a. 共享存储设备的创建--不要与localdisk占一个SCSI通道;要选择Independent;
b. 双网卡配置--最好在安装操作系统前添加到虚拟机
c. 及时备份--让你的工作更轻松的方法之一.
(1) 在VMWare上搭建Oracle 10g RAC环境
a. 参考文档
这篇文档非常详细地展示了如何在VMWare Server上配置安装配置双节点的Oracle 10g RAC环境.
Host OS: Windows 2003 ES
Guest OS: Oracle Redhat Enterprise Linux 4
Application: Oracle 10g RAC
b. 文档中可能缺少的部分:
在第3节 在第一个虚拟机上配置 Enterprise Linux的"配置hangcheck timer内核模块"的部分,如果要系统起动后自动加载此模块,需在/etc/rc.local中加入:
modprobe -v hangcheck-timer
c. 尝试中遇到的问题/注意事项/其他:
>> 起来之后没有oprocd进程,搜到的解释如下: Linux和Windows上有kernel driver来完成相同的工作.
OPROCD - This process is spawned in any non-vendor clusterware environment, except
on Linux and Windows where Oracle uses a kernel driver to perform the same actions.
If oprocd detects problems, it will kill a node via C code. It is spawned in init.cssd
and runs as root. This daemon is used to detect hardware and driver freezes on
the machine. If a machine were frozen for long enough that the other nodes
evicted it from the cluster, it needs to kill itself to prevent any IO from
getting reissued to the disk after the rest of the cluster has remastered locks
(2) 在VMWare上做DB2MSCS
a. 参考文档
关于在Windows MSCS环境上做DB2MSCS,参考:
2. HPC
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