If you don’t like this government, it won’t last forever.
2007-07-13 12:40:44
Unit One
In traditional education,the teacher may feel that students are students, they were not instead of the personality person.
2. 在传统课堂上,教师通常会告诉学生该做些什么。
In the traditional classroom, mosr of the time the students are told what to do by the teachers.
3. 学期结束时,教师要求学生在暑假里做一系列的事。
At the end of semester, teachers ask students to do a list of things on the summer vacation.
In some schools,even if the students see no reason for teachers ask them to do something, they must do it.
Unit two
1. 在中国春节是最喜庆的节日。Spring Festival,which is the most festive time in china.
2. 国庆节在每年的
3. 圣诞节前一周,小镇上就充满了节日的气氛。Week before Christmas, a small town would be full of festive atmosphere.
4. 中国人早早地就开始为春节忙乎了。Chinese people begin to prepare Spring Festival long before the actual day.
Unit Three
1. 你喜欢喝咖啡还是茶?
Do you prefer tea or coffee?
2. 那儿有一块写着“禁止吸烟”的标记。There is a sign saying“NO Smoking”.
3. 每种文化都有不同的称呼形式。Every culture has it’s own forms of address.
4. 我宁可不去想这次考试失败的事。I prefer not to think about the failure of this exam.
Unit Four
I want to open a check account.
2. 银行将付给储蓄帐户利息。The bank is about to pay the savings accout interest.
3. 向银行租界保险箱是很容易的。
It’s very easy that tolease the saft deposit boxes for bank.
4. 我们这个镇上很少有人租用银行保险箱。
There was a very few people renting safe deposit boxes in our town.
Unit Five
1. 他将对一家新公司投资。
He will be an investment in the new company.
These imported glass at a high price.
3. 这篇课文比我们想象的还要复杂。
This text is more complicate than we can imagine.
4. 这家公司准备发行股票。This company is preparing to issue stock.