2006-02-20 13:02:17
Part I System Design: Technology & Principles
Chpt. 2. System structure and dynamic execution
2.1 System structure: Conceptual views
Type: a word given to a named set of items having some property in common
Abstract data type (ADT): a set of items defined by the collection of operations that they can carry out. The elements of such a set are usually referred to as values.
An ADT normally has two roles:
A supplier of services (another ADT can make use of its operations)
A client (a user of the services provided by other ADTs)
2.2. System structure: Implementational views
// From ADTs to programming languages
// By the way, 本书以Java来进行描述(怕怕)。
Method, object, class的概念。
Encapsulation: An important principle of object-oriented programming, taken from ADTs, is that the state of an object should be hidden from users of the object.
Formal argument: a place holder for the actual argument.
Synchronous processing: in a sequence of method calls, a call can not commence until the immediately preceding call has finished
对象的生命周期:从创建到死亡(persistent & non-persistent objects)
a constructor(a kind of method)
associate an object with an identifier
/* 关于Java在方法调用中,传递对象做为参数时的一点东西(by xmin)