最近在看PHP的书,为了感受一下PHP的Dirty and Quick,我想在Windows下安装Apache以及PHP和MySQL.从网上找了半天也配置不成功,主要是太分散了.不知道开源的世界因为易用性的缘故吓走了多少人.不过仔细想一下也不怪,在我配置好了之后再去看看网上的那些配置方法,好像都对,只是版本不同导致了很多不同的配置方式.现给出我的配置方法,希望不会很快就失效

Platform: WinXp + php-5.2.5-Win32.zip + apache_2.2.8-win32-x86-openssl-0.9.8g.msi
1,unzip php-5.2.5-Win32.zip, and copy contents to C:\PHP;
2,install MySQL;
3,install Apache;[in my computer, I'll choose C:\Apache as install directory]
1,open the folder of [conf] within apache install directory, then edit [httpd.conf] file within the folder of [conf].
a,add the DSO support:
LoadModule php5_module "C:/PHP/php5apache2_2.dll"
b,add parsing support:
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
2,test the apache configuration;
[PHP and MySQL]
1,rename php.ini-dist to php.ini and copy it to the directory of C:\Windows\;
2,edit php.ini in directory of [C:\Windows]
a, change extension_dir='./' to extension_dir='C:/PHP/ext';
b, find section of [Dynamic Extensions], uncomment the [extension=php_gd2.dll],[extension=php_mbstring.dll],[extension=php_mysql.dll]
3,copy libmysql.dll from C:\PHP to C:\windows\system32(PHP5 doesn't support MySQL by default,so must copy libmysql.dll by hand)
4,restart apache;
If there have any problem, you can send mail to Jerry.Chou#live.cn for help.
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