系统 centos 4.6
synbak可以通过ssh, rsync, smb, cifs, mysql, oracle, ldap, http, ftp方式备份文件资源,同时备份后自动生成报告,备份过程如果发生问题还可以发送通知邮件。
backup_remote_uri = ssh://users@ # valid URI: ssh, rsync, smb, cifs, mysql, oracle, ldap, http, ftp (the URI is dependant of backup method)
report_remote_uri_down = yes # yes = create the reports if the remote host is down. no = don't make any reports if the host is down
backup_source = /home/users/*
backup_destination = /home/users/$system/$method
backup_exclude = /home/users *.swp *.tmp
backup_incremental = yes # use incremental or total backups
backup_erase_after = 7 # erase old backups after n. backups
backup_no_make_destdir = no # don't make the auto created destination dir (aka: don't use a prefix for each backup, this disable the autoerase function)
backup_erase_always = no # erase old backups even if an error occour in a backup step
backup_method_opts = # additional backup method options (options used by the real backup command)
report_stdout = yes # always generate standard output report
report_stdout_on_errors = no # generate standard output report on errors only
report_email = yes # always generate an email report
report_email_on_errors = yes # generate email report on errors only
report_email_rcpt = you@gmail.com # the detination email address of email reports
report_html = no # always generate a html report
report_html_on_errors = yes # generate html report on errors only
report_html_destination = /home/kiever/log/backup # destination dir of html reports
report_html_uri = # uri of html and rss reports
report_html_logo = yes # display a logo in the html report
report_html_logo_image = # image path of the logo
report_html_logo_link = # uri link of the logo
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