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2008-04-17 15:14:55



// 下面的define是对token类型的定义。
#define T_SEMICOLON ';' // use ASCII values for single char tokens

#define T_LPAREN '('
#define T_RPAREN ')'
#define T_ASSIGN '='
#define T_DIVIDE '/'
#define T_WHILE 257 // reserved words

#define T_IF 258
#define T_RETURN 259
#define T_IDENTIFIER 268 // identifiers, constants, etc.

#define T_INTEGER 269
#define T_DOUBLE 270
#define T_STRING 271
#define T_END 349 // code used when at end of file

#define T_UNKNOWN 350 // token was unrecognized by scanner 

struct token_t {
      int type; // one of the token codes from above
      union { // 注意这里union的使用目的。
          char stringValue[256]; // holds lexeme value if string/identi
          int intValue; // holds lexeme value if integer
          double doubleValue; // holds lexeme value if double
      } val;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
       struct token_t token;

       // 说明这里是一边分析文本得到token,一边对其进行处理。
       while (ScanOneToken(stdin, &token) != T_END)
            ; // here is where you would process each token
       return 0;

// 将所有的保留字存入表中(表的设计?),当然对于这个表需要查询的功能。在这段代码中假设所有的保留字都是大写的。
static void InitScanner()
    create_reserved_table(); // table maps reserved words to to

    insert_reserved("WHILE", T_WHILE)
    insert_reserved("IF", T_IF)
    insert_reserved("RETURN", T_RETURN)

// 分析输入文件,得到下一个token。token的值以及类型都存在结构token中,此函数同时返回分析出的token的类型,这样方便程序的编写(考虑如果没有返回token类型的话,main函数应该怎么写?)。
static int ScanOneToken(FILE *fp, struct token_t *token){
        int i, ch, nextch;
        ch = getc(fp); // read next char from input stream

        while (isspace(ch)) // if necessary, keep reading til non-space char
             ch = getc(fp); // (discard any white space)
        switch(ch) {
             case '/': // could either begin comment or T_DIVIDE op
                       nextch = getc(fp);
                       if (nextch == '/' || nextch == '*')
                                ; // here you would skip over the comment
                                ungetc(nextch, fp); // fall-through to single-char token case
              case ';': case ',': case '=': // ... and other single char tokens
                        token->type = ch; // ASCII value is used as token type                         

                        return ch; // ASCII value used as token type
               case 'A': case 'B': case 'C': // ... and other upper letters
                                 token->val.stringValue[0] = ch;
                                 for (i = 1; isupper(ch = getc(fp)); i++) // gather uppercase
                                       token->val.stringValue[i] = ch;
                                 ungetc(ch, fp);
                                 token->val.stringValue[i] = '\0'; // lookup reserved word
                                 token->type = lookup_reserved(token->val.stringValue);
                                 return token->type;
                case 'a': case 'b': case 'c': // ... and other lower letters
                                  token->type = T_IDENTIFIER; token->val.stringValue[0] = ch;
                                  for (i = 1; islower(ch = getc(fp)); i++)
                                          token->val.stringValue[i] = ch; // gather lowercase

                                  ungetc(ch, fp);
                                  token->val.stringValue[i] = '\0';
                                  if (lookup_symtab(token->val.stringValue) == NULL)
                                         add_symtab(token->val.stringValue); // get symbol for ident

                                  return T_IDENTIFIER;
                 case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': //.... and other digits
                                  token->type = T_INTEGER;
                                  token->val.intValue = ch - '0';
                                  while (isdigit(ch = getc(fp))) // convert digit char to number
                                        token->val.intValue = token->val.intValue * 10 + ch - '0';
                                  ungetc(ch, fp);
                                  return T_INTEGER;
                 case EOF:
                                  return T_END;
                 default: // anything else is not recognized
                                  token->val.intValue = ch;
                                  token->type = T_UNKNOWN;
                                   return T_UNKNOWN;


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