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2007-05-08 16:04:40

Date: 2007-4-27 Chpt.2 Code Coverage

Date: 2007-5-8 Chpt.3 GNU debugger (gdb)

Chpt.2 Code Coverage

l Why do We Need Code Coverage Analysis?

In theory, every line of codes should be tested, which means, no dead code. Code coverage analysis can help us to find the dead code or improve the test suites.

l Useful Tools—gcov


$ gcc –fprofile-arcs –ftest-coverage –g eg.c –o eg

$ ./eg

$ gcvo eg.c


gcov can’t find logic errors.


Chpt.3 GNU debugger (gdb)

l Some GDB Commands

attach (at) Attaches to a running process.

backtrace (bt)  Prints a stack trace.

break (b) Sets a break point.

clear Clears a break point.

continue (c) Allows the program to continue executing.

delete Clears a break point by number.

detach Detaches from the currently attached process.

display Displays the value of an expression every time execution stops.

finish Runs to the end of the function and displays return values of that function.

jump Jumps to an address and continues the execution there.

list (l) Lists the next 10 lines.

next (n) Steps to the next machine language instruction.

print (p) Prints the value of an expression.

run (r) Runs the current program from the start.

set Changes the value of a variable.

step (s) Steps the program instruction by instruction.

where (w) Prints a stack trace.

quit exit gdb.

l Compile files with debug information

$ gcc/g++ -g eg.c –o eg

l GDB core file

First, Enable system generate core file like this: ulimit –c 500000. (man ulimit to get more information) In redhat systems, no core file generated when some programs crashed by default.

Then run gdb like this:

(gdb) file eg-program

(gdb) core-file core

By the way, if you want a running program core dump, please try this command “kill -SEGV ”. //I got this method from exit@NKU.

l Graphic GDB Interface (Skipped)

ddd(Data Display Debugger)


l Debugging Techniques

To check the values stored in the data at the end of a function:

1. Do a list funct_name, and find the number of the line (line#) in that function where the function end-block-delimiter (}) is.

2. Set a break point at each of these line numbers using the following: "break "

To find which line of the source code makes your program crashed:

1. Compile your program using the -g compiler option if this hasn't already been done.

2. Enter gdb executable_file from the Linux command line.

3. Enter the run command. The program begins executing and stops at the first line of code that has an error (the program may have more than one runtime error).

4. Enter the gdb command list. In most cases, gdb lists the line of code that caused the program to crash.

5. Edit the source code, and go to the line of code just specified. Fix the logical error and then recompile and run the program to see if things are now working correctly.

Do the following to step through the entire program:

1. Start the executable code by using gdb.

2. Enter break main from the gdb command line.

3. Enter run from the gdb command line. The program begins executing. Execution stops on line 1 of main.

4. Repeatedly enter step from the gdb command line. At each step, you can execute a print command to see the values of variables as the program executes.

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