2008-11-21 09:14:27
use Chart::Graph::Gnuplot qw(&gnuplot); gnuplot(\%global_options, [\%data_set_options, \@matrix], [\%data_set_options, \@x_column, \@y_column], [\%data_set_options, < filename >], ... );
The following example illustrates most of the general capabilities of Chart::Graph::Gnuplot. It creates the output file gnuplot1.png. in the png graphics format. The data is coming from all three sources. The first data source is a matrix, the second is a column, and the last is an external data file.
use Chart::Graph::Gnuplot qw(gnuplot);
gnuplot({'title' => 'foo',
'x2-axis label' => 'bar',
'logscale x2' => '1',
'logscale y' => '1',
'output type' => 'png',
'output file' => 'gnuplot1.png',
'xtics' => [ ['small\nfoo', 10], ['medium\nfoo', 20], ['large\nfoo', 30] ],
'ytics' => [10,20,30,40,50],
'extra_opts' => 'set key left top Left'},
[{'title' => 'data1',
'type' => 'matrix'}, [[1, 10],
[2, 20],
[3, 30]] ],
[{'title' => 'data2',
'style' => 'lines',
'type' => 'columns'}, [8, 26, 50, 60, 70],
[5, 28, 50, 60, 70] ],
[{'title' => 'data3',
'style' => 'lines',
'type' => 'file'}, './samplefile'],);