From ULNI, thanks to kaikai :)
Kernel中的一些数据结构结尾包含一个optional block,例如
struct ob
int a;
char placeholder[0];
$ cat optionalBlock.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main()
struct ob
int a;
char placeholder[0];
struct ob * non_ob = malloc(sizeof(struct ob));
struct ob * with_ob = malloc(sizeof(struct ob)+10);
printf("sizeof(struct ob) = %d\n", sizeof(struct ob));
printf("non_ob starts at: %x\n", non_ob);
printf("The address of non_ob->placeholder[0]: %x\n", &(non_ob->placeholder[0]));
printf("with_ob starts at: %x\n", with_ob);
printf("The address of with_ob->placeholder[0]: %x\n", &(with_ob->placeholder[0]));
printf("The address of with_ob->placeholder[9]: %x\n", &(with_ob->placeholder[9]));
$ gcc optionalBlock.c
$ ./a.out
sizeof(struct ob) = 4
non_ob starts at: 8049748
The address of non_ob->placeholder[0]: 804974c
with_ob starts at: 8049758
The address of with_ob->placeholder[0]: 804975c
The address of with_ob->placeholder[9]: 8049765
在没有分配optionalblock的时候,placeholder[0]不占地方,那个struct ob只有int大小.同时,访问placeholder的地址,是non_ob的末尾.
在分配了optionalblock的时候,placeholder相当于给出了一个扩展的char数组.大小为sizeof(struct ob)之后加的那个值,从地址也可以看出.
另外一个好处,by kaikai,是节约内存。:)
参考gcc关于Zero-Length Array的文档: //gcc的扩展
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