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2008-03-26 22:55:41

 In recent years, with the fast growth of the economy and the continuous rise of living stand, more and more people began to enjoy life. Some people say that they like to work for a longer time with a higher pay, earning a lot of money. But there are others who claim that they would rather work for a comparatively short time with a lower pay. In a word, they prefer spending much time on their hobbies or something else to working. In my opinion, I definitely support the latter.

    There are many good reasons to support my arguments.

To begin with, there is no denying the fact that the main reason that people make money is to enjoy a better life. If we spend excessive time on working to earn more money, we will have no time to consume, go shopping. In some sense, the money is like a pile of waste paper which has litter use.

    Next, it's not true that the much richer you are, the much happier you become. When the wealth is accumulated to some extent, aggregating more money will certainly not bring you more happiness or satisfaction. Instead, for making money, you have to face with a great many difficulties which may frustrate you or disappoint you from time to time. Just look at the world's famous millionaires, some of them have various troubles, such as being addicted to drugs, being involved in numerous bad news etc.

    With all these reasons mentioned above, I'd like to choose the latter. As for you, why not keep the balance of enjoying life and making money. Moderation is the best.

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