!# U-Boot 编译调试 ## 请参考Pro_&_Linux_App_Edition_Targeting_Manual.chm
./ltib ## install ltib
$ ./ltib -p u-boot -m prep ## get U-Boot source
$ cd rpm/BUILD/u-boot-1.1.3
$ vim config.mk
DBGFLAGS = -g2 -gdwarf-2
AFLAGS_DEBUG = -Wa,-gdwarf2
$ vim u-boot-1.1.3/lib_ppc/board.c ## line624: debug => printf
debug ("Now running in RAM - U-Boot at: %08lx\n", dest_addr);
=> printf ("Now running in RAM - U-Boot at: %08lx\n", dest_addr);
$ make ## 编译,最好用 ./ltib -p u-boot -m scbuild
注意: 用ltib 编译,要修改confing/platform/mpc8349itx/.config中CLFAGS参数
编译常用(make distclean ; make MPC8349ITX_config ; make )
启动linux samba服务,将u-boot目录做共享目录由windows访问
启动CodeWarrior IDE,
@ IDE: File > Open , find and open ELF file: u-boot , click OK
@ IDE: Choose Debugger : CodeWarrior USB TAP , click OK
加上跳线J22E,利用u-boot烧写u-boot.bin 到 fe700000
=> erase 0xfe70000 0xfe74ffff
=> cp.b $loadaddr 0xfe700000 $filesize
完毕,重启,去掉J22E调试。或flash 烧写u-boot.bin到fe700000 (依据Pro_&_Linux_App_Edition_Targeting_Manual.chm)
去掉J22 A,B,C,E,利用CodeWarrior烧写u-boot.bin到 0xfef0_0000
flash programmer加载配置文件liuby.xml,修改Flash Memory Base Address为fe80_0000
在Erase/Blank_chek窗口不要勾选 All Sectors,鼠标选取 fef00000 <-> fef4_ffff,擦除
在Program/Verify窗口选取u-boot.bin,修改Apply Address Offset: 0xfef00000,烧写。
完毕,插上J22 A,B,C,重启,调试。
Debugging U-Boot before the MMU is Enabled
Debugging U-Boot after the MMU is Enabled
Debugging the U-Boot Section in RAM
1. Debugging U-Boot before the MMU is Enabled
选择alternate load address: 0xfef0 0000
不选择Use Target Initialization File
CW -> Debug -> Attach to Process ;break停止,F10单步运行
2. Debugging U-Boot after the MMU is Enabled
遵照,不选择Alternate Load Addr:
不选择Use Target Initialization File
CW -> Debug -> Attach to Process ;break停止,F10单步运行
board_init_f(board.c)函数入口处设置 hardware断点。
前几天调试 MPC8548 (e500) U-Boot 时,发现忘记了重要一点。 按 2. 设置了 hardware 断点后, 可以通过 Debug -> EPPC -> Hard reset 直接复位并进入此断点处,然后可以继续单步调试。
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