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2008-04-17 15:58:33

By comparing a topic you understand poorly to something similar you understand better, you can come up with insights that result in a better understanding of the less-familiar topic. (读得越多,你可借鉴的也就越多,解决新问题的可能性也就越大)

The history of science isn’t a series of switches from the “wrong”metaphor to the “right” one. It’s a series of changes from “worse” metaphors to “better” ones, from less inclusive to more inclusive, from suggestive in one area to suggestive in another. (也就是说,metaphor没有wrong和right之分,只有worse和better之分)

A software metaphor is more like a searchlight than a roadmap. It doesn’t tell you where to find the answer; it tells you how to look for it. A metaphor serves more as a heuristic than it does as an algorithm.

A heuristic is a technique that helps you look for an answer.

Use them to give you insight into your programming problems and processes. Use them to help you think about your programming activities and to help you imagine better ways of doing things.  

常见的几个对于software development的metaphors为:

Writing code
Growing a system
System Accretion
Building software

这几个metaphor,最后一个我觉得是最合适的。作者将software development比喻为房屋的构建。我觉得很贴切。对于Software development中的很多问题我们都可以在房屋的构建这个比喻中找到对应物。System Accretion也就是增量开发。

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