1. 如果你希望虚拟机使用SCSI做本地的磁盘时,虚拟的共享磁盘要放在不同的slot内。比如本地磁盘是
SCSI 0:0,那么Quorum和Sharedisk一定要放在SCSI 1:x或者SCSI 2:x,否则在Cluster Administrator中
2. 如果只安装一个虚拟系统,并且将虚拟的磁盘文件copy给集群内的节点用,那么在从集群节点登录域
The name or security ID (SID) of the domain specified is inconsistent with the trust
3. 装好系统后再添加网卡,再起动后改网卡配置,会有这样的错误出现:
The IP address XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX you have entered for this
network adapter is already assigned to another adapter Name of
adapter. Name of adapter is hidden from the network and Dial-up
Connections folder because it is not physically in the computer
or is a legacy adapter that is not working. If the same address
is assigned to both adapters and they become active, only one
of them will use this address. This may result in incorrect
system configuration. Do you want to enter a different IP
address for this adapter in the list of IP addresses in the
advanced dialog box?
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