分类: Oracle
2007-04-20 15:09:48
Library Cache用来存放sql语句和PL/SQL语句块,通过LRU算法来管理,减小代码的重新编译。当用户执行的一条语句在Library中已经有了,那么Oracle Server会直接执行该语句,而不用再编译。
当Library Cache的大小不够时,没有足够的空间存放已经编译过的代码,数据库效能就会下降,这个时候就可以通过两个办法来解决。
首先是调整参数,提高Library Cache的大小,然而当内存不够时,只能考虑优化Lirary Cache的内部结构了,优化内部结构的两个目标:一是将编译(parsing)降至最低,二是减小碎片。
怎么判定Library Cache需要优化
Get:(Parse)The number of lookups for objects of the namespace
Pins:(Execution)The number of reads or executions of the objects of the namespace
Reloads:(Reparse)The number of library cache misses on the execution step,causing implict reparsing of the statement and block
1 GetHitRatio:determines the percentage of parse calls that find a cursor to share (GetHits/Gets).This ratio should be in the high 90s in OLTP environments.If not ,you can improve the efficiency of your application code.
SQL查询语句:select namespace,gethitratio from v$librarycache;
2 ReLoads should be less than 1% of the pins,如果大于1%,应该考虑重新设定share_pool_size:
SQL查询语句:select sum(pins),sum(reloads),sum(reloads)/sum(pins) from v$librarycache
3 The DBA can reserve memory within the shared pool to satisfy large allocations during operations such as PL/SQL compilation and trigger compilation.Smaller object will not fragment the reserved list,helping to ensure that the reserved list has large contiguous
chunks of memory.
参数shared_pool_reserved_size默认为shared_pool_size的 10%
v$shared_pool_reserved 描述了相关reserve list 的相关信息
request_misses: is the number of times the served list did not have a free piece of memory to satisfy the request and proceeded to start flushing objects from the LRU list
request_failures : is the numbr of times that no memory was found to satisfy a request
free_space : is the total free space in teh reserced list
1 增加reserve list ,这样不会影响别的内存结构的分配
2 增加share_pool,减小从reserved list 里获取内存,但这样影响别的内存结构的分配
5 Pin large package in the library cache
6 Convert anonymous PL/SQL blocks
Testing Your Application,查出各个部分的大小
1 For stored objects such as packages and views ,use the following query:
select sum(sharable_mem) from v$db_object_cache where type='package' or type='package body' or type = 'function' or type='procedure'
2 For SQL statements ,you need to query v$sqlarea after the application has been runing for a while:
select sum(sharable_mem) from v$sqlarea where executions > 5
3 You should also allow about 250 bytes in the shared pool per user per open cursor. This can be tested during peak times
select sum(250*users_opning) from v$sqlarea
4 In a test environment,You can measure shareable memory by selecting the number of open cursors for a test user.You mltiply the resulting
value by the total number of users:
select 250*value bytes_per_user from v$sesstat s,v$statname n where s.statistic#=n.statistic# and n.name = 'opened cursors current' and s.sid = 15
library cache 应大于以上各部分之和