分类: DB2/Informix
2011-09-27 08:20:43
SIException error: ACUINI0086I Deployment Engine can not be installed because the current system host name,
During installation of any component in Tivoli Storage Manager 6.x, a Deployment Engine is installed or updated on the system. The Deployment Engine helps Tivoli Storage Manager keep track of the components installed.
The Deployment Engine also stores system information. One of the values stored is the system hostname. If a user renames the hostname of the machine and re-runs the Tivoli Storage Manager 6.x installer, the Deployment Engine check will fail with the following error seen in the log.txt:
SIException error: ACUINI0086I Deployment Engine can not be installed because the current system host name,
When the DE is installed, it stores the hostname in the following file:
For UNIX: /var/ibm/common/acsi/ACUApplication.properties
For Windows: C:\Program Files\IBM\Common\acsi\ACUApplication.properties
If the hostname is changed after the DE has been installed, the above file will need to be edited to contain the current hostname. Update the following option in the file:
The installer can be re-run after the above change.