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分类: Java

2008-12-29 23:04:47



1.   安装java2word。该过程将其中的jacob.dll动态链接库复制到system32目录下,可能还有注册操作;

2.   将java2word.jar包复制到tomcat的lib下,引用至工程的build path中,或者直接复制到工程lib下。这两步保证了其中的jacob类正常连接com组件;

3.   编写访问类(见附录);
Java2word中每个word文档对应一个document对象。Document对象拥有open、close、insert以及find和 replace等多种方法。另外,document还含有style属性及其getter和setter来设置word文档指定元素的格式,但这一属性我没用到。原因是只需在目标word文档中待插入数据的位置预先设置好格式,即可保证插入后的文档符合要求(除非需要动态改变)。

4.   Eclipse的兼容性问题。
将jacob.dll复制一份到eclipse使用的jdk/bin下(无需注册),这样就可以保证Jacob or java2word的正常工作。(这问题当时快把我给折腾死了)

5.   Word本身对象模型的兼容性问题。
由于涉及到com组件,就必须考虑到与其通信的com组件本身的特性。我在开发时,系统环境是word 2007(当然是D版^^),结果错误百出,经常报java.lang.exception或者application.word没有注册的错误。在朋友提醒后我才恍然大悟:word2003跟2007的对象模型压根儿就是不一样的(至少有差别)。在换成2003后,问题搞定。



至于2007格式的word文档,见我转载的文章Java操作office 2007文档

* This is the basic class to operate office files by Java, it's not suggested
* to use itself.Please use the classes derived from it.
* @filename:
* @author Me

package ***.***.system.document;

import com.heavenlake.wordapi.Document;

import java.util.List;

public class Convertor{
   Document doc = null;
   //DocumentLock dl = new DocumentLock( ); //加锁操作会与word程序本身的文件锁冲突

   public Document open( String strFileName){
       if ( "".equals( strFileName) || null == strFileName){
           System.err.println( "File name error !");
           return null;

       //lock the word document. The release operation will appear in the funtion close()

       //dl.setFile( strFileName);

       //dl.lock( );

       // judge the state of the file

       File file = new File( strFileName);
       if ( !file.canRead( )){
           System.err.println( "File can not Read ! file:" + strFileName);
           return null;

       // Generate the Instance of Document

           doc = new Document( );
       catch ( Exception e1){
           System.err.println( "Create Instance Failed (file name:"
                   + strFileName);
           e1.printStackTrace( );

           return null;

       // open the target document

           if ( null == doc){
               return null;
           return doc;
       catch ( Exception e){
           System.err.println( "The operation Open Failed (file name:"
                   + strFileName);
           e.printStackTrace( );

           // close without save

           if ( !this.close( false)){
               System.err.println( "Error occured when close the file:"
                       + strFileName);

           return null;
       }// end catch


   public boolean close( boolean bSave){
       if ( null != doc){
           // try to close

               doc.close( bSave);
               return true;
           // if close failed

           catch ( Exception e1){
               // if bSave = true( means tried to close with save failed)

               if ( bSave){
                   // try to close without save

                       if ( null != doc){
                           doc.close( !bSave);
                   // try to close without save failed

                   catch ( Exception e){
                       e.printStackTrace( );
                   }// end inner try

               }// end inner if

               System.err.println( "The operation Close Failed (document id:"
                       + doc.toString( ));
           }// end outer try

               //dl.release( );

       return false;

   * Copy a word's document from a template(not *.dot, but *.doc)
   * @param from:
   * the template file
   * @param to:
   * the target file
   * @return: result of the copy operation

   public boolean copy( String from, String to)
       if ( null == from || "".equals( from) || null == to || "".equals( to))
           return false;

       // 简单的复制操作。对副本进行插入动作,保证原word文档不因插入操作失败而被损坏

       return CopyFile.copyFile( from, to);

   * insert data into the place identified by bookmarks
   * @param file:
   * target file
   * @param bookmark:
   * List of bookmarks
   * @param data:
   * List of data
   * @return result of the Insert operation

   public boolean conv( String file, List< String> bookmark, List< String> data)
       if ( bookmark.size( ) != data.size( ))
           System.err.println( "The count differs (" + file
                   + ":bookmark and data)");
           return false;

       boolean result = false;

       //Document doc = file);

       if ( null == doc)
           return result;
       // open file and insert

           result = true;
           for ( int i = 0; i < bookmark.size( ); i++)
               // when exception occurs, continue with the section FOR

                   doc.insertAtBookmark( bookmark.get( i), data.get( i));
               catch ( Exception e)
                   System.err.println( "data insert failed (index:"
                           + String.valueOf( i) + ")");
                   result = false;
       catch ( Exception e1)
           System.err.println( "Open file failed when trying to insert data:"
                   + file);
           // close the file

           if ( !this.close( true))
               result = false;
       return result;

   public boolean insertPic( String strFileName, String bookmark, File fImage)
       if ( null == fImage)
           System.err.println( "Image to insert into is INVALID !");
           return false;

       //Document doc = strFileName);

       if ( null == doc)
           return false;

           doc.insertAtBookmark( bookmark, fImage);
           return true;
       catch ( Exception e)
                   .println( "Open file failed when trying to insert image, file name is "
                           + strFileName);
           e.printStackTrace( );
           if ( !this.close( true))
               return false;
           return false;

   public boolean replaceText( String strFilePath, String toFindText,
           String toInsText, int index)
       if ( null == strFilePath || "".equals( strFilePath))
           System.err.println( "Document Path is INVALID !");
           return false;
       else if ( null == toFindText || "".equals( toFindText))
           System.err.println( "Text to find is INVALID !");
           return false;
       else if ( null == toInsText || "".equals( toInsText))
           System.err.println( "Text to Insert is INVALID !");
           return false;

       //Document doc = strFilePath);

       if ( null == doc)
           return false;

       // insert

       int i = 0;
           // find to the former toFindText

           for ( ; i < index; i++)
               doc.find( toFindText);
           // replace the next toFindText

           if ( !doc.replace( toFindText, toInsText))
               System.err.println( "No Matching ! index:" + i);
               return false;
           return true;
       catch ( Exception e)
           System.err.println( "Insert error ! File:" + strFilePath);
           e.printStackTrace( );
           // close

           if ( !this.close( true))
               return false;
           return false;


   public static void main( String[] args)
       Convertor conv = new Convertor( );
       Convertor conv1 = new Convertor( ); "e:/1.doc"); "e:/1.doc");

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