1. Android console command
(1) 连接模拟器
telnet localhost 5554即可连上,如下:
Trying ::1...
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
Android Console: type 'help' for a list of commands
OK |
(2) 发送短信
sms send <模拟发送短信的电话号码> <短信内容>
例如:sms send 1234567 Hello
(3) 播打电话
gsm call <模拟打进的电话号码>
例如:gsm call 1234567
如果启动多个gsm call,则模拟器上会显示电话会议;
挂断电话:gsm cancel <模拟打进的电话号码>
设置其他模式:gsm voice unregistered为网络无法联通,denied为紧急呼叫模式
help gsm
allows you to change GSM-related settings, or to make a new inbound phone call
available sub-commands:
gsm list list current phone calls
gsm call create inbound phone call
gsm busy close waiting outbound call as busy
gsm hold change the state of an oubtound call to 'held'
gsm accept change the state of an outbound call to 'active'
gsm cancel disconnect an inbound or outbound phone call
gsm data modify data connection state
gsm voice modify voice connection state
gsm status display GSM status
2. 多个模拟器模拟播打电话
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