朗文V4 Update 安装的一些心得:
1, 从电骡上下载CCD文件,含patched1,patched2的后六个文件。
《朗文英英现代字典》(Longman Dict of Contemp English 4 Updated Edit)第四版更新版本[ISO]下载:
2, 华军软件园下载 DaemonTool V4.03,V3.47的不行,校验时会提示检测道虚拟软件。
3, 重启后,打开Longman 提示需要QuickTime 5 以上的插件,再道华军下载QuickTime for Windows, 安装还是不行,可以查词,没有发音,要知道Longman的发音一流,所以一定要解决。
QuickTime for Windows 下载:
4, 上Google 搜,关键词QuickTime Plug-in longman 搜道一个台湾同胞的博客,George Chen on Blog ,其上有很多使用心得, 26,... 提供一个地址: 连过去,找到以下信息:
Q. I have QuickTime 7 for Windows installed. Why do I get an error message "Quicktime plug-in requires the Quicktime system extension version 5 or later" when starting the OALD7 Compass CD-ROM?
A. The Compass CD-ROM was developed before QuickTime 7 was released, and there are some incompatibilites which can be fixed as follows:
1. If it is open, close the OALD7 Compass application.
2. Download the plugins_QT7_win.zip patch file
3. In the directory where OALD7 is installed (usually c:\Program Files\Oxford\OALD7\), there is a directory called plugins - delete all the files in the plugins directory.
4. Move plugins_QT7_win.zip into the now empty plugins folder, and unzip the 4 files there.
5. Sound should now be working - if you have any further problems or queries, please email the helpdesk.
5, 借用一下以上的经验,道c:\program Files\QuickTime\Plugins\下复制所有文件道C:\Program Files\Longman\ldoce4v2\plugins 下,原来的文件删空。
6, 重启Longman电子词典,哇...纯正的美语发音,好好学习吧!
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