设置VxUL日志的收集级别为最大(5),设置信息保存在/usr/openv/netbackup/nblog.conf文件中 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/vxlogcfg -a --prodid NB --orgid All -s DebugLevel=5 -s DiagnosticLevel=5 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/vxlogcfg -l --prodid NB --orgid default
VxUL配置和管理命令: [root@dong logs]# vxlogcfg ? vxlogcfg version VERITAS Software Corporation Copyright 2005 VERITAS Software Corporation. All rights reserved. vxlogcfg - A command line tool to add/remove product log configuration.
options: -a,--add Create the product log configuration settings. The existing settings will be overwritten. -r,--remove Remove the product log configuration settings. -l,--list Display configuration settings. -p,--prodid Modify/add configuration settings for given productID. -o,--orgid Modify/add log configuration settings for the given originator ID. Originator ID can be passed as either a valid originator ID (a number) or it can be "Default. If originator ID is "Default" then the configuration setting given by -s will be considered as default setting. If originator ID is "ALL" then the configuration setting given by -s will be considered for all the originators of given product ID. -c,--config Provide the configuration path configpath from which product log configuration settings should be read. For example, on Windows, the absolute path to the registry settings is SOFTWARE\\VERITAS\\PRODUCTA On UNIX, the absolute path to the configuration file is /opt/vrts/ProductA/log.conf. -n,--names Specify abbreviated or short names for the product. Multiple names should be separated by a comma. -s,--setting Set individual configuration setting. OR "keyname" is the configuration settings name and "value" is the value for that setting. Multiple settings can be added by providing multiple -s options. -s,--setting While removing a configuration setting, provide only "keyname" with -r option. Multiple settings can be removed by providing multiple -s options. -q,--quiet Do not display error messages; quiet mode. -v,--version Display the version of the vxlogcfg command. -h,--help Display vxlogcfg usage information.
======================================================== [root@dong logs]# /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/vxlogmgr ? V-1-3-9 An unknown argument ? was passed.
actions: -d,--del Delete the log files from the folder configured by the product. -c,--cp Copy the log files from the log folder to the specified folder. -m,--mv Move the log files from the log folder to the specified folder. -s,--vw View the log files.
options: -n,--days Retrieve the log files that were created within the last number of days specified. -t,--tail
-b,--stdate Retrieve the log files that were created at the given date. Date should be in format '12/29/06 4:42:26 PM' -e,--endate Retrieve the log files that were created up to the given date. Date should be in format '12/29/06 4:42:27 PM' -w,--where Query string. Example: "((prodid = 'NB') && (stdate >= '12/29/06 4:42:27 PM'))" -v,--version Display the version of the vxlogmgr command. -h,--help Display vxlogmgr usage information.