1. 信息比较重要,希望通信被加密。
2. 一些端口,比如3306端口,被路由器禁用。
一 建立SSH通道只需要在本地键入如下命令:
- ssh -fNg -L 3307: myuser@remotehost.com
The command tells ssh to log in to remotehost.com as myuser, go into the background (-f) and not execute any remote command (-N), and set up port-forwarding (-L localport:localhost:remoteport ). In this case, we forward port 3307 on localhost to port 3306 on remotehost.com.
二 连接Mysql现在,你就可以通过本地连接远程的数据库了,就像访问本地的数据库一样。
- mysql -h -P 3307 -u dbuser -p db
The command tells the local MySQL client to connect to localhost port 3307 (which is forwarded via ssh to remotehost.com:3306). The exchange of data between client and server is now sent over the encrypted ssh connection.
或者用Mysql Query Brower来访问Client的3307端口。
- $smysql = mysql_connect( "", "dbuser", "PASS" );
- mysql_select_db( "db", $smysql );
- ?>
Making It A DaemonA quick and dirty way to make sure the connection runs on startup and respawns on failure is to add it to /etc/inittab and have the init process (the, uh, kernel) keep it going.
Add the following to /etc/inittab on each client:
sm:345:respawn:/usr/bin/ssh -Ng -L 3307: myuser@remotehost.com
And that should be all you need to do. Send init the HUP signal ( kill -HUP 1 ) to make it reload the configuration. To turn it off, comment out the line and HUP init again.
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