2010-03-17 14:29:30
国家主权:national sovereignty
民族资源:national resource
边界谈判:boundary negotiation
不结盟国家:non-aligned countries
采取惩罚行动:take punitive actions
采取高姿态:show magnanimity
采取协调行动:take concerted steps
常驻代表:permanent representative
弹性外交:elastic diplomacy
邓小平外交思想:Deng Xiaoping's diplomatic thoughts
低调:low keyed
电话协商:telephone negotiations
独联体国家:Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)
度假外交:holiday-making diplomacy
高层次、全方位的对话:high-level and all-directional dialogue
公认的国际关系原则:generally-accepted principles of international relations
公正合理的国际政治经济新秩序:a fair and rational new international political and economic order
安全考虑:security consideration
傲慢行为:arrogant behavior
强权政治:power politics
国际商会:International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)
国际雇佣者组织:International Organization of Employers (IOE)
国际关系的准则:norms governing international relations
国际惯例:international common practice
国际货币基金会:International Monetary Fund (IMF)
国际金融组织:International Finance Corporation (IFC)
国际聚焦:international spotlight
国家不分大小,应该一律平等:All countries, big or small, should be equal.
捍卫国家主权、领土完整和民族尊严:safeguard national sovereignty, territorial integrity and national dignity
毫无根据的媒体报导:groundless media reports
和平共处五项原则: the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence
环太平洋地区:Pacific Rim
抗美援朝战争:War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea
联络处:liaison office
领土管辖权:territorial jurisdiction
领土毗连:territorial contiguity
流血冲突:bloody conflict
民间外交:people-to-people diplomacy
南北对话:South-North dialogue