Option Class: The whole series of options. It includes some properties such as [ID] ,[CurrencyID] ,[ExerciseStyleID] ,[SettlementTypeID] ,[OptionCodeID] ,[BaseSymbol] ,[ContractMultiplier] ,[MinimumTick] ,[ExchangeCode].
ContractMultiplier is the number of deliverables you pay/receive if you exercise the option.
Note: One option class may have several delivables.
Option Deliverable: The underlying that you will pay/receive if you exercise the option. It include properties such as [InstrumentID] ,[OptionClassID] ,[CashInLieuOf] ,[Quantity] ,[IsPrimary] ,[SettlementAllocation]
Quantity is the number of shares that will be exchanged if you exercise the option.
CashInLieuOf is the amount of cash that will be exchanged.(deprecated, coz we usually use cash as a independent underlying instrument)
SettlementAllocation is about how to determine the underlying price when we have multiple equity underlyings. It is weighted average based on this number.
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