国庆之前《数据结构》的陈老师布置了家庭作业:实现数据结构中的线性表。线性表是最常用的一种数据结构,几乎每个程序都会用到。但只是简单地把书上要求的线性表实现出来也没有多大劲。于是我想到了泛型(Generic Programing)编程,这样也许更有难度些,最主要的是更好玩,毕竟平日里自己很少在的工作中用到GP,毕竟写库的程序员也很少。
现给出顺序表的源码(Sequence List):
//Platform: WinXp + VC6.0
/*-------------------------- File name: SeqList.h Created date: 10/11'07 Created by Jerry Description: GP实现的顺序表 ---------------------------*/ #ifndef SEQLIST_H #define SEQLIST_H #define ERROR_ID 11111111
template<typename _MyT=int, int _Size=10> class SeqList { public: SeqList(); _MyT Get(int _pos); int Length(); int Locate(int _elm); _MyT Prior(_MyT _elm); _MyT Next(_MyT _elm); bool Empty(); void Clear(); void Insert(int _pos, _MyT _value); void Delete(int _pos); private: _MyT buffer[_Size]; int lastIndex;
template<class _MyT, int _Size> SeqList<_MyT,_Size>::SeqList() { lastIndex = -1; }
template<class _MyT, int _Size> bool SeqList<_MyT,_Size>::Empty() { if(lastIndex == -1) return true; else return false;
template<class _MyT, int _Size> void SeqList<_MyT,_Size>::Clear() { lastIndex = -1; }
template<class _MyT, int _Size> int SeqList<_MyT,_Size>::Length() { if(Empty()) return 0; else return lastIndex+1; }
template<class _MyT, int _Size> _MyT SeqList<_MyT,_Size>::Get(int _pos) { if(Empty()) return ERROR_ID;
if(_pos > 0 && _pos <= Length()) return buffer[_pos-1]; else return ERROR_ID;
template<class _MyT, int _Size> int SeqList<_MyT,_Size>::Locate(int _elm) { if(Empty()) return 0;
for(int i=0; i<=lastIndex; i++) { if(buffer[i] == _elm) return i+1; }
return 0; }
template<class _MyT, int _Size> _MyT SeqList<_MyT,_Size>::Prior(_MyT _elm) { //there isn't prior element if currect list's length less than 2
if(Length() <= 1) return 0;
int pos = Locate(_elm); if(pos > 1) { return buffer[pos-2]; //the index of _elm of pos-1,
} //therefore,pos-2 is the prior of _elm;
else { return 0; } }
template<class _MyT, int _Size> _MyT SeqList<_MyT,_Size>::Next(_MyT _elm) { //there isn't next element if currect list's length less than 2
if(Length() <= 1) return 0;
int pos = Locate(_elm); if(pos != 0 && pos < Length()) return buffer[pos]; //the index of _elm of pos-1,therefore [index+1==pos]
else return 0; }
template<class _MyT, int _Size> void SeqList<_MyT,_Size>::Insert(int _pos, _MyT _value) //(前插法)
{ //currect list is full?
if(Length() >= _Size) { cout<<"List is full, You couldn't insert anything!"<<endl; return; }
//Initail first element if currect list is empty.
if(Empty()) { #ifdef _DEBUG cout<<"Initial first element, value:"<<_value<<endl; #endif
buffer[0] = _value; lastIndex++; return; }
//Range check
if(_pos <= 0 || _pos > _Size) { cout<<"Overflow!"<<endl; return; } if(_pos > lastIndex+1) { cout<<"Line list cann't fill by disorder!"<<endl; return; }
//Perform insert
if(1) { for(int i=lastIndex+1; i>=_pos ; i--) { buffer[i] = buffer[i-1]; } buffer[_pos-1] = _value; lastIndex++; #ifdef _DEBUG cout<<"Insert value:"<<_value <<" before postion:"<<_pos<<" success!"<<endl; #endif } }
template<class _MyT, int _Size> void SeqList<_MyT,_Size>::Delete(int _pos) { //Current list is empty?
if(Empty()) { cout<<"List is full! You couldn't delete anything!"<<endl; return; }
//Range check
if(_pos <= 0 || _pos > Length()) { cout<<"There is no value in position of "<<_pos<<" ."<<endl; return; }
if(1) { #ifdef _DEBUG cout<<"Delete value:"<<buffer[_pos-1] <<" at postion:"<<_pos<<" success!"<<endl; #endif for(int i=_pos-1; i<=lastIndex-1; i++) { buffer[i] = buffer[i+1]; } lastIndex--; }
#include <iostream> #include "SeqList.h"
using namespace std;
int main() {
SeqList<int,10> seq; seq.Insert(0,12); seq.Insert(1,43); seq.Insert(2,99);
cout<<seq.Get(1)<<endl; cout<<seq.Get(2)<<endl; cout<<seq.Get(3)<<endl;
seq.Delete(3); seq.Insert(1,27);
cout<<seq.Get(1)<<endl; cout<<seq.Get(2)<<endl; cout<<seq.Get(3)<<endl;
return 0; }
还有一个是链表,本来我是想用C来写得,但写着写着就又用到了C++的class。最终我造出一个怪物——一个混合了C和C++的链表(Link List)。首先这种编程体验就很不爽。在写代码时你就觉得[怪怪得...]。也觉得很別扭。这让我想起的Scott Meyers的《Effective C++ 3/e》的条款1:将C++视为一个语言联邦.
/*-------------------------- Notes:混合了C语言的struct和C++语言的class及封装,很不好的编程体验,I prefer c++ first. --------------------------*/
#define DATA_NOT_FIND 0 #define ID_NOT_FIND 0
typedef struct node { int ID; int data; struct node *next; }NODE;
class LinkList { public: LinkList(){ pHead = 0; } void Clear(){ pHead = 0; } bool Empty(){ return pHead?false:true;} void AddNode(NODE* pNode); NODE* GetHead(){return pHead;} NODE* Find(int _id); //retrieve data
NODE* Locate (int _data); //retrieve id
int Next(int _id); //retrieve next data from the position of _id
bool Insert(int _id, NODE* pNode); //insert _data behind _id
private: NODE *pHead; };
void LinkList::AddNode(NODE* pNode) //Add to the head of LinkList.
{ NODE* oldHead = pHead; pHead = pNode; pNode->next = oldHead; } NODE* LinkList::Find(int _id) { for(NODE* p = pHead; p != 0; p = p->next) { if(p->ID == _id) return p; }
return ID_NOT_FIND; } NODE* LinkList::Locate(int _data) { for(NODE* p = pHead; p != 0; p = p->next) { if(p->data == _data) return p; }
return DATA_NOT_FIND; } int LinkList::Next(int _id) { NODE *p = Find(_id); if(p != ID_NOT_FIND) return p->next->data; else return ID_NOT_FIND; } bool LinkList::Insert(int _id, NODE* pNode) { NODE *p = Find(_id); if(p != ID_NOT_FIND) { NODE* pOldNode = p->next; p->next = pNode; pNode->next = pOldNode; return true; } else return false; }
#include <iostream> #include "LinkList.h"
using namespace std;
int main() { NODE n1,n2,n3; //first
n1.ID = 1; n1.data = 123; n1.next = 0; //second
n2.ID = 2; n2.data = 456; n2.next = 0; //third
n3.ID = 3; n3.data = 789; n3.next = 0;
LinkList linkList;
linkList.AddNode(&n1); //add n2 to list and the position before n1
//add n3 behind node that id equal 2
cout<<"The data:"<<linkList.Next(2)<<" behind the node that id equal 2"<<endl;
for(NODE* p = linkList.GetHead(); p != 0; p = p->next) { cout<<"ID = "<<p->ID<<" " <<"Data= "<<p->data<<endl; }
return 0; }
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