2010-11-17 11:27:33
don't want firewall because I only run one http (port 80) public
service. How do I turn off or disable firewall permanently under RHEL /
Fedora Linux / Red Hat Enterprise Linux and CentOS Linux?
iptables is administration tool / command for IPv4 packet filtering and NAT. You need to use the following tools:
[a] service is a command to run a System V init script. It is use to save / stop / start firewall service.
[b] chkconfig command is used to update and queries runlevel information for system service. It is a system tool for maintaining the /etc/rc*.d hierarchy. Use this tool to disable firewall service at boot time.
First login as the root user.
Next enter the following three commands to disable firewall.
# service iptables save
# service iptables stop
# chkconfig iptables off
If you are using IPv6 firewall, enter:
# service ip6tables save
# service ip6tables stop
# chkconfig ip6tables off
Iptables 命令使用举例
1、链的基本操作 |
(1) 清除所有规则 1) 清除预设表filter中所有规则链中的规则 # iptables –F 2) 清除预设表filter中使用者自定链中的规则 # iptables –X 3)将指定链中所有规则的包字节计数器清零 # iptables –Z (2)设置链的默认策略 1)先允许,再禁止 用下面的命令初始化 # iptables –P INPUT ACCEPT # iptables –P OUTPUT ACCEPT # iptables –P FORWARD ACCEPT 2) 先禁止,再允许 用下面的命令初始化 # iptables –P INPUT DROP # iptables –P OUTPUT DROP # iptables –P FORWARD DROP (3)列出表/链中的所有规则 # iptables –L –n (4)向链中添加规则。下面的语句用于开放网络接口 # iptables –A INPUT –i lo –j ACCEPT # iptables –A OUTPUT –o lo –j ACCEPT # iptables –A INPUT –i eth0 –j ACCEPT # iptables –A OUTPUT –o eth0 –j ACCEPT # iptables –A FORWARD –i eth0 –j ACCEPT # iptables –A FORWARD –o eth0 –j ACCEPT (5)使用用户自定义链 # iptables –N custom # iptables –A custom –s 0/0 –d 0/0 –p icmp –j DROP # iptables –A INPUT –s 0/0 –d 0/0 –j custom |
2、设置基本的规则匹配(忽略目标动作) |
(1) 指定协议匹配 1) 匹配指定的协议 # iptables –A INPUT –p tcp 2) 匹配指定协议之外的所有协议 # iptables –A INPUT –p ! tcp (2) 指定地址匹配 1) 指定匹配的主机 # iptables –A INPUT –s 2) 指定匹配的网络 # iptables –A INPUT –s 3) 匹配指定主机之外的地址 # iptables –A INPUT –s ! 4) 匹配指定网络之外的网络 # iptables –A INPUT –s ! (3) 指定网络接口匹配 1) 指定单一的网络接口匹配 # iptables –A INPUT –i eth0 # iptables –A FORWARD –o eth0 2) 指定同类型的网络接口匹配 # iptables –A FORWARD –o ppp+ (4) 指定端口匹配 1) 指定单一的端口匹配 # iptables –A INPUT –p tcp –sport wwww # iptables –A INPUT –p tcp –sport 80 # iptables –A INPUT –p udp –sport 53 # iptables –A INPUT –p udp –dport 53 2) 匹配指定端口之外的端口 # iptables –A INPUT –p tcp –dport !22 3) 匹配指定的端口范围 # ipbables –A INPUT –p tcp –sport 22:80 4) 匹配ICMP端口和ICMP 类型 # iptables –A INPUT –p icmp-type 8 (5) 指定IP碎片 # iptables –A FORWARD –p tcp –s –d –dport 80 –f ACCEPT # iptables –A FORWARD –f –s –d –j ACCEPT |
3、设置扩展的规则匹配(忽略目标动作) |
(1)多端口匹配扩展 1)匹配多个源端口 # iptables –A INPUT –p tcp –m multiport –source-port 22,53,80,110 2)匹配多个目的端口 # iptables –A INPUT –p tcp –m multiport –destination-port 22,53,80,110 3)匹配多个端口 # iptables –A INPUT –p tcp –m multiport –prot 22,53,80,110 (2)指定TCP匹配扩展 通过使用--tcp-flags 选项可以根据TCP包的标志位进行过滤,第一个参数为要检查的标志位;第二个参数是标志位为1的标志 # iptables –A INPUT –p tcp --tcp-flags SYN,FIN,ACK SYN # iptables –p tcp --syn 表示SYN、ACK、FIN的标志都要检查,但是只有设置了SYN的才匹配 # iptables –A INPUT –p tcp --tcp-flags ALL SYN,ACK 表示ALL(SYN,ACK,FIN,RST,USG,PSH)的标志都要检查,但是只有设置了SYN和ACK的才匹配 (3)limit速率匹配扩展 1)指定单位时间内允许通过的数据包个数 # iptables –A INPUT –m limit --limit 300/hour 表示限制每小时允许通过300个数据包 2)指定触发事件的阀值(默认值是5) # iptables –A INPUT –m limit --limit-burst 10 表示一次涌入的封包超过10个将被直接丢弃 3)同时指定速率限制和触发阀值 # iptables –A INPUT –p icmp –m limit –limit 3/m –limit-burst 3 |