分类: C/C++
2006-07-01 20:14:15
hash_map基于hash table(哈希表)。 哈希表最大的优点,就是把数据的存储和查找消耗的时间大大降低,几乎可以看成是常数时间;而代价仅仅是消耗比较多的内存。然而在当前可利用内存越来越多的情况下,用空间换时间的做法是值得的。另外,编码比较容易也是它的特点之一。
但是,不能够保证每个元素的关键字与函数值是一一对应的,因此极有可能出现对于不同的元素,却计算出了相同的函数值,这样就产生了“冲突”,换句话说,就是把不同的元素分在了相同的“类”之中。 总的来说,“直接定址”与“解决冲突”是哈希表的两大特点。
由此可见,要实现哈希表, 和用户相关的是:hash函数和比较函数。这两个参数刚好是我们在使用hash_map时需要指定的参数。
#include#include using namespace std; int main(){ hash_map<int, string> mymap; mymap[9527]="唐伯虎点秋香"; mymap[1000000]="百万富翁的生活"; mymap[10000]="白领的工资底线"; ... if(mymap.find(10000) != mymap.end()){ ... }
template <class _Key, class _Tp, class _HashFcn = hash<_Key>, class _EqualKey = equal_to<_Key>, class _Alloc = __STL_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR(_Tp) > class hash_map { ... }
... hash_map<int, string> mymap; //等同于: hash_map<int, string, hash<int>, equal_to<int> > mymap;
struct hash<int> { size_t operator()(int __x) const { return __x; } };
struct hash<char*> struct hash<const char*> struct hash<char> struct hash<unsigned char> struct hash<signed char> struct hash<short> struct hash<unsigned short> struct hash<int> struct hash<unsigned int> struct hash<long> struct hash<unsigned long>
struct str_hash{ size_t operator()(const string& str) const { unsigned long __h = 0; for (size_t i = 0 ; i < str.size() ; i ++) __h = 5*__h + str[i]; return size_t(__h); } }; //如果你希望利用系统定义的字符串hash函数,你可以这样写: struct str_hash{ size_t operator()(const string& str) const { return return __stl_hash_string(str.c_str()); } };
现在可以对开头的"岳不群"进行哈希化了 . 直接替换成下面的声明即可:
mapnamemap; //改为: hash_map namemap;
//本代码可以从SGI STL //先看看binary_function 函数声明,其实只是定义一些类型而已。 template <class _Arg1, class _Arg2, class _Result> struct binary_function { typedef _Arg1 first_argument_type; typedef _Arg2 second_argument_type; typedef _Result result_type; }; //看看equal_to的定义: template <class _Tp> struct equal_to : public binary_function<_Tp,_Tp,bool> { bool operator()(const _Tp& __x, const _Tp& __y) const { return __x == __y; } };
struct mystruct{ int iID; int len; bool operator==(const mystruct & my) const{ return (iID==my.iID) && (len==my.len) ; } };
struct compare_str{ bool operator()(const char* p1, const char*p2) const{ return strcmp(p1,p2)==0; } };
typedef hash_map<const char*, string, hash<const char*>, compare_str> StrIntMap; StrIntMap namemap; namemap["岳不群"]="华山派掌门人,人称君子剑"; namemap["张三丰"]="武当掌门人,太极拳创始人"; namemap["东方不败"]="第一高手,葵花宝典";
现在知道如何选择了吗?权衡三个因素: 查找速度, 数据量, 内存使用。
-bash-2.05b$ cat my.cpp #include#include #include using namespace std; //define the class class ClassA{ public: ClassA(int a):c_a(a){} int getvalue()const { return c_a;} void setvalue(int a){c_a;} private: int c_a; }; //1 define the hash function struct hash_A{ size_t operator()(const class ClassA & A)const{ // return hash (classA.getvalue()); return A.getvalue(); } }; //2 define the equal function struct equal_A{ bool operator()(const class ClassA & a1, const class ClassA & a2)const{ return a1.getvalue() == a2.getvalue(); } }; int main() { hash_maphmap; ClassA a1(12); hmap[a1]="I am 12"; ClassA a2(198877); hmap[a2]="I am 198877"; cout< return 0; } -bash-2.05b$ make my c++ -O -pipe -march=pentiumpro my.cpp -o my -bash-2.05b$ ./my I am 12 I am 198877
typedef hash_mapKeyMap;
Hash_map 是一种使用hash 关联容器,把Key 和value数据对应存储; Hash_map 同样是一个Pair 的关联容器,这意味着其元素类型是pair 由于hash_map在通过key值查找时具有很高的效率,所以hash_map对于一些互不相干的元素的存储非常有用。如果元素的某种顺序比较重要,使用map更合适一些。
Definition Defined in the header hash_map, and in the backward-compatibility header hash_map.h. This class is an SGI extension; it is not part of the C++ standard.
as the hash function.
These members are not defined in the and requirements, but are specific to hash_map.
Hash_map::iterator is not a mutable iterator, because hash_map::value_type is not . That is, if i is of type hash_map::iterator and p is of type
hash_map::value_type, then *i = p is not a valid expression. However, hash_map::iterator isn't a constant iterator either, because it can be used to modify the object that it points to. Using the same notation as above, (*i).second = p is a valid expression.
This member function relies on member template functions, which at present (early 1998) are not supported by all compilers. If your compiler supports member templates, you can call this function with any type of . If your compiler does not yet support member templates, though, then the arguments must either be of type const value_type* or of type
Since operator[] might insert a new element into the hash_map, it can't possibly be a const member function. Note that the definition of operator[] is extremely simple: m[k] is equivalent to
(*((m.insert(value_type(k, data_type()))).first)).second. Strictly speaking, this member function is unnecessary: it exists only for convenience.
struct eqstr
bool operator()(const char* s1, const char* s2) const
return strcmp(s1, s2) == 0;
int main()
hash_map<const char*, int, hash<const char*>, eqstr> months;
months["january"] = 31;
months["february"] = 28;
months["march"] = 31;
months["april"] = 30;
months["may"] = 31;
months["june"] = 30;
months["july"] = 31;
months["august"] = 31;
months["september"] = 30;
months["october"] = 31;
months["november"] = 30;
months["december"] = 31;
cout << "september -> " << months["september"] << endl;
cout << "april -> " << months["april"] << endl;
cout << "june -> " << months["june"] << endl;
cout << "november -> " << months["november"] << endl;
Template parameters
The hash_map's key type. This is also defined as hash_map::key_type.
The hash_map's data type. This is also defined as hash_map::data_type.
The used by the hash_map. This is also defined as hash_map::hasher.
The hash_map key equality function: a that determines whether two keys are equal. This is also defined as hash_map::key_equal.
The hash_map's allocator, used for all internal memory management.
Where defined
The hash_map's key type, Key.
The type of object associated with the keys.
The type of object, pair
The hash_map's .
that compares keys for equality.
Pointer to T.
Reference to T
Const reference to T
An unsigned integral type.
A signed integral type.
Iterator used to iterate through a hash_map.
Const iterator used to iterate through a hash_map.
iterator begin()
Returns an iterator pointing to the beginning of the hash_map.
iterator end()
Returns an iterator pointing to the end of the hash_map.
const_iterator begin() const
Returns an const_iterator pointing to the beginning of the hash_map.
const_iterator end() const
Returns an const_iterator pointing to the end of the hash_map.
size_type size() const
Returns the size of the hash_map.
size_type max_size() const
Returns the largest possible size of the hash_map.
bool empty() const
true if the hash_map's size is 0.
size_type bucket_count() const
Returns the number of buckets used by the hash_map.
void resize(size_type n)
Increases the bucket count to at least n.
hasher hash_funct() const
Returns the hasher object used by the hash_map.
key_equal key_eq() const
Returns the key_equal object used by the hash_map.
Creates an empty hash_map.
hash_map(size_type n)
Creates an empty hash_map with at least n buckets.
hash_map(size_type n,
const hasher& h)
Creates an empty hash_map with at least n buckets, using h
hash_map(size_type n,
const hasher& h,
const key_equal& k)
Creates an empty hash_map with at least n buckets, using h as the hash function and k as the key equal function.
Creates a hash_map with a copy of a range.
Creates a hash_map with a copy of a range and a bucket count of at least n.
Creates a hash_map with a copy of a range and a bucket count of at least n, using h as the hash function.
Creates a hash_map with a copy of a range and a bucket count of at least n, using h as the hash function and k as the key equal function.
hash_map(const hash_map&)
The copy constructor.
hash_map& operator=(const hash_map&)
The assignment operator
void swap(hash_map&)
Swaps the contents of two hash_maps.
Inserts x into the hash_map.
Inserts a range into the hash_map.
void erase(iterator pos)
Erases the element pointed to by pos.
size_type erase(const key_type& k)
Erases the element whose key is k.
void erase(iterator first, iterator last)
Erases all elements in a range.
void clear()
Erases all of the elements.
const_iterator find(const key_type& k) const
Finds an element whose key is k.
iterator find(const key_type& k)
Finds an element whose key is k.
size_type count(const key_type& k) const
Counts the number of elements whose key is k.
Finds a range containing all elements whose key is k.
Finds a range containing all elements whose key is k.
operator[](const key_type& k)
See below.
bool operator==(const hash_map&,
const hash_map&)
Tests two hash_maps for equality. This is a global function, not a member function. New members
operator[](const key_type& k)
Returns a reference to the object that is associated with a particular key. If the hash_map does not already contain such an object, operator[] inserts the default object data_type().
chinaunix网友2008-05-09 09:49:28
因为hash_map以前不属于标准库,而是后来引入的。所以在windows下需要使用stlport,然后在setting中加入Additional library path。