITS + j );

    printf("Warning: bad input value=%c, suit=%c\n",value,suit);

/*    Return the suit and value of the given card.     */

char suit(int card)
    return( suits[card % NSUITS] );

char value(int card)
    return( values[card/NSUITS] );

    int i;                /* counter */
    char suit(), value();        /* reconstructed card */

    for (i=0; i<NCARDS; i++)
        printf(" i=%d card[i]=%c%c rank=%d\n", i, value(i),
            suit(i), rank_card(value(i),suit(i)) );


queue *a,*b;
    int i;                /* counter */
    int perm[NCARDS+1];

    for (i=0; i<NCARDS; i=i+1) {
                perm[i] = i;



    for (i=0; i<NCARDS/2; i=i+1) {



war(queue *a, queue *b)
    int steps=0;            /* step counter */
    int x,y;            /* top cards */
    queue c;            /* cards involved in the war */
    bool inwar;            /* are we involved in a war? */

    inwar = FALSE;

/*printf("deck counts a=%d b=%d\n",a->count,b->count);*/

    while ((!empty(a)) && (!empty(b) && (steps < MAXSTEPS))) {

        steps = steps + 1;
        x = dequeue(a);
        y = dequeue(b);
        if (inwar) {
            inwar = FALSE;
        } else {
            if (value(x) > value(y))
            else if (value(x) < value(y))
            else if (value(y) == value(x))
                inwar = TRUE;
        /*printf("x=%d y=%d |a|=%d |b|=%d \n",x,y,a->count,b->count);*/

/*printf("deck counts a=%d b=%d\n",a->count,b->count);*/

    if (!empty(a) && empty(b))
        printf("a wins in %d steps \n",steps);
    else if (empty(a) && !empty(b))
        printf("b wins in %d steps \n",steps);
    else if (!empty(a) && !empty(b))
        printf("game tied after %d steps, |a|=%d |b|=%d \n",
        printf("a and b tie in %d steps \n",steps);

queue *q;
        int i,j;


        while (i != q->last) {
                /*printf("%2d ",q->q[i]);*/
                printf("%c%c ",value(q->q[i]),suit(q->q[i]));
                i = (i+1) % QUEUESIZE;

        printf("%2d ",q->q[i]);

clear_queue(queue *a, queue *b)
    /*printf("war ends with %d cards \n",a->count);*/
    while (!empty(a))

    queue a,b;
    int i;


    for (i=1; i<=NGAMES; i++) {

    queue decks[2];            /* player's decks */
    char value,suit,c;        /* input characters */
    int i;                /* deck counter */

    while (TRUE) {
     for (i=0; i<=1; i++) {

        while ((c = getchar()) != '\n') {
         if (c == EOF) return;
         if (c != ' ') {
            value = c;
            suit = getchar();


1. 考虑我们应该如何来表示每张牌的数字以及花色。对于每张牌,一种表示方法是使用一个字母来表示其花色,一个数字来表示其大小。另外一种方法就是只使用一个整数来表示每一张牌。然后当我们需要该牌的花色或是数字的时候,我们通过一个映射函数将该整数对应到该牌的数字和花色。显然,第二种方式更简单。因为我们只需要存储一个整数就可以了,而对第一种方法而言,我们需要存储两个数字。但是使用第二种方法的条件是要找到一个一一对应的函数,也就是花色和数字与另外一个整数的对应。这和hashing函数和类似,只不过在这里我们所用的函数是一个双射,并且是一一对应关系。在本例中,完成这个映射功能的函数是:rank_card(value, suit)--将数字和花色对应到一个整数; suit(card), value(card)---将一个整数对应到花色以及数字。
2. 对于文本的读取,我们可以使用一下几种方式:
  • 一个字符一个字符地读:getchar
  • 格式化读取: scanf
  • 一行一行读:gets.
3. 测试技巧:
  • Test the given input
  • Test incorrect input
  • Test Boundary conditions
  • Test instance where you know the correct answer
  • Test big examples where you don't know the correct answer
4. Debug技巧:
  • Get to know your debugger
  • Display your data structures
  • Test Invariants rigorously
  • Inspect your code
  • Make your print statements mean something
  • Make your arrays a little larger than necessary
  • Make sure your bugs are really bugs
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